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[Solo MRP] Feelings among memories


Grizzled Veteran
When the haunted house was finished and everyone was practically rushed away. It left things in a cloud of confusion and the circus wasn't the same. Rumors of the ringmasters disappearance and the whispers around the fairgrounds were everywhere. Spreading like wildfire and Cordelia had no idea what to believe. What sort of things did they experience there in the haunted house? It almost seems surreal or like a thick mist at times. She herself feels confused and slightly scared but she doesn't want that to tarnish her experience. After all there was some really interesting things about the haunted house. Though she is unsettled. Moving forward she decides it is best to do something else. After all there is food to eat and sights to see. Even some really fun carnival games!

Oh how she loves carnival games! The water gun one where you race to the top is her specialty. She reminisces on the fun memories from the past on the game. Beating her friends and her brother in races. The shouts of glee and frustration as the competitive nature shows its head. She has won quite a bit but she still remembers her first win. A simple bunny rabbit made of soft white faux fur with cute little whiskers. She wanders over to that game stand and glances at the prizes. Wondering if there are any that really spark her interest but alas none does. That is slightly disappointing but she continues to the next stand. Ring toss... the game that few ever win. She never learned how to master this game.It's to the point she has no desire to even attempt it. Though the prizes are large and quite worth it if you could get one of those tiny rings around the bottle neck. She watches as a few attempt it and chuckles at their sounds of frustration. Silently wishing them luck as she wanders on.

Her eyes light up as she spots her second favorite game. It is a simple game but oh how she loves to play it. A small lane where one rolls a ball to try to get into different holes to gather as much points to move your horse in the horse race. A fond memory comes to mind from her childhood. Her father holding her as he let her roll the balls. The laughter and his gentle voice encouraging her and rooting for her. Though she knows that she wouldn't win that game but the fun they had. A treasured memory among the few she has of her late father. She smiles and takes a seat and reaches to grab the required money to play. A round wouldn't do any harm. A small tribute to her father and it helps there is a cute prize too. Once more people gather the game starts and she feels the familiar excitement again as she felt as a child. The thrill of the game as she tries her best to win. The game horses go and it is very close. Laughter and squeals from all around til the buzzer goes off. Close! She looks over as a small kid dances around letting out a shout of happiness. A smile crosses her face. It's moments like these that create memories.. Precious memories that one can treasure for the rest of their lives. This is what the circus offers.