
Stray Beasts

Mule Account
Stray is an adoptable/breedable pet shop with a roleplay element. You can buy or win pets from games and events put on in the shop. Each pet is a playable character in the shops larger roleplaying community.

The setting is in the city and surrounding areas where your characters can roam, make friends, or rivals and anything a carefree animals would do. However be sure to look out for the Dog Catcher, as he scoops up strays and they don't always come back...


Below are the main districts of the fair city of Summercrest.

Market District
A great place for scavenging, begging, looking cute, or just causing mischief. This is a very busy commercial area of town, with many street venders, restaurants, stores and warehouses. Due to this area having so much food, it's become very popular with all kinds of critters. So sometimes catching a break or finding your food might be difficult as someone else might have already beat you to it.

Notably the Alley Cats that run these streets and can be surprisingly ferocious, even toward their large dog opponents.

Bright Arch
Bright Arch is a place for those pets of privilege's and is dominated by a large faction, The House Pet Society. They generally live well maintained and comfortable lives. Their concerns are often related to the humans who own them or the politics between other house pets.

This group mostly look down on their untamed fellows. Some have been known to dabble with those more wild animals, but they would risk becoming a social outcast for doing so.

The Forge
This is a place for regular families. Here you will find an elementary school, fire department, hospital, police station, a few small shops and restaurants. This district also contains City Hall which is near the center of the city and sports a large round fountain in front of it. It's a prime meeting spot for many humans and animals alike, with a bonus of having constant fresh water.

The lower part of the District and what gives it it's name, is a large factory of several forges. The factory has since closed down, but has now been replaced by a university that uses them to teach courses on metal craft, glasswork and pottery.

This is a fine spot for many strays to find their homes, either in abandoned houses, or quiet corners of the campus that are hidden away behind cardboard boxes.

The Docks
The Pier is a beautiful spot, and along it's many venders is a carnival and an enormous Ferris Wheel that stand tall out above the water. This place can be quiet or busy depending on the season, weather or day of the week. Humans are oddly fickle about these things.

There is a seedier side to the docks away from the amusement rides and shops are rows upon rows of warehouses and shipping crates. There can be shady dealings or criminal activity rampant in this area. It's a place some strays find themselves living if they think they can handle the rougher life. It's close to the water and if you can manage to catch yourself some fish or prowl the waters edge for food, it's fairly great for scavenging. However, you have to look out for unfriendly humans, who consider strays target practice.

The largest stray pack lives in the local junkyard. This motley crew is a loose group of strays who are willing to help each other, mostly. They lack leadership at the moment, as their last leader was caught not long ago by the Catcher and now they are struggling to come together.

Stray Beasts

Mule Account
  • Do not harass the artists or staff.
  • The staff's word is LAW. If a staff member tells you you're doing something wrong, then listen because you're wrong!
  • There is no limit on how many of these you can own, however there are be a limited number of custom and breeding slots. Do not pester the staff for a custom unless one of there custom slots is open.
  • Do not steal the artwork or try to claim it as your own.
  • No fighting. No insulting. No "flaming" or "trolling" directed at any of the staff or customers. You will treat everyone with respect.
  • The Artists reserve the rights to refuse any order, if they so desire.
  • Please try to keep drama out of the thread.

    I (Brittlebear) reserve the right to change prices or rule, at any time.

Stray Beasts

Mule Account
Standard Breeding
Breedings between two partners, whether a one night stand or lifemate pair are eligible for standard breeding.

Breedings between pets with one owner will receive 2-4 pups. Breedings between pets owned by two different owners will receive 3-5 pups. With all breedings, each owner may keep one pup and all remaining pups must be given away in a way the owners sees fit.

*Each customer can receive up to 4-6 pups for their first breeding. This means only the *customer’s* first breeding - not every pet’s first breeding.*

Rogue Breeding
Breedings between one of your pets and a random imaginary pet of the colorist’s choice or based on RNG. For all rogue breedings you may submit a color palette for the colorist to use for the imaginary pet. You may also choose the breed you'd like the rogue to be. Unfortunately these pairings, only end up with 2 pups.

Roleplay Benefits
If you have had your pets roleplay together, then you increase the size of your litter by 1 pup.

This includes a rogue one-off short story you can increase your litter size by 1.

Your pets will inherit one stat point of their parents.
Which stats point? That will be determine by RNG.
If your pet has a majority in one stat the odds increase they will get that stat.

Breeding F.A.Q.'s
Q: What can we do with our puppies?
A: You may give them away or keep them ( you may only keep one for yourself per litter per owner.)

Q: Will my puppies look like the adults?
A: Yes, they will most likely resemble each of its parents in some aspect.
> It's possible for offspring to get throwbacks if one or both of the parents are Gen. 2+.
> Random mutations do occur, (Albinism, blindness, ect...)
> Scars do not pass on, but edits might depending on what it is.

Q: How often can my pet breed?
A: Three times in their live, so we don't over-breed certain pets. Once monthly, so we don't stress out the colorists.

Q: Can two different breeds of canines breed together?
A: Yep. You will either get puppies from one breed or the other from such pairings. (For ease of lineart)

Q: When will my puppy grow up?
A: Puppies grow after 2 weeks
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Stray Beasts

Mule Account

See Discord for when Brittlebear or other colorists open up their Custom or Breeding slots!​
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Stray Beasts

Mule Account
  • You may only go for one pet, per flatsale. After 1 day you can get another.
  • You must pay within 24 hours of getting the pet. If not, then the pet will be put back up for sale.
  • Pets are not RP required, you can just be a collector.
  • Proxies are allowed, but must be clearly marked when entering

  • For a free raffle, you only get one ticket, no using mule accounts!
  • You may only proxy for one person!
  • The first name drawn will get first pick and the prize left will go to the second name picked.
  • I have the right to add more rules if needed...

  • All auctions have a listed Starting Bid and Minimum Increase
  • Some Auctions may have an Auto-Buy price
  • All bids must be overbid by at least as much as the Minimum Increase
  • Auction threads will denote the start and end times.
  • Anti-snipe guard - bids within the last 30 minutes extend the auction by 15 minutes.
  • Payment is due within 24 hours, or the pet will be offered to the next lowest bid.

Stray Beasts

Mule Account


Status: Closed

Time: Date
PRICE: Pay What You Want - Tips welcome

This flatsale is made by Username!

Available Pets:

Please post the following form in this thread for the pet you'd like.
Flatsale Form:

[[Flatsale Pet Please]]

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Stray Beasts

Mule Account
RP Event

RP Prompt:

Escape the Pound

The pound is an unforgiving place, and it just so happens that’s where you’ve ended up. The brick walls are harsh and rough against your coat, while the cold bars are the only thing keeping you from leaving your small enclosure. Lined against the opposite wall you see rows of dogs in the same situation as you. There is a bucket of water clipped to the wall and a flimsy paper bowl with kibble in it.

Sometimes humans walk through, usually ones in uniforms. Sometimes they will come in a small group, with little humans too, and take a dog away with them. That hasn’t happened for you, you’re not even sure how long you’ve been here, but you only know one thing. You have to get out.

Post Entries in The Pound in Discord.

Open to all players, even if you don't have a dog yet you can join with a pretend dog!

Event Start Date: 6/10/2024

Prize: XP for the pet participating! Chance to win a Free Color Custom Pound Pet!

Colorist: Brittlebear

If you win a pet please post the following form, in the Winners Circle, so it doesn't get lost:

{Pet Please}
(Who owns the pet)

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