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Dragon Realms

Thousands of years after Spyro the dragon had vanquished evil from the Dragon Realms a time of peace was established. Through the years dragons lived and thrived together binding their magics to the elements of the plains. Thus came about the different elemental dragons we have today.

The land was broken into several territories which are ruled by a single king, who is said to be a descendant of Spyro. Each territory is led by a single dragon who is loyal to the royal bloodline. This dragon is part of the king’s council which helps keep peace among the territories. Portals were made so that dragonkin can teleport between the lands quickly.

But peace did not last long, darkness began to slowly creep over the lands, the king and his mate did their best to hold back, but one of the territories were swallowed up by the darkness and the portal was closed off. Keeping to the main lands the dragons avoided the place now known as the isle of darkness. Peace returned as the darkness remained kept there, or so they thought.

The king and queen had a single child, a son, but one day the child was swallowed up by the darkness and taken from them. Sicken with guilt the queen fell ill and soon died, filled with grief the king retreated to the depths of his castle, leaving the council to rule over the lands. Since that day the king has not been seen, and the era of the council began.