Recent content by astralprogenitor

  1. astralprogenitor

    Pinned Threads in Groups

    You can currently do this! The person wanting to do it needs to be a moderator, then when you're in the thread, on the first post, click the three dots at the top right and click "stick thread". The name should probably be changed - that's part of the base software (and I get it, you're...
  2. astralprogenitor

    ▶▷ Everchange ◁◀

    Pick ONE color: #00AAFF Do you like Banshee's?: yea
  3. astralprogenitor

    ☆☆ Shooting Star Shower ☆☆

    7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, 49, 56, 63, 70, 77, 84, 91, 98
  4. astralprogenitor

    ☆☆ Missing Perso-- Pokémon Alert ☆☆

    Brown: Nym! Pink: Natty! Cosmic: Albino: Zak! One: Two: Three: Four:
  5. astralprogenitor

    ☆☆ Missing Perso-- Pokémon Alert ☆☆

    So this is ... awkward. See, we have a whole group of sneasels that are supposed to be having a birthday party today - no, they're not all litter mates, it's just, well, it's easier to throw one big party, you know? Anyway, so, they're supposed to be having a party today, but their tracking...
  6. astralprogenitor

    ☆☆ Shooting Star Shower ☆☆

    If you win, post this form: a I CAUGHT A FALLING STAR a Link to your winning roll: (here) Color minior you want: Pink | Green | Aqua | Blue | Purple | Orange | Yellow
  7. astralprogenitor

    ☆☆ Shooting Star Shower ☆☆

    Winter is settling in at Nauwill, and the hot sun and warm sea breeze are giving way to cooler nights and crystal-clear skies. It's on one such night, deep into the end of the year, that a very special event is taking place - it seems like a swath of minior are clustered high above the island...
  8. astralprogenitor

    Game Over Raffle [CYOA Finale]

    Toy Freddy, Glamrock Freddy, Funtime Freddy, Freddy, DJ Music Man, Funtime Foxy, Foxy, Bonbon, Roxanne Wolf
  9. astralprogenitor

    ▷ [Signups] The Giving Calendar!

    Happy Giving! I'd like a present! Username: astralprogenitor
  10. astralprogenitor

    [CYOA] The Second Floor

    Well, time to head back out, Glance supposes.
  11. astralprogenitor

    [CYOA] The Second Floor

    Aw yeah, more friends. Glance isn't going to leave without glancing at those monitors though. Ha ha. (Nym I'm not copying you I swear, I wish I had the spoons to reply properly but they should totally have canonical twin faeries LOL)
  12. astralprogenitor

    [CYOA] The Second Floor

    It would help if I rolled.
  13. astralprogenitor

    [CYOA] The Second Floor

    Glance can't resist the allure of that trash can - maybe there's another little friend inside! (:
  14. astralprogenitor

    [CYOA] The Second Floor

    Huh. Well, that's interesting - Glance doesn't mind the little guy hanging on, and the soft glow from its definitely not malicious face is comforting anyway. New friend in tow, he decides to have a peek into the security room.