Recent content by Cats of the Sun

  1. Cats of the Sun

    [ Ticket Token Shop ]

    With the closure of our Kofi, I'm sure those of you with the remaining tickets are wondering what they can be used for. Well this is the thread for you! This special shop allows you to trade in those tickets for a variety of tokens! [ You can see how many tickets you have HERE ] [ You can...
  2. Cats of the Sun

    Warriors: Cats of the Sun - Shop Hiatus p303!

    Attention Everyone - We've got a Few Major Shop Updates! Please make sure to read over everything carefully! <3 Hello, we have an announcement to make. As you might have seen from our Discord, the shop into hiatus mode. This means: Colorists will stop accepting new projects and will focus on...
  3. Cats of the Sun

    [ CC Semi Thread - November 2024 ]

    @Natty-chan - Congratulations! You've won the CC edited semi slot for November! A colorist will be in touch to discuss your win. @Umbrefox - Congratulations! You've won the CC unedited semi slot for November! A colorist will be in touch to discuss your win.
  4. Cats of the Sun

    [ CC Semi Thread - November 2024 ]

    Rolling Unedited Semi slot 1. belloblossom 2. Umbrefox 3. ChexaRain
  5. Cats of the Sun

    [ CC Semi Thread - November 2024 ]

    Rolling Edited Semi slot 1. belloblossom 2. Umbrefox 3. ChexaRain 4. Natty-chan
  6. Cats of the Sun

    [ CC Breeding Thread - November 2024 ]

    @Natty-chan - Congratulations! You've won the CC breeding slot for November! A colorist will be in touch to discuss your win.
  7. Cats of the Sun

    [ CC Breeding Thread - November 2024 ]

    Rolling for the breeding CC winner - 1. belloblossom 2. Umbrefox 3. NatiStorm 4. Natty-chan
  8. Cats of the Sun

    [ CC Semi Thread - November 2024 ]

    Welcome to the CC Semi Thread! Here you can post monthly for a chance for free cats, just give us a picture or description to pull inspiration from! Please note that these are CC's which means Colorists Choice! This means this not only does the colorist get to pick and choose which cats they...
  9. Cats of the Sun

    [ CC Breeding Thread - November 2024 ]

    Welcome to the CC Breeding Thread! Just like the CC Semi's Thread, this is where you can post monthly to try and snag a free breeding for your cats! Please note that these are CC's which means Colorists Choice! Not only does this mean that the colorist gets to choose which breedings they pick...
  10. Cats of the Sun

    [ CC Semi Thread - October 2024 ]

    @ChaosT - Congratulations! You've won the CC edited semi slot for October! A colorist will be in touch to discuss your win. @kovak - Congratulations! You've won the CC unedited semi slot for October! A colorist will be in touch to discuss your win.
  11. Cats of the Sun

    [ CC Semi Thread - October 2024 ]

    Rolling Unedited Semi slot 1. Lunar Fea 2. Umbrefox 3. I--LiveWire--I 4. ChexaRain 5. Absolutiones 6. Natty-chan 7. kovak
  12. Cats of the Sun

    [ CC Semi Thread - October 2024 ]

    Rolling Edited Semi slot 1. Lunar Fea 2. Umbrefox 3. I--LiveWire--I 4. ChexaRain 5. Absolutiones 6. Natty-chan 7. ChaosT 8. kovak
  13. Cats of the Sun

    [ CC Breeding Thread - October 2024 ]

    @Natty-chan - Congratulations! You've won the CC breeding slot for October! A colorist will be in touch to discuss your win.
  14. Cats of the Sun

    [ CC Breeding Thread - October 2024 ]

    Rolling the breeding CC winner - 1. Lunar Fea 2. ChexaRain 3. Absolutiones 4. Umbrefox 5. belloblossom 6. NatiStorm 7. Natty-chan 8. ChaosT
  15. Cats of the Sun

    Warriors: Cats of the Sun - Shop Hiatus p303!

    Congratulations, belloblossom! The Brown cat is yours! This cat can be a loner or a kittypet! Keep their naming rules in mind when you name them. They are also related to the other two cats in this game, though in what manner can be discussed with the other winners, Lunar Fea and Umbrefox...