Recent content by sharkberrypizza

  1. sharkberrypizza

    ▶ Nym Certs

  2. sharkberrypizza

    [Expedition] Bumblin' About

    "So hey, you're my group, right!?" Takahiro shouted enthusiastically from a short distance away, waving one arm in the air as the other stretched toward their rotom-inhabited device hovering only a short distance ahead, a large, slowly blinking arrow where their digital face normally lit the...
  3. sharkberrypizza

    ▶ Nym Certs

  4. sharkberrypizza

    ▶ Tea Certs

  5. sharkberrypizza

    ▶ Nym Certs

    @Bluedemonwolf @Inari Miko
  6. sharkberrypizza

    ▶ Nym Certs

  7. sharkberrypizza

    ▶ sharkberrypizza Certs

    @PeterPan_da144 @Tigeria
  8. sharkberrypizza

    ▶ astralprogenitor Certs

  9. sharkberrypizza

    ▶ Luxona Certs

    @-Ghastly Demise- @bitsie spider
  10. sharkberrypizza

    ▶ Tigeria Certs

    @Crystal Suicune
  11. sharkberrypizza

    ▶ ChexaRain Certs

    @Zakiax @Crystal Suicune @Reoakee
  12. sharkberrypizza

    ▶ I--LiveWire--I Certs

  13. sharkberrypizza

    ▶ Tea Certs

  14. sharkberrypizza

    ▶ Nym Certs

    @Reoakee @Bittersweet Contradiction
  15. sharkberrypizza

    ▶ Nym Certs
