Recent content by sheepcakes

  1. sheepcakes

    ▶ Certing Thread

    Cert Me! Event Kid: cyo 2024 Owner: sheepcakes Pony URL: a knock off Snailshell <3 Pony Name: Spiral Breed: Mystic Hybrid Pixie-Earth Drop-off Date: 12/14/24 Seasonal Alignment: summer Gender: male Colorist: I--LiveWire--I
  2. sheepcakes

    Sheep's Pones

    official cert & official uncert [ Mystic Hybrid Pixie-Earth ] ▧ Curiosities: Unique Mini Butt Wings ▧ Morphs: Reindeer, Squirrel & Bear ▧ Effects: Crystal Shimmer Illusion
  3. sheepcakes

    ☆☆ Shooting Star Shower ☆☆

    a I CAUGHT A FALLING STAR a Link to your winning roll: rolled a 7 Color minior you want: aqua
  4. sheepcakes

    Poppy Calvatia

    Poppy's Pokémon Team tba Other Pokémon tba
  5. sheepcakes

    Poppy Calvatia

    Character Name: Poppy Calvatia Pronoun Choice: She/They Age: 27 Home Region: Alola Character Overview: Poppy is a hedgewitch/herbalist who knows quite a bit about making medicinal remedies for a lot of common ailments or injuries. As such, she is very good at botany. She loves flowers and...
  6. sheepcakes

    Poppy Calvatia

    Poppy art here, tba
  7. sheepcakes

    Sheepies Floofs

    official cert & official uncert My very first Wallks/Firefly/Melunha/Tiger Beetle knock off. One OC from AC: New Leaf split into 4 lil guys
  8. sheepcakes

    Sheepies Floofs

    official cert & official uncert The very first Not Snailshell aka Snailshell knock off. Also my very first Misc.
  9. sheepcakes

    Sheepies Floofs

    Notes to me
  10. sheepcakes

    Sheepies Floofs

    Please do not post. If you wanna plan things a pm here or dm on discord works.
  11. sheepcakes

    ⭒ ☆ ☆ ⭒ Freeze Pop Quick Stop ⭒ ☆ ☆ ⭒

    Hey, it's %*@&IN HOT, gimme somethin' chill, man!