Recent content by silversong

  1. silversong

    ♥Valentines Raffle♥ [CLOSED]

    Love Is In The Air <3 Username: Silversong Preferences: 2, 4, 6, 5, 1, 3, 8, 7
  2. silversong

    Certing Thread

  3. silversong

    Star Shower Wishes

    I wish, I wish... Username: Silversong Pet Cert: don't have yet Link to pet uncert: here Has first time breeding bonus been used? n
  4. silversong

    ✦ Starfall ✦ Hiring - Event Planning ✦

    Technically, I won one of the snakey ones, but I think I can still post for a newbie pet? :) I Wish I May, I Wish I might Username: Silversong Inspiration: just giving a few options! <3
  5. silversong

    Certing Thread

  6. silversong

    Year of the Snake 2025 Lunar New Years [Raffle] (Closed)

    Warm Welcomes to Scaly Friends Username: Silversong Preferences: 7, 2, 1, 8, 4, 3, 5, 6
  7. silversong

    Bank Teller

  8. silversong

    Get My Stats 2.0

    Cert: Kitsusagi's Name : Turadh Owner's Name: silversong Den Link: Silver's Den Ghost: n Level: 1 Stats: Physical - 2 Mental - 5 Social - 6 Health - 3 Total HP - 6 Natural Ability: Mist Carry Blessings: Bonus: +2 success to all swimming checks. Penalty: -1 dice on climb checks. Class...
  9. silversong

    Silver's Den

    Arachne Kitsusagi's Name : Arachne Ghost: y/n Level: 1 Stats: point 7 and above cost +2 stat points Physical - ? Mental - ? Social - ? Health - ? Total HP - ? Natural Ability: (choose 1) Blessings: Bonus: Penalty: Class: (only fill this in if you are taking a Class, otherwise, n/a) Class...
  10. silversong

    Silver's Den

    Turadh Personal Silver: 0 Backstory: Turadh was born far away in an underwater city where semi-aquatic Mer were considered to be lower class citizens. They weren't allowed to rise very high in society and were always given unwanted jobs, and lived in basically poverty. Turadh was angry about...
  11. silversong

    Silver's Den

    Where do you want to go? Turadh -- Mer (partially aquatic) -- they/them Arachne -- Angelic (butterfly wings) -- she/her
  12. silversong

    Silver's Den

    Welcome to the Den! Silver banked: 2 Latest Updates..... - Got my first 2 Kitsu!
  13. silversong

    The Candy Booth! [Over!]

    Roll again... Have: 3 caramel apple 2 licorice
  14. silversong

    The Candy Booth! [Over!]

    Roll again... Have: 2 caramel apple 2 licorice