Recent content by stormflower

  1. stormflower

    Acronym Game

    Now All Taste Is Very Energizing (Out of practice lol) PLACE
  2. stormflower

    [PRP] Whisper's Initiation Ceremony

    Whisper was excited as she journeyed through the trees of the forest she had become very familiar with recently. She felt at home for the first time in her life and as if she truly belonged. She had to admit she was extra nervous though. She reflected back on that first day meeting the...
  3. stormflower

    Whats their story? (over)

    Eeee!! Thanks so much!!! Can’t wait to flesh out plots more and to them out some too!!
  4. stormflower


    Realized I haven’t done this yet xD -storm fail- Username: stormflower Rabbit's Name: Hollow Rabbit's Number: #0714 Desired Rank: Spellsayer Joining Ceremony? No Username: stormflower Rabbit's Name: Peony Rabbit's Number: #0715 Desired Rank: Mother Joining Ceremony? No Username: stormflower...
  5. stormflower

    Whats their story? (over)

    Doe Owner: stormflower Buck Owner: Niyaru Delacroix Doe Name: Light Wing Buck Name: Shadow Walker Doe Personality: Her 'bun-people' are known as 'The Knights of Light' fighting for and protecting what is good and just in the world. Li as those close to her call her is one of the 4 generals of...
  6. stormflower

    Breeding Agreements

  7. stormflower

    ☘ Hopscotch ☘ A Rabbit Shop ☘ Winter Advent p72! ☘

    -pounces- yes yes you should!! Hope things are well your way!! Join our discord chat that’s were most the activity is(I lurk mostly) but the bun communication is amazing!!
  8. stormflower

    [ORP] Golden Harvest

    Whisper looked up at Ven with watery eyes but for the first time in ages a true smile and relaxed. She felt she could find a true place here amongst these does maybe if she followed them and got to know them. It may be a challenge at times for her but she knew she long needed to step out of her...
  9. stormflower

    Stormflower's Burrow

    Peony Genetics: Name: Nickname: Personality: Misc: Parents: Siblings: Breeding Partners:
  10. stormflower

    Stormflower's Burrow

    Hollow Genetics: Name: Nickname: Personality: Misc: Parents: Siblings: Breeding Partners:
  11. stormflower

    Stormflower's Burrow

    Barley Lightfoot Genetics: Name: Nickname: Personality: Misc: Parents: Siblings: Breeding Partners:
  12. stormflower

    Stormflower's Burrow

    Whisper Genetics: Name: Nickname: Personality: Misc: Parents: Siblings: Breeding Partners:
  13. stormflower

    [ORP] Golden Harvest

    Things shifted ever so slightly and briefly as suddenly a bright peach doe was bounding about speaking of a party?? Whisper didnt hear much as it spooked the living breath out of her. She squeaked and backed away as the peach doe calling herself Sunshine got closer to her. She was on edge as it...
  14. stormflower

    [ORP] Golden Harvest

    Whisper held her breath as she had been heard! What should she do? Does she run? Does she try and retreat? She can’t think fast enough she is frozen to the spot! Oh dear this it, sink or swim! She closes her eyes as her hiding spot is uncovered and she slowly opens one eye as she is studied...