Recent content by Zakiax

  1. Zakiax

    The Isle of Illusion

  2. Zakiax

    [Expedition] Bumblin' About

    Let's go! Expedition time! Players participating: @Zakiax @PeterPan_da144 @sharkberrypizza @Nym Trainers participating: Katrina Evergrove Pokémon participating: 60 (Dawn Rising), 144 (Aqua), 174 (Atlo), 559 (Moonbeam), 680 (Nicippe), 861 (Bubbles) Trainers participating: Umeki Hayate Pokémon...
  3. Zakiax

    [ Ticket Token Shop ]

    I'd Like To Spend My Tickets! username Zakiax purchase Extra Kit Token (3t) total cost 3 tickets
  4. Zakiax

    Yune Bloodthrone

    ??? - 933 Eevee (Umbreon) Jolly Strength 4 (4) Vitality 3 (4) Dexterity 2 (4) Insight 3 (4) Special 2 (4) Tough 3 (5) Cool 2 (5) Beauty 2 (5) Clever 2 (5) Cute 2 (5)
  5. Zakiax

    Katrina Evergrove

    ??? - 946 Lapras (Bruxish) Impish Strength 2 (4) Vitality 2 (4) Dexterity 1 (3) Insight 2 (4) Special 4 (4) Tough 1 (5) Cool 2 (5) Beauty 1 (5) Clever 2 (5) Cute 3 (5)
  6. Zakiax

    Yune Bloodthrone

    Mocha - 973 N. Totodile Jolly Strength 3 (4) Vitality 3 (4) Dexterity 1 (3) Insight 2 (4) Special 2 (3) Tough 1 (5) Cool 1 (5) Beauty 1 (5) Clever 4 (5) Cute 2 (5)
  7. Zakiax

    ⨳ Evolution and Power Well Submission

    <Dramatic Music Intensifies> Pokémon ID: ID#933 Evolution Method: Moonstone RLC Mon?:Kofi Pokémon Image: Candy Flavors: N/a RP Linksn/a I understand that any evolution items will be removed from my account, and if I lack those items this evolution will fail. If this is an RLC mon, I have...
  8. Zakiax

    Zak's Den

    Name: Valeriu Gender: M Clan: None atm - maybe one in the future? Personality: A fairly shy cat who tends to keep to himself. He has a bit of wonderlust and likes to learn about new things. Tends to paint pictures about his adventures on caves or stone surfaces using berries, mud or other...
  9. Zakiax

    DaD (Hiring! Raffle PG 49)

    Username: Zakiax Preference: Red, Teal, Pink
  10. Zakiax

    Firebane Ranch - Zakiax's Stables

    (Drop Date 12/25/24) Name: Gender: Pronouns: Personality: Occupation: Alignment: Rp: Art: Plots: Mate/Flings: Offspring: Sibling(s): Friends: Pet: Type: Awakened Pegasus with Reindeer and Bunny Morphs Colorist: Nym Obtained: Giving Calender
  11. Zakiax

    ▶ Certing Thread

    Cert Me! Owner: Zakiax Pony URL: Earth Pony Name: Dragonfruit Breed: Mystic Earth Drop-off Date: 12/31/24 Seasonal Alignment: Summer Gender: Non Binary Colorist: Tea Cert Me! Owner: Zakiax Pony URL: Changeling Pony Name: Foxy Breed: Changeling Drop-off Date: 11/27/24 Seasonal Alignment...
  12. Zakiax

    Firebane Ranch - Zakiax's Stables

    (Drop Date 12/31/24) Name: Dragonfruit Gender: Pronouns: Personality: Occupation: Alignment: Rp: Art: Plots: Mate/Flings: Offspring: Sibling(s): Friends: Pet: Type: Edited Mystic Earth with Cat Animal Morph [edits: earrings | curiosities: tail, ears, whiskers, spikes...
  13. Zakiax

    Firebane Ranch - Zakiax's Stables

    (Drop Date 12/31/24) Name: Gender: Pronouns: Personality: Occupation: Alignment: Rp: Art: Plots: Mate/Flings: Offspring: Sibling(s): Friends: Pet: Type: Mystic Edited Earth with Dog Animal Morph [edits: collar, bone, piercings | curiosities: tail, extra fluff]...
  14. Zakiax

    Firebane Ranch - Zakiax's Stables

    (Drop Date 12/31/24) Name: Gender: Pronouns: Personality: Occupation: Alignment: Rp: Art: Plots: Mate/Flings: Offspring: Sibling(s): Friends: Pet: Type: Edited Earth [edits: outfit, hat, binoculars, glasses, earrings] Colorist: Tea Obtained: RLC
  15. Zakiax

    Firebane Ranch - Zakiax's Stables

    (Drop Date 11/27/24) Name: Foxy Gender: Pronouns: Personality: Occupation: Alignment: Rp: Art: Plots: Mate/Flings: Offspring: Sibling(s): Friends: Pet: Type: Edited Changeling W/ Fox Morphs [edits: eye patch, shorts] Colorist: Cheza Obtained: CYOA