...And Then They Throw Their Beans!!!
Username: belloblossom
Koshin Preference: Red Oni > Blue Oni
What Happened: Mochi Jelli didn't advertise her ability to make and shape cute wagashi sweets, preferring to keep her reputation as a ferocious fighter, but every Setsubun, she put aside the time to make little floral treats and lay them at the windowsill or beside the door, an offering to gods or spirits... or to the open sky, it was hard to say. It was a superstition that her parents had started with her and she did it mostly out of love and memory for them.
You can imagine her surprise on the day of the festival, when she found a red oni standing at her doorstep, face crammed with sweets and having the audacity not to look the slightest bit guilty! Precious peach shaped treats had been scattered and squished into the open maw of the oni and Mochi was filled with her usual irrational rage.
She was about to lunge at them, when the distant memory, something about throwing beans at ogres to make them leave, came to her mind. She searched around for the white soybeans of her parents' stories, but could find only a bowl inside her kitchen with the remaining red bean paste that she'd made too much of days before. Bean paste or beans - it couldn't matter now, there was a thief at her door!
Running back with the bowl in hand she scooped a paw into the paste and flung red lumps of paste at the offender, who shrieked in surprise and disgust. Mochi Jelli chased the oni from her property until she reached her fence and then tossed the empty bowl after the ogre too for good measure! It shattered on the pavement outside and she flicked her ears back as the intruder was chased away... but what a mess she was left to deal with. Ah well, time to go grab the broom and sweep up the ceramic bowl pieces, and a rag to mop the bean paste from her yard. Talk about a messy way to spring into Spring.
Optional: Mochi Jelli