Search results

  1. Roam

    Roam: Ends of the Earth - Main Thread Up!

    Roam is currently in closed beta testing! We have some amazing dedicated testers, but we have room for a couple more! Beta testers get first crack at trying the game elements out ... and finding any bugs in the system! The benefit of beta testing, beyond getting to try the game out, is that if...
  2. Roam

    Roam: Ends of the Earth - Main Thread Up!

    Everything in Roam has a soul, from the Tekulma, to the plant life, to the very land itself. Or at least it all had a soul ... A handful of Tekulma have Awakened to discover something is terribly wrong. The soul of the land is gone, as are the souls of most other living things. And everyone...
  3. Roam

    Roam: Ends of the Earth - Main Thread Up!

    Roam will remain in interest thread mode while our initial set of poses are completed! You can peep them right here as they are finished! Roam will begin with three poses - one for each type of Tekulma. As the shop develops more poses will be added! Templates by @polliwoggi . The Pristine The...
  4. Roam

    Roam: Ends of the Earth - Main Thread Up!

    There are many ways that Roam can be played, but at its heart it aligns with tabletop RPGs. You get a character and send them on explorations to improve them, and maybe change the world while you're at it. Everything in Roam has a soul - your character, the plants you harvest on your...
  5. Roam

    Roam: Ends of the Earth - Main Thread Up!

    Welcome to the interest thread for Roam - a game based breedable/collectable pet. Roam is an ambitious, collaborative game based shop. Will you roam the ends of the earth with us? Directory Main Thread - Discord