Search results

  1. Niyaru

    ▷ Breeding Permissions

    I accept <3
  2. Niyaru

    [Heart and Hooves] Spin The Bottle

    Sign ups will open on 2/26/2020 @ 10 PM (Eastern Standard Time) and end 2/27/2020 @ 10 AM (Eastern Standard Time) The game will start 2/27/2020 in the afternoon @ 6 PM (Eastern Standard Time) The game will begin when I will roll or randomize from everyone who signed up for the game. Who ever...
  3. Niyaru

    Bunspam 500 Race -OVER!

    @Sullivan 100 ^^^^^
  4. Niyaru

    Bunspam 500 Race -OVER!

    Beeeeep CLOVER FOR YOU
  5. Niyaru

    Bunspam 500 Race -OVER!

  6. Niyaru

    Bunspam 500 Race -OVER!

  7. Niyaru

    [Heart and Hooves] Spin The Bottle

    Pony Prize
  8. Niyaru

    [Heart and Hooves] B I N G O

    Pony Prize
  9. Niyaru

    Animal Country: Big City

    Me, me! Preference order: 2, 4, 6, 1, re-roll Do you have 3 or less citz?: -
  10. Niyaru

    ▷ Family Game Night: Uno Wars

    Username: Niyaru Delacroix Time Zone: EST Times you are available noon to 11pm
  11. Niyaru

    ▷ Free Raffle

    Name: Niyaru Preference List: 7, 4, 3, 5, re-roll
  12. Niyaru

    New Hire Raffle! BS Edition! Closed!

    Name: Niyaru Preference: 2, 1, re-roll
  13. Niyaru

    Breeding Agreements

    Parents: Raru (cert request) x Anisette Owners: MamylTheComet & Niyaru Skipping Stages: Adult only Agreement good for: one time only
  14. Niyaru

    [Winter 2019] My Four Seasons O'Giving Day Event

    The winner of this beauty is going to be: @Joshuality 1. one little jay 2. joshuality 3. PZMJNP 4. sharkberry 5. Reo 6. bitsie 7. melomar 8. ellanoire 9. lisaisfire619
  15. Niyaru

    Voucher Claim Thread

    Link to voucher: Link Ping your designer with @: @Wish 3 races you like: Wolf, Fox, Fennec A color, palette, or inspiration image:Inspirational Image
  16. Niyaru

    Mayoral Office White Elephant Exchange! [ACBC] {Closed}

    I'd like to unwrap H please <3
  17. Niyaru

    Mayoral Office White Elephant Exchange! [ACBC] {Closed}

    I'd like to play please
  18. Niyaru

    [Winter 2019] My Four Seasons O'Giving Day Event
