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    ▣ ▫ Flora & Fauna ▫ ▣

    Flora & Fauna --Overview --Types/Classifications --List
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    ▣ ▫ Trait List ▫ ▣

    --Explanation --Lists (Head, Body, Arm, Leg, Tail, Other)
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    ▣ ▫ Magic ▫ ▣

    --Overview --Types --Foci
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    ▣ ▫ The World ▫ ▣

    -info- --Overview --Map/Locations --Tribes(basic) --Technology --Travel --Currency (Shards/Tingos/Gems/ect)
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    ▣ ▫ Tribe Approvals ▫ ▣

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    ▣ ▫ Tribe Creation ▫ ▣

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    ▣ ▫ Breeding Rules & Guide ▫ ▣

    Gender doesn't matter. All raptors reproduce via special magical rituals. So gender of the parents is not a factor. Raptors can have more than one mate. A typical mated pair is two, however it is pretty common to have larger mated groups. For the purposes of breeding 3 at a time is the...
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    ▣ ▫ Customs Rules & Guide ▫ ▣

    Only post in threads that are open. Colorists will have their own threads and when they are currently accepting orders they will change their thread titles to say Open. Don't post in threads that are not labeled as open. Don't harass colorists. If a custom is taking awhile remember they...
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    ▣ ▫ Roleplay Rules ▫ ▣

    While roleplay is fun and we greatly encourage it, we also need to have rules to ensure everyone is comfortable, safe, and doesn't get our guild flagged. Please read and understand these rules in their entirety before making your first roleplay. If you don't understand something then please...
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    ▣ ▫ I--LiveWire--I Certs ▫ ▣

    All Livewire certs go here!
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    ▣ ▫ Certifying Thread ▫ ▣

    Make your raptor official for them to participate in shop activities such as breedings, metas, roleplay, and other such shoppy things. Please read the rules and use the correct forms or you risk your cert request being ignored. Cerist(s): I--LiveWire--I Only the one who owns a Raptor may...
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    Velox Isles Drop Gallery

    This is the drop gallery for Velox Isles. This is a place for staff to post official drops. Please do not post here. If you like what you see or have any questions please visit our shop, group, or discord! ▣ Shop ▣ ▣ Group ▣ ▣ Discord ▣
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    ▣ ▫ Velox Isles ▫ ▣ - [ Pardon the Dust ]

    Welcome to Velox! Home to a wonderfully diverse species known as raptors. Their world is rarely peaceful and they don't always get along, gut they strive to thrive and work together. For one never knows what grand change or discovery may shake the world up for better or worse. Note: Velox uses...