-·=»☆«=·- miscellaneous -·=»☆«=·- (Hiring open! Hi, Owlon!)


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Mule Account

Currently . . .

We're open! Come get newbie pets and apply in our hiring thread!
Our first game is go - check out the Discord!

Previously . . .

We didn't exist. Wow!​
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Mule Account

In a faraway sky in a faraway place, a strange thing makes a common place a very uncommon experience. Above the treetops, above the clouds, way up on the tippy-top north of a lone planet around an isolated star, a hole exists. It's the smallest little thing, a pinprick really, but it's this little hole that makes the planet special.

That's because through that little hole drips and flows the essence of pure, creative imagination. It isn't a lot, per se; just a bit less and the whole place would be perfectly mundane, you see, but just a bit more and the fabric of reality would start to collapse in on itself! No, this little hole has just the right amount of stuff to instead bless the planet - known as Misc to its inhabitants, meaning "a little bit of everything all at once" - with a bounty of flourishing magic and wonderous life.

Thanks to this blessing, Misc is filled to the brim with adventure and comfortable life both; rolling townships with their pastoral farms border spiraling cities straining to scratch the sky, and untouched wilderness and reverently awesome forests hide cavernous labyrinths and forgotten ruins that no one quite knows the source of. No matter where you go - from a sleepy inn alongside a comfortable, fish-laden creek, to a dizzyingly tall mage's spire packed with cutting-edge technomagical oddities - there is evidence of the magic that thrums under the planet's surface and in the very life-blood of the people that live there.
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Mule Account

The people of Misc are known as figments. This is a translation into English of course; the actual word means something along the lines of "creation of heart and mind," but we think that figment - as in, imagination! - works well enough.

There are a great number of types of figments in the world, in a great many number of shapes and sizes, but the thing that really defines being a figment is sapience. All figments - whether they be as small as a housecat or as big as an elephant - are intelligent beings! While groups that have similar bodies might have specific names for themselves, simply referred to as types, all types are figments, and all figments are people.

Another common trait besides intelligence is the ability to shapeshift. While the form may vary, all figments are capable of assuming a humanoid form as they leave adolescence; from our perspective, these can vary widely! They might look like a plain old human all the way to a barely anthropomorphic version of their regular form, but all figments can recognize when someone is in this form or not.

The "regular" form - that is, the form that a whim (a baby figment) grows into naturally - is known as the individual's heart form. It's the raw condensation of the energy that formed them in the first place, and it's the core that they grow from.

The "humanoid" form - that is, the bipedal form they learn to shift into as they grow into adulthood - is known as the soul form. It's an expression of who they are on the inside filtered through the lens of the planet's magic. Its appearance is always unique to the individual, and it may shift and change over time as they grow and change as a person.

No one (except, perhaps, the hole at the top of the world) knows why the soul form looks this way. Some figments rarely if ever use it, while others spend nearly their entire adult lives in the form. Many, however, just see it as another side to themselves, with no more (or no less) thought or concern than we might give our hair style or eye color.
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Mule Account

While not representative of all the figments on Misc, here's what we have available for you in the shop right now!

Remember: generalizations are just that, and exceptions exist for everything. Don't feel like you have to follow a type's general perceptions for your own characters!

Butterfluffs are spry, fluffy critters that love flowers and wild flora. They have high levels of energy and require a steady supply of sugary foods alongside rich proteins to keep them going. Butterfluffs have a natural inclination towards nature and plant related magics, making them excellent cultivators. Many use their dexterous claws for delicate handiwork as well, like weaving silks or tracing runes into fragile technomancy.

Snapdragons are rather wriggly things with a penchant for discovery and a nose for mystery. Their sleek bodies are perfect for squeezing into tight places - like under collapsed ruin rubble or through thick foliage! Their ability to launch a special two-pronged attack - with tooth and claw and tail alike - makes them excellent hunters and fishers as well, for those with a taste for wilder foods. While their unusual tail doesn't have a mind of its own, it can react reflexively or subconsciously, making it seem like it does.

Gemshimmers are sociable, thought-inclined people. The gem on their forehead can, if desired, link them to other gemshimmers nearby, letting them telepathically share thoughts and ideas without the need for any of that messy speech or presentation type stuff. Recent technomancy developments have allowed others to tap into this "gemnet," allowing for rapid communication between all figments, much to the delight of (most) gemshimmers. If they aren't inclined towards telekinetic pursuits, many other gemshimmers pursue a life of theoretical sciences and magics.

Owlons are intelligent creatures with a penchant for puzzles and science. They often love a good head-scratcher, and their wing-paws are surprisingly dexterous enough to handle even very fine physical curiosities as well. While many of them end up in some kind of field ending in "ology," still others are renowned for their toy and trinket making abilities. Even without the use of magic, owlons have extremely fine eyesight, letting them see in near total darkness, though this does mean that they typically prefer to have some kind of shade or cover for their eyes when they must go out in the middle of the day.​
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Mule Account

Dreamshards, or just "shards" colloquially, are little bits of magic that came to life all on their own. While they aren't full figments, they seem naturally drawn to them, making them often excellent pets! They are often found condensing around the bottled imagination when figments are daydreaming; while this isn't always the case, many consider it good luck to have a personal shard that was born during their daydream.

Shards are more animalistic than figments; they are closer to a dog or a parrot than a human. While it can vary from type to type and from individual to individual, they are always capable enough to learn a few tricks and never enough to have a proper conversation. They might be able to learn a few words, but wouldn't really be considered any smarter than, say, a toddler at absolute best.

Dreamshards are usually fairly small creatures; the largest known shards are less than five feet at the shoulder, but these are incredibly rare. Most range from the size of small fish to around the size of what we would think of a cat or ferret to be.
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Whoops! It looks like some of the shards ate all our notes. We'll get back to you on that shortly!
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How to get stuff?
There are a few ways to get figments and dreamshards, like any other shop!

The first are newbie pets! When you join up, you get a free figment, all your own. The only caveat is you don't get to pick anything about it except its type. These will always be unedited, but they'll let you get right into the shop without having to wait for very long.

The second is the artist corner! This is where our artists can set up threads and take orders as they like. Keep in mind that we don't require artists to run their thread in any particular way, as long as it's not breaking any rules, so be sure to read their personal requirements and expectations!

Artists here may take work for both credits and real money (RLC), so make sure to pay attention to what sort of payment they're asking for what services.

The third is, of course, games and events. These can range from speed based flatsales to long-winded puzzle games or even an occasional auction or raffle. Every event will have its rules clearly listed, so you don't have to worry about memorizing any of them! We'll make sure it's as smooth and easy as possible to participate.

Custom rules?
There are almost no rules pertaining to colors, edits, features, etc, except it must be obvious what base/type was used in the creation of a figment.

Yes, really! You can add and remove limbs, wings, tails, heads, ears, whatever you want! You can make an absolute monstrosity or turn your figment into a near featureless bean. As long as we can clearly see what base was used, you're good!

There's no restrictions on anything pertaining to cosplays either. You want five different figments all based on Michael Keaton's portrayal of Batman? You want seven different snapdragons based on Sephiroth Finalfantasy? Does your heart yearn, nay, languish in lack of twenty dreamshards based exclusively on Illidan Stormrage in the Black Temple, and only the Illidan Stormrage from the Black Temple?

Whatever - it's your collection, and if it makes you happy, then do it!
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When two (or three, or four!) figments want to bring new figments into reality, this is called daydreaming. The reasons for this can be varied - some want to raise and teach new figments, some want new friends and family, and some just need new farmhands or adventuring partners. Whatever the reason, the process is the same. The group takes a collection of specially made enchanted "wish jars" out during a particularly foggy morning and uses them to collect as much fog as they can while thinking of all the reasons they want to bring new figments into existence. These containers are specially designed to pull in the mist, condensing it into small, magical clouds inside. Once they're full, the jars will be topped off with a cork, at which point they'll be brought home and left in a preferably sunny place to mature over the next week.

It is usually recommended to collect around ten bottles, because not all the bottles will "hold." The ones that don't collect enough magic will simply empty out, seeping into the other jars nearby; the ones that do, however, will see their clouds getting thicker and bigger until the jar finally shatters under pressure, releasing the contents inside.


The newly released figment is a soft, blobby little thing, not yet fully formed but very much alive and kicking - and crying, and rolling, and all the other things that energetic toddlers like to do. These young figments are known as whims; as they grow, their bodies will slowly morph into their final heart form. They are considered adults - and fully figments - when they finally grow into the ability to shift into their soul form.

Mentally, they grow like you would expect any young creature to grow; they aren't born knowing any sort of magic, language, or survival skills - they're just babies! As they get older, they may get enrolled into schools, get taken in as apprentices, or even just work on the family farm; whatever works for the region and family they're created in.

Note: There is no sexual / genetic connotation to daydreaming. Figments often consider those involved in their daydreaming to be some kind of family, though this isn't universal.
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Mule Account

Daydreaming does have a few technicalities to note.

First, only up to four figments can be involved in a daydream. Any more than that and the magic gets too muddled up and can't seem to condense into new whims properly.

Second, the number of wish jars that can come out of a daydream varies from two to six. There will always be enough for the number of players involved to get at least one jar!

Third, edits are not guaranteed to pass on. Please make sure to check your artist's rules and instructions for whether or not they will be doing edits as well as how extensive their editing capabilities are! This doesn't mean you can't enter them, it just means the edits may not pass.

Fourth, you will not know what your whims will turn into! Types will come from the figments involved, but they'll be a surprise until they grow into adult figments.

Finally, each player can only keep one jar. There is no way to change this. You must either give extra jars away or return them to the shop for distribution.
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Mule Account

In order to start a daydream, check over in the Wish Jar Emporium. Artists will post threads specifically for daydreaming with their own rules and restrictions.

After that, if your daydream is accepted, you just wait! Your artist will drop an image with all the available jars on completion. Everyone involved must send the artist some credits at this point unless it was RLC!

All users involved must roll 1d100 in the main thread; people get to pick their choice of jar in the order of highest to lowest roll. In the event of a tie, roll again!

Once everything is determined, post in the Daydream Claim thread with who gets what. Soon after your artist will drop your individual jar links.

Congratulations! Jars will pop after roughly a week, and whims will grow after about two weeks.
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Here at Miscellaneous, we understand that everyone here are adults, often with full time jobs and responsibilities. We don't expect everyone to be around at full speed all the time. We do, however, have a few basic requirements and expectations for members of the team!

First of all, we expect you to at least poke your head into our staff space at least once every two weeks so we know you're alive. If something is going down, you're ill, you're stressed out - that's fine! All we ask is that we get a heads up so we know what's going on.

Secondly, we expect everyone to try and get along. Disagreements happen, but we ask that you take the time to talk about and address issues you might have before any kind of dramatic knee jerking or drama. There are a lot of neurodivergent people in our community and it's not uncommon for people to misunderstand each other.

Third, you must not take any under the table RLC or shady deals. Artists must charge at least the shop minimum for any product, and they must pay the shop usage fee of 5% on any commissions taken. Anything seen as trying to get around this rule will result in immediate removal and blacklisting.

Finally, while artists are allowed to take RLC, you must participate in freebies / games as well at a similar quality to your RLC work. If we notice that you're only doing RLC, or we notice a large disparity in the quality of free vs paid work, you will lose the right to do RLC!

Any future expectations will be added here as needed, but hopefully that's all we'll need to be a fun, happy family!
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Mule Account

We are hiring!

We are currently looking for both edited and unedited artists.

We don't currently have a practice template! If you want to apply, please use samples either from your own art or from other shops you've done work for! You can post your samples over here in the hiring thread.
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Lore Team & Editors

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