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Ʊ Live's Customs Thread Ʊ -closed-


Grizzled Veteran

Things to Note
  • All slots will be selected as I feel inspired, not in any particular order. Unless otherwise stated.
  • I will take only one at a time so I don't get overwhelmed.
  • I'm usually pretty open to trying most things, though I prefer having a preset design or inspirational image to work from rather than just colors.
  • I like to try my best to spread the love. I try hard to get to as many as I can for as many different people as I can.
  • I recommend a variety of themes/custom types/levels to increase the chance of getting picked.
  • Please read and keep in mind what kinds of customs I am currently open for.

General Rules
  • Don't ask for things against Basilisk Stew or MFS rules.
  • This is PWYW
    • There are no set prices. You offer what you wish. Your offer must be present in your form.
    • Keep in mind, what you pay for is what you get. I am not likely to pick rares, major edits or mutants unless the price you offer reflects that.
  • You may order pets here.
    • Pet breeding will be available in my breeding thread.
  • I am open to pet/art trades.
    • You can offer art as currency <3
  • Mutants & Heavy Edits are Rare
    • I will not be able/willing to take them on all the time.
    • This also applies to the more rare breeds.
    • I recommend having a few different options to increase the chance of being picked.
  • You cannot order and awakened/hybrid/alicorn.
    • Hybrids, Alicorns, and Awakeneds are locked to special events. You may request a mutant, however!
  • Do not post old ponies here.
    • We have a thread just for requesting ponies on the old lines to be turned into new ponies.
  • I template any/all hair, clothes, or items I make for a custom.
    • Meaning it may be made available for use on other ponies in the future.
    • If you would rather something be unique to make sure to say so and be prepared to offer more for the edits.
  • Pay within 24 hours of approval.
    • If you do not pay within 24 hours I will cancel your order.
  • I will react/like a post if I have taken/done a custom for you this month.
    • This is mainly for me to remember who I've done stuff for during the current month.
    • July EMOTE: 🐸

Posting Rules
  • You may post up to FOUR forms.
    • ONE post per month/opening Please.
  • I will Spoiler forms when I claim/take them.
  • You may replace a taken form with a new one once custom is dropped.
  • You may also rotate out your forms with different ones as you wish so long as I haven't claimed it yet.
  • If your form gets taken by another colorist please remove it.
  • Notate at the top of your post when you update anything in it.
  • You are responsible to keep your post up to date.
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Grizzled Veteran
Animal Palooza

[size=30px][color=tan][b]Animal Rescue![/b][/color][/size]
Morphs: (mention if want specific parts)
A or B:
[b]Inspiration / Refs / Ect :[/b] -spoiler or link-
[b]Offering: [/b]

Full Custom
[size=30px][color=limegreen][b]Custom Request![/b][/color][/size]
Starting Stage:
A or B:
[*][i]Horn:[/i] -delete if not applicable-
[*][i]Wings:[/i] -delete if not applicable-
[*][i]Teeth:[/i] -delete if not applicable-
[*][i]Claws:[/i] -delete if not applicable-
[*][i]Spikes:[/i] -delete if not applicable-
[*][i]Antenna:[/i] -delete if not applicable-
[*][i]Hooves:[/i] -delete if not applicable, this is for if you have fetlocks on your character-
[*][i]Misc:[/i] -feel free to add categories as you see fit- [/list]

[b]Can I template anything from this?
Can I stream this?
References:[/b] -spoiler or link-
[b]Offering: [/b]

Semi Custom
[size=30px][color=dodgerblue][b]Semi-Custom Request![/b][/color][/size][size=11px]
Starting Stage:
A or B:
Palette, Song, or Image Reference:[/b] -I will not mimic the image entirely. Do not show me an adoptable and hope I exactly convert it-

[b]Can I template anything from this?
Can I stream this?

Pet Custom
[size=30px][color=orange][b]Pet Custom Request![/b][/color][/size][size=11px]
Pet Species:
[list][*][i]General:[/i] [/list][/spoiler]

[b]References:[/b] -spoiler or link-
[b]Can I stream this?

Pet From Pony
[size=30px][color=orangered][b]Pet Mimic Request![/b][/color][/size][size=11px]
Pet Species:
Pony Who Owns Them:
Pony:[/b] -link-
[b]Can I stream this?
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Grizzled Veteran
Beat The Heat!

  • Before Posting: Please read these rules and the ones above!
  • All Breeds except Ultra Rare are Available for this round!
  • Minor Accessory Edits can be requested.
  • No Mutation Requests please.
  • Animal Morphs are <3 but not required.
  • Summery colors, themes, ect are muchly welcome, but again not a requirement.
  • Also open to Pet orders.
  • If you have 3 or fewer ponies from me [Live] post the following at the top of your post.
    • Code:
      [b][color=limegreen]I have a gap in my horde! [/color][/b]
  • I will be picking CC from orders through the end of July.
    • Will be taking at least 2 but may do more if I have time.
  • You may post 4 forms, using the ones on the first page.
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Stew Aficionado
Updated 8/2/2020

Semi-Custom Request!
Username: PeterPan_da144
Starting Stage: CC
Breed: CC
A or B: CC
Palette, Song, or Image Reference:
can I template anything from this? Yes
can I stream this? Sure
25 BS currency

Semi-Custom Request!
Username: PeterPan_da144
Starting Stage: CC
Breed: CC
A or B: CC
Palette, Song, or Image Reference:
can I template anything from this? Yes
can I stream this? Sure
25 BS currency

Semi-Custom Request!
Username: PeterPan_da144
Starting Stage: CC
Breed: CC
A or B: CC
Palette, Song, or Image Reference:

Can I template anything from this? yes!
Can I stream this? Yes!
25 BS currency

Semi-Custom Request!
Username: PeterPan_da144
Starting Stage: CC
Breed: CC
A or B: CC
Palette, Song, or Image Reference:

Can I template anything from this? yes!
Can I stream this? Yes!
25 BS currency
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One Little Jay

Grizzled Veteran
Semi-Custom Request!
Username: One Little Jay
Starting Stage: Adult
Breed: Earth (with fluffy morph of some sort? )
A or B: CC
Palette, Song, or Image Reference:

can I template anything from this? Yes
can I stream this? Yes

Offering: 20c & Art of pony of your choice? (Or other OC dm me if interested)


Semi-Custom Request!
Username: Sullivan
Starting Stage: Adult
Breed: CC whatever goes best!
A or B: CC
Palette, Song, or Image Reference:
Inspo love the colors, just have fun? 😀

can I template anything from this? y
can I stream this? y

Offering: 50c

Semi-Custom Request!
Username: Sullivan
Starting Stage: Adult
Breed: CC
A or B: CC
Palette, Song, or Image Reference:
Inspo fun contrasty colors

can I template anything from this? y
can I stream this? y

Semi-Custom Request!
Username: Sullivan
Starting Stage: Adult
Breed: CC
A or B: CC
Palette, Song, or Image Reference:
Inspo so softy chill colors

can I template anything from this? y
can I stream this? y



Grizzled Veteran
Custom Request!
Username: Ellanoire
Starting Stage: Adult
Breed: Flightless
A or B: CC

  • Body: Bottle Morph pretty please!
  • Eyes: CC
  • Hair: Long, extra, flowing
  • (everything else CC!)

    can I template anything from this? Yes
    can I stream this? Yes
    References: Bottle Ref!
    Offering: 250 creds


Stew Aficionado
Semi-Custom Request!
Username: PeterPan_da144
Starting Stage: CC
Breed: Dragon preferred, if possible
A or B: CC
Palette, Song, or Image Reference:

can I template anything from this? Yes!
can I stream this? Yes!
Offering: 50 BS credits

(in the future, please add forms to the same post) ouo
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Custom Request!
Username: lLuminl
Starting Stage: Adult
Breed: Ghoulie
A or B: B

  • Body: cc
  • Eyes: Multiple eyes
  • Hair: Medium and Wavy
  • Horn: Ram Horns maybeee???
  • Misc: Large tail for the Ghoulie

can I template anything from this?
Yes, feel free to template anything you can or use them as a base to go off of. c;
can I stream this?


Feel free to take artistic freedom in anything. I just want something cool and edgy xD
Offering: 80 creds
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Stew Aficionado
Semi-Custom Request!
Username:[/g] [X]Natty-Chan[X]
Starting Stage: CC
Breed: CC or Pixie
A or B: CC
Palette, Song, or Image Reference:

can I template anything from this? Yes
can I stream this? Yes

Offering: 50 creds
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Grizzled Veteran
Semi-Custom Request!
Username: Revel1984
Starting Stage: CC
Breed: Changeling (CC on morphs etc)
A or B: A
Palette, Song, or Image Reference:

can I template anything from this? Yep
can I stream this?: Yep
Offering: 65 Credits



Grizzled Veteran
Updated 4/16

Semi-Custom Request!
Starting Stage:Adult
A or B:B
Palette, Song, or Image Reference:
Play with fire- Song

Can I template anything from this?Yes
Can I stream this?Yes
50 BS

Custom Request!
Username: Cheyriddle4
Starting Stage: Adult
Breed: Earth
A or B: B
White body with pink and orangle paint like markings along with some grey spots

  • Body:White with pink and orange paint horse type markings
  • Eyes:Closed eyes
  • Hair:Braided light peachy color with chopsticks/kanzashi
  • Hooves: Light pink
  • Misc: -feel free to add categories as you see fit-

can I template anything from this? Yes
can I stream this? Yes
Offering: 100 bs currency
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UPDATED!! 5-13

Semi-Custom Request!
Username: Sesshiyasha
Starting Stage: Adult
Breed: CC Morphs A++
A or B: B
Palette, Song, or Image Reference:

can I template anything from this? Sure
can I stream this? Sure
20 Credits or 20k Plat on Gaia (If gaia currency isn't acceptable ignore this! <3)

Semi-Custom Request!
Username: Sesshiyasha
Starting Stage: Adult
Breed: CC Morphs A++
A or B: B
Palette, Song, or Image Reference:

can I template anything from this? Sure
can I stream this? Sure
20 Credits or 20k Plat on Gaia (If gaia currency isn't acceptable ignore this! <3)

Semi-Custom Request!
Username: Sesshiyasha
Starting Stage: Adult
Breed: CC Morphs A++
A or B: B
Palette, Song, or Image Reference:

can I template anything from this? Sure
can I stream this? Sure
20 Credits or 20k Plat on Gaia (If gaia currency isn't acceptable ignore this! <3)

Semi-Custom Request!
Username: Sesshiyasha
Starting Stage: Adult
Breed: CC anything but Earth <3
A or B: B
Palette, Song, or Image Reference:

Can I template anything from this? Sure!
Can I stream this? YUPS!
Offering: 20 Creds or 20k Plat on Gaia
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