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Velox Isles -OLD-

▣ ▫ Kaleidoscope Tribe ▫ ▣


Grizzled Veteran
Kaleidoscope is an ancient mega tribe. It is both the oldest and largest tribe as far back as recorded records can confirm. It is believed to be the first tribe that united all raptors and began to record, keep, and teach others. Over time the tribe grew and groups broke from the main to spread across Velox and unite it. Each of these groups are essentially extensions of the same whole. They maintain the same rules a way of life and just vary in locale and size.

Through the ages to today they have been a neutral party sworn to protect the most sacred places and tasked with overseeing disputes of other tribes. Today they act as overseers of the largest settlements both above and below the waves.

Such settlements are accepted neutral ground and are commonly used by other tribes as safe places to mingle, trade, learn, rest, and various other such things. Though some tribes and many tribeless adults choose to actually remain and live along side Kaleidoscope members.

As peaceful zones where anyone can come, there is rarely trouble stirred up. For being caught doing so may result in being exiled from their settlements. As they are social hubs and safe zones this isn't a desired outcome for any. So even bitter rival tribes, or those at war will still abide by the rules while within Kaleidoscope's territory.

The butterfly is the symbol of the Kaleidoscope tribe. Each satellite group takes a butterfly inspired name, thus Identifying them as separate but still part of the whole.

Also powerful figure in their creation story. Believed to not only be the true form of the great spirit that gave life to all, but also continue to be the source of changes and the unexplained currently on Velox.

Butterflies are sacred creatures for raptors, especially the Kaleidoscope. While they are not directly worshiped they are seen great beings of change and are to be respected. To bring harm to one in any fashion is said to curse those that harmed them.

To be caught doing ill in any fashion by Kaleidoscope is harshly punished. Circumstances are often considered but it is rare for one causing harm to butterflies to get off lightly. Many believe equal harm to befall the one to do the harming.

Kaleidoscope strongly believe in equality and as such they are pretty lax and easy going, especially when it comes to getting into the business of others. So long as you are doing your part, not trying to cheat others, or otherwise be a nuisance they let raptors do as they please.

However, there are at times disputes and someone needs to be able to call the shots to effectively run large settlements. So they follow a basic hierarchy and social structure.

As a general rule they function as a meritocracy and if one can prove their skill and value no position is too high.

Below you will find the basic structure of roles in a Kaleidoscope settlement. Listed from most to least influence.

  • Lord
    • Role given only to Monarchs that oversee and protect a settlement.
    • More than one Monarch can hold this role and effectively rule a settlement as equals and act as a counsel when it comes to the big decisions.
    • Lords are rarely called upon for daily tasks and mainly fulfill their roles in larger decisions and special rituals and duties.
  • High One
    • Technical heads and general overseers of the day to day in the settlement.
    • Their main roles are in the handling of day to day managing, handling disputes, requests and issues.
    • Priest/Priestesses report to them on statues, requests, and issues that come up.
  • Priest/Priestess
    • Tasked with being the public face so to speak, they spend much of their time interacting with Role Chiefs and Visiting or Resident Tribes.
    • They are in a role of power as they act as the intermediary between High Ones and everyone else to ensure things are taken care of properly.
    • Their tasks can vary widely and they are the most commonly available resource to reach out to if there is ever a problem that may need escalation.
  • Role Chief
    • In charge of smaller groups of specific roles.
    • They are granted charge of essentially small focus tribes that serve the whole.
    • They organize and ensure all under their care are doing their part.
    • For example a Chief Hunter would plan and execute hunts with their group and provide their goods.
  • Member
    • Anyone else falls into this grouping. They report to a Role Chief and fulfill their duties.
    • There is little to no social difference by the time one gets to this level. The only really notable one is those of the Protector role as they are given the right and duty to assert themselves if a situation demands.
  • Resident
    • This applies to registered tribes or individuals that choose to live on the land and under the protection of Kaleidoscope.
    • They are technically independent and can leave at any time. But have entered into an agreement with Kaleidoscope in order to reside on their land. As such socially, they rank below those that are officially members.
  • Visitor
    • Those that are not in any way part of or otherwise bound to Kaleidoscope but visit in order to gain some benefits of their neutral zones.
    • Mostly those that come for the markets and festivals on a temporary basis.
  • Youths
    • Basically anyone that isn't an adult ends up at the bottom of the social hierarchy and have little say in anything until they come of age. At which point they jump up the list based on their merits.
  • Exiled
    • The only thing worse than being a child with no say is being completely barred.
    • Those tribes or individuals that have done something to earn this status are treated with distain, distrust, and are chased off.
    • They have no say in anything.

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Grizzled Veteran
Living life in and around Kaleidoscope settlements can be very different to how most tribes live. So here is a general over view of what life is like for some of the different types of lifestyles.

Official Kaleidoscope members are granted homes closer to the center of the settlement. Their needs are also provided for, so long as they continue to fulfill their roles. Any extra work they do they will be paid for in other goods or valuable metals or gems that they are free to use or spend on other things as they see fit.

The exact duties of each individual varies greatly based the the role(s) they choose to undertake. However, most have working hours/days and get days off for personal interests and recovery. With such a large tribe they tend to get more leeway and freedom than many tribes.

Their proximity and membership also gains them the benefits of many magic tools. A valuable and useful assortment of perma-enchanted items, such as communicators, are more available and typically easier to obtain as a full member.

Overall tribe member lifestyle is much similar to a less techy modern life where if one does their full time work all their needs are met and they are allowed to do whatever they want in their free time.

Residents are basically satellite tribes or individuals that are granted residence but are not officially with Kaleidoscope. Arrangements can vary but in general residents are granted a place/location nearer the edges of the territory and share much the same rights as Kaleidoscope members. Though have a lower social status.

Much akin to renting property. Residents pay for the right to live in the safety of Kaleidoscope territory with goods and services. The main difference is they are mostly self governing, meaning they don't work with/alongside Kaleidoscope members they do their own thing.

For example a resident tribe specializing in hunting wouldn't join a Role Cheif's team to hunt but would do so with their own members. Then sell their goods directly to the Kaleidoscope tribe for the right to live there. So basically if they have paid their 'rent' a resident tribe's members are free to do what they want, just as an official member can.

As visitors are largely temporary and often just passing through it is less of a lifestyle and more an idea as to why they come to visit.

While they may not share in the benefits of those that live there, they are still treated equally in matters and resolutions in the case of a dispute. However, as a visitor one has little influence or say in anything. Stirring up even minor trouble could get you marked for possible exile.

There are three main reasons why other tribes will come to visit a Kaleidoscope settlement. Though these are not the only ones.
  • The Bazar
    • The large open market that occurs weekly.​
    • The vast number of things one can obtain here is reason enough to be a draw. The safe neutral zone and promise of fair treatment and prices makes it practically unbeatable.​
  • Magical Needs
    • Be it to learn magic, obtain magic tools, get a blessing, or some other various need or ritual the open and accepting policies of Kaleidoscope draw in many even when they are not the only way.
  • Safety
    • Be it from the elements, rival tribes, or anything else dangerous under the sun, Kaleidoscope settlements are seen as the best place to go.
    • Safety in numbers keeps away dangerous animals while walls or other structures in general aide in protection from the elements.
    • The promise of the neutral zone will keep rivals at bay.
    • And there is no better protection than the presence of one or more raptor monarchs sworn to protect.

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