▶▷ Everchange ◁◀ Shop-Collab Plushie Event, pg660

Party Pop

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Res: 1
I'm so sorry guys, I made a huge mistake so I am rolling again. Sorry for the inconvenience

My Four Seasons

Mule Account
The Resolution Sphere event has been extended to January 31st (at 11:59pm EST)! With it comes more prompts! Yes -- you can earn even more tickets!

My Four Seasons

Mule Account
Hello everyone! We've upgraded our pony lineart entirely, thanks to the wonderful Polliwoggi (and sharkberrypizza has helped a lot with the collection, directing, and managing of the lines + lore). That's right, I said lore, because with this huge update is a brand new breed guide, with some surprises inside. That's not for me to spoil -- go look for yourself!

With this, the old lineart is completely retired. This is the final update to the lineart as a whole, and the new lines capture the vision I had for the shop originally. They are here to stay, so the old lines have to go! Don't worry, all old ponies can continue to be used as usual. They exist with Everchange, they're fully functional characters, they're just on the retired lineset.

We will not open the ability to recustom old lines onto new! Going forward, any and all creation will be on the new lines (except for purchases made prior to this date, including RLC and BS credit purchases). You'll be seeing the old lines pop up until the end of Feburary as colorists finish orders made prior to this announcement.

Additionally, this month will be heavily spent revamping parts of the shop. This includes the map guide, pet guide (which is being renamed to companions guide, as pets are now being called companions), fixing any images that use the old lines as previews (front page for example!) and more! These updates will be announced as they trickle out.



late to the party
Staff member
You know what? You know what we haven't done in a long time? We haven't had a speed sale in a long, long time. You know what else we ... actually may have never had? A companion flatsale. So let's change both of those things right now!

Make sure you read before posting!

  • Sale is open as soon as this message is posted!
  • One companion per person.
  • Companions cost 50c, payable to the colorist after sale confirmation.
  • You must use the form provided.
  • You may not proxy for anyone else.
  • The answer is the first and last letter/digit/symbol of your username. Mine would be "pi"!
  • First come first served, based on BS post order/time stamp.
  • Any edits to your post at all will disqualify your post.
  • If someone gets the companion you want before you, you may post to try again for another!
Now, on to the companions...!

sharkberrypizza colored 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 | polliwoggi colored 2, 8, 9, 10

[b]Companion wanted[/b]:
[b]What is the answer[/b]?