▶▷ Everchange ◁◀ Shop-Collab Plushie Event, pg660

My Four Seasons

Mule Account

End Date: August 20th, 11:59pm EST

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The heat bearing down on Dream Valley is hot and humid, oppressively pressuring its residents as the Queen of Summer-- Summri --basks in her full power. Ponies remark how this summer is far hotter than the last, to which their queen enthusiastically agrees -- they're right, after all! The magic of Everchange has been quite fortunate towards the Summer Alicorn this year.
Unfortunately, that sentiment isn't shared by many of Dream Valley citizens. Ponies are sick and tired of summer already, and it has only just begun! Aware of the frustrations of the good ponies of Everchange, Summri has relented, but only under her terms.
She wants to party.
The heat has been slightly subdued in favor of throwing a Summer Festival, both in Dream Valley and Summer's Touch. Towns are decorated, summer activities are held in every corner, fireworks blossom at night, and Summri even has made an appearance during the celebrations (although she's made it a point to ignore any business inquiries).
Now that summer is fun again-- and there's plenty to do --why not join the festivities?
