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▷ Those Without Domains

My Four Seasons

Mule Account

A change is stirring ...

Once, it was taken for granted that an alicorn would have a known domain; as the avatar of their sphere, it would make itself known very quickly - if not simply cementing itself in their mind immediately. However, times change, and it is becoming increasingly obvious that something is interfering with the established way of things. Something is not right, and some alicorns simply can't access their powers. It isn't just that they don't know their domain - for all intents and purposes, they don't seem to have one, though everyone knows that simply can't be true. Something is locking their powers away inside of them, creating an influx of those murmured to be domainless.

Being without a domain is different for every pony; some find it highly distressing, particularly those not born into their alicorn-hood and instead having gone through the rigorous life experience necessary to ascend to the position. After all, it should be part of their very being, but apart from being bigger and adept at standard magic, nothing is really much different for them. Others find it perfectly acceptable not having to worry with the stress of managing wild abilities or having to deal with the potential for others to idolize them a little too much just for being unique. Ultimately though, one thing is certain - not being able to access their intrinsic domain powers makes them much more normal than the "traditional" alicorn.

Health wise, at least, they're perfectly fine... but as to what's causing it, that is the real mystery. Not even the Queens will say whether or not they have any ideas what could seal these powerful beings' abilities. Whether the answer will reveal itself in time, well - that still remains to be seen.​

This is a new function to allow you to cert your alicorns without having to go through the power approval system. This will allow you to roleplay them, breed them, and any other standard shop functions, but it comes at a price; your alicorn will not have the array of powers that a properly domained alicorn has, and you will not (at least for now) be able to give them one later.

Lore-wise, they do have a domain - it's simply unknown and sealed away. They have no idea what it is (so you should not hint at it nor try and claim one for use for them) and cannot access any of its powers. It is still there, whatever it would have been, tethering the alicorn's powers to Everchange, it's just... they can't use them, and they can't identify what it is/would have been. This is not an effect that can currently be removed - no one knows what's causing it! - so think carefully about taking this route. Your alicorn will be locked into being a normal (if oversized and very talented with standard magic) pony and any abilities/actions in character should be treated as such.

In order to cert your alicorn as domainless, simply fill out the form below and link that as their power approval post. Their breed is "domainless alicorn" and they will be certed as such. If traded, that alicorn will continue to be domainless. It cannot be removed.

Remember, you cannot currently and may never be able to reverse this process, so please be certain it's what you want!

[B][COLOR=rgb(190, 157, 251)][FONT=Nimbus Mono][SIZE=24px]I can't quite place it...[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR][/B][/CENTER]

[b]Alicorn to be domainless:[/b] (please link)
[b]You understand this means you cannot have alicorn powers for this pony?:[/b] yes/no
[b]You understand this registration is permanent?:[/b] yes/no

[CENTER][I]I certify that I understand what I am agreeing to; I also agree that if I should trade this alicorn, I will make it clear that they are domainless.[/I][/CENTER]


Grizzled Veteran
I can't quite place it...

Alicorn to be domainless: link
You understand this means you cannot have alicorn powers for this pony?: yes
You understand this registration is permanent?: yes

I certify that I understand what I am agreeing to; I also agree that if I should trade this alicorn, I will make it clear that they are domainless.


Grizzled Veteran
I can't quite place it...

Alicorn to be domainless: Boop
You understand this means you cannot have alicorn powers for this pony?: yes
You understand this registration is permanent?: yes

I certify that I understand what I am agreeing to; I also agree that if I should trade this alicorn, I will make it clear that they are domainless.


Grizzled Veteran
I can't quite place it...

Alicorn to be domainless:
You understand this means you cannot have alicorn powers for this pony?: yes
You understand this registration is permanent?: yes

I certify that I understand what I am agreeing to; I also agree that if I should trade this alicorn, I will make it clear that they are domainless.
Last edited:


Grizzled Veteran
I can't quite place it...

Alicorn to be domainless:
You understand this means you cannot have alicorn powers for this pony?: yes
You understand this registration is permanent?: yes

I certify that I understand what I am agreeing to; I also agree that if I should trade this alicorn, I will make it clear that they are domainless.