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◌◦ Bribes & Breedin's Information ◦◌


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Mule Account
Why hello there! Looking for some information about getting customs or babies for your pets, then you are in the right place.

You will find some general information on rules and how things typically work. Along with some common terms that may be used and what they mean here in Aqueous.

If you ever have any questions or would like additional clarifications you can send the mule a message or reach out to staff on the Discord. We are happy to help!

Note: This thread is subject to change as new info is added or things are altered. We will do the best we can to keep things up to date but you can always ask if you need help or clarification. <3

[ General Rules - Terms & Slot Types - Custom - Spawning - Other ]​
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Station Visitor
Mule Account
General Rules
  • Please follow BS's ToS.
    • Let's not get in trouble here. ; )​
  • Only post in threads that are open.
    • Colorists will have their own threads and when they are currently accepting orders they will change their thread titles to say Open. Don't post in threads that are not labeled as open.​
  • Don't harass colorists.
    • If a custom is taking awhile remember they have lives too. We have rules and guides in place to help ensure work is done in a timely manner.​
    • If however, you have a genuine question or concern you may reach out to them. Just be considerate.​
  • Be sure you can afford your custom.
    • In cases of set payment or PWYW slots be sure you are able to cover the price if you are selected.
    • Most colorist threads are based on a pay what you want system. However, colorists have the right to set payment amounts and deny or ignore requests for whatever reason.
  • Provide proof of ownership.
    • For pets and adopts from other places we like some form of verifiable ownership regardless of what site/method they were obtained.
    • Please do not post adopts/pets that are not yours for refs or inspiration.
    • If in doubt either don't use it or reach out to staff to see if its ok.
  • RLC is done via special slots.
    • Don't ask, offer or pester about them in the bribe threads.
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Station Visitor
Mule Account
Terms to Know

  • Trait
    • Trait is used to describe the aspects of a pet. Such are Ears, Tails, Claws, Antennae, ect. It is a general term and there will be a list where one can view those currently open for use.
  • Template
    • Used to describe edits that already exist and can be used to create pets w/o the artist needing to make new lines.
  • Edit
    • Used to define edits that are new and the artist has to make. Such edits then will by default fall into the Closed category unless specified or donated to the Open category.
  • Open
    • This is a category for existing art templates that is free and open to use. Colorists may use them when making new pets of any kind and they can be requested in customs by users.
  • Closed
    • This is a category for existing art templates that are not available for general use and cannot be requested via customs. They can only be passed on via Breeding or if the owner donates the edits.
  • Typical
    • This is the term for a default unedited base.
    • They have only the standard traits and not other trait variants template or otherwise.
    • They may have/use open templates for eyes and expressions and still be typical.
  • Variant
    • Having new edits or existing templates added make pets variant.
    • Eyes / Expressions by themselves don't make pets variant.
  • Mutation
    • The adding of new non typical traits are considered mutations.
    • Things such as extra tails, eyes, claws, ext
    • The removal of non-optional typical traits also are considered mutations.
    • Things such as no eyes, no antenna, ect.
    • Scars and injury based damage or removal of traits is not a mutation.
  • Cosplay
    • Pets that are designed after or otherwise inspired by characters from other media.
    • These are fine and allowed here. Just be aware of a few things in regard to them.
    • They are not the character they are designed after. They can share name, personality, ect about them. But they don't have their past, story, powers, ect.
    • As you do not own the character others are free to obtain a pet based on the same character as you.

Types of Slots

  • Custom
    • Request what you want specifically. Artists will work with you to get what you want.
    • You may request Open traits as you like.
    • WIPs can be provided based on the artist or on request.
  • Semi
    • You offer something as inspiration and the artist makes the pet based on that.
    • Acceptable things can vary by artist preference. But typically, themes, palettes, images, and sometimes songs can be used as inspiration.
  • Blind Box
    • Mystery box of random! You get whatever the artist feels like making.
    • This is completely random. You don't pick anything.
  • Spawning
    • Breeding baby!
    • You can find more info on Spawning below.
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Station Visitor
Mule Account
Custom Information

Artists will open threads where users can post in hopes of getting a pet colored by them. These threads will have colorist specific rules and information. It's best to read over each artist's details so you are informed before posting.

Artists will have a main Colorist Choice thread where they accept both customs & breeding that is always open for posts that they can CC from.
They may also choose to have a Spawning thread & a Customs thread. These can be open or closed and can be used for default slots or for events, sales, or other things the shop/colorist is running.
They can also be used for artists that only take on one type of request.

[ CC ] - Prefix for the main artist thread that can have any kind of form.
[ SPAWN ] - Prefix for Breeding only thread.
[ CUSTOM ] - Prefix for Custom only thread.

Artists will also reach out to you to confirm a selection before they officially take on a request. This way making sure you are still interested, able to pay, and/or if anything else may have changed.

While most colorists do pay what you want/bribe based payment. They are allowed to do set payment or accept other things like art trades, ect. Please however don't request RLC in the regular threads it is not the place for them. Colorists that are approved for RLC will be allowed to open slots in specific threads/discord channels.
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Station Visitor
Mule Account
Spawning Information

Getting offspring is fun but there are some things you should know.

  • Same gender? No problem!
    • These critters don't even require a partner and can self reproduce with some extra effort. So they are perfectly capable of obtaining offspring with any partner.
  • Multiple partners.
    • Entered pairs can currently have up to 3 partners involved.
  • One per user.
    • Without the use of items or events each user can only keep one egg.
    • Extras can be gifted or gamed off.
    • You are not allowed to sell them.
  • You can not custom babies.
    • Artists have full control of what the babies will look like.
  • Only adults can breed.
    • If they have had offspring before, their last spawning needs to be fully grown to breed again.
  • Traits in Spawning.
    • Traits from either parent can be mix and matched by the artist.
    • Closed traits can be passed on via breeding but there is no guarantee.
    • If allowed, artists may roll to see if a random open template trait appears on offspring.
  • Mutations in Spawning.
    • Mutations, being a type of trait will have an Open/Closed category.
    • They will be mix and matched by the artist in accordance with their category.
    • Like any trait there is no guarantee they will pass down.
    • If allowed, some events will cause mutations or increase chances of passing mutations.
  • Self Replication.
    • This process is more draining than with partners. As such the number of kids are reduced.
    • Offspring made in this way can vary widely in markings and sometimes traits from their parent. Though usually they still look something like their parent the process of attempting to alter the genetics with just their own base data can cause unexpected appearances.

Numbers for Spawning

Default = # of unique users + chance at 1 extra

Roleplay or other activity rewards can be used to add extras.
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