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  • Rainbow Reef
    • The largest coral reef packed with vibrant colors and stunning arrays of life among its corals and rocks. It is believed that this reef was the origin of life and is not only home, it is a sacred place to most the sentient species.
  • The Coral Forest
    • A vast tangle of strange corals, rocks, and caverns. Footing is treacherous among the water pitted and hollowed rocks and the giant corals that reach up through the crevasses and reach tall into the sky.
      Prone to flooding or otherwise hard to predict changes in water levels. Going from dry to underwater rapidly. It is dangerous for the unprepared.
  • The Spines
    • The largest range of mountains that runs along the northern coast. The formation's silhouette looks like the spine or back of a large creature. These mountains are one of the few places that snow heavily even near their base. The peaks of this range are the coldest places known on the surface.
  • Crossing Plains
    • This vast flatlands lays between The Spines and Broken Forests. It's usually just a vast field of grasses and dirt that is easy to traverse. Twice a cycle(year) this low grassland is flooded by shallow water for a few days. Many animals will use this time for migrations or other events to travel this vast stretch via water.
  • Colossus Beach
    • This strange beach and its attached bay grow massive plant and coral structures. It's a wonder to see the corals of the oceans dominate both water and land. It is unknown why here and only here do these corals and plants get so large. As while there are a few unique species found here, most are just supersized versions of other known species.
  • Fading Isle
    • This crumbling island of volcanic rock seems to be ever so slowly fading away back into the ocean. So while it is stable-ish for know and know for harboring some rarer herbs, it is not considered an ideal nesting site.
  • The Crumbling Cliffs
    • On the west shore of Spirit Bay lays a tall cliff face. At its base lay crumbling bits of rock in variety of sizes that have sheered off the great cliff. It however is not particularly unstable and the hunting around the shallows of these cliffs is great for some easy prey.
  • Broken Forests
    • This stretch of trees claims much of the western lands. Broken occasionally by hills that could at some points be classified as mountains. It is one of the most life flourishing places that sits upon the land.
  • Spirit Bay
    • One of the most central places in Aqueous. The deep sinkhole of blue that dominates the center is believed by many sentient races to be either the origin of souls and/or the place they go when they move on.
  • Ocean's Talons
    • Large spires of rock that stick up out of the ocean to the west. The currents here are often swift, dangerous, and hard to predict. Few choose to live or even hunt here, but to the right species or those with the right knowledge and skill it can be a great natural protection.
  • Hidden Oasis
    • A little tucked away lush valley. It's unknown why there is such a diverse array of useful plant life here but it's beauty and usefulness is unquestionable. Many have tried to lay claim to this seeming slice of heaven but there is a creature that lurks and is said to consume any that dare outstay their welcome.
  • Lunule Isle
    • Also known as moon or half-moon isle. This lush island hosts a beautiful bay and an active volcano on it's north side. The volcano here seems happy to slowly ooze out trails of lava but has on occasion built enough pressure to explode more violently.