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Lunar Lapin

☾ Mochi Maker Applications ☾ Hiring

Lunar Lapin

Station Visitor
Mule Account

Please DM either Wish or Jelly on Discord for the Hiring Lines!

Perks and Expectations:

Full Time Colorist:
  • Full time colorists are required to offer customs or breedings at least once a month. As a guideline; customs should produce a minimum of four pets, and breedings should produce a minimum of one to two breedings.
  • Full time colorists are not only rewarded in staff credit, but may commission a colorist, trade with a colorist, or trade with a colorist of another shop up to six free pets per year. These freebie pets may not be claimed unless you have fulfilled your required customs and breedings every two months.

Part Time Colorist:
  • Part time colorists are required to offer customs or breedings at least once every two months. As a guideline; customs should produce a minimum of three pets, and breedings should produce a minimum of one breeding.
  • Part time colorists are not only rewarded in staff credit, but may commission a colorist, trade with a colorist, or trade with a colorist of another shop up to four free pets per year. These freebies may not be claimed unless you have fulfilled your required customs and breedings every three months.

Guest Colorist:
  • Guest colorists are required to offer customs or breedings at least once every two to three months. As a guideline; customs should produce a minimum of two pets, and breedings should produce a minimum of one breeding.
  • Guest colorists are not only rewarded in staff credit, but may commission a colorist, trade with a colorist, or trade with a colorist of another shop up to two free pets per year. These freebies may not be claimed unless you have fulfilled your required customs and breedings every six months.

Important Note:
We have some expectations for staff, primarily communication and work being completed within a timely manner (3 months from date work is taken on). Keep this in mind when deciding on the position you wish to apply for. We are very understanding (irl happens, it's all good!) and are more than willing to work with you and help you out if you need it! Make sure you keep up communication!

What We're Looking for:
  • Edit colorists of every level
  • Unedit colorists

  • 3 coloring samples and 1 breeding sample minimum, but you can add as many samples as you like!

Notes and Rules:
  • You may keep 1 of your samples if you're hired on, or get a newbie pet the rest should be gamed off or used for the shop in some way.
  • You may use pets that you own as inspiration for your samples, but you may not directly copy someone else's pet.
  • Shading and Highlights are up to the colorist's style! It isn't required and is completely at your discretion.
  • Colored lines are preferred unless specified by the customer!
  • Any edits are totally fine - go nuts! We have several breeds coming out, but we wanna see what you got!
  • All pets must go through approval, within reason of course!
  • Use of AI inspiration is strictly prohibited. We'll give you the benefit of the doubt, but please don't feed the machine.

[b]Position[/b]: Full, Part, Guest
[b]Availability & Timezone[/b]:
[b]Do you use Discord?[/b]: Y/N (if hired, you must be willing to download/use Discord)

[b]Previous Shop Experience[/b]:
[b]Previous Samples[/b]: Provide links please

[b]Lapin Samples[/b]: Post images and resize to 300px

[b]Lapin Breeding Samples[/b]: Post images and resize to 300px
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