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➽ Daydream Believer ~ (Mixer Applications Open)



Welcome Daydream Believers and Home Coming Queens~... this is Andraia's Daydream thread.

All standard daydreams (which is all daydreams unless otherwise specified) require a preexisting and valid Daydream Agreement. The number of jars that a daydream creates ranges between two to six, with a minimum of the number of users participating in the daydream. the species of the offspring and whether or not they carry edits will not be known until they grow. All "OOC" Daydreams will result in straight-to-adult offspring. Each participating user may only keep one of the figments created through a daydream.

Free daydreams offered here have a special rule: any extra offspring (which is to say, any over the number of participating users) must be given away in a randomized format or surrendered to the shop. So, you can choose what kind of game or raffle you would like to do, but you do not get to choose who receives them.

Extra offspring from Paid Daydreans (whether by site, shop, or real currency) are yours to distribute at will.
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The default type, of daydream offered here. They may be offered in either Full-Growing or Adult-Only options. You do not get to choose anything about the resulting offspring. You will be expected to specify what your plans are for any bonus babies in the form.
  • These slots are Colourist's Choice!
    That means that it is at my whim which daydreams and how many daydreams I may select to do.
  • Each user may post one sweet dream form per calendar month.
    There is no limit to the number of applications Your figments may be entered in in a single month, but you may only post one.
  • Once a form is posted it will remain in consideration indefinitely until you remove it, it is chosen for a daydream, or the daydream agreement expires.
    It would be appreciated if you would edit your own posts to remove expired agreements, but it's not the end of the world if you don't.
  • Edits from parents may pass on to offspring!
    However, it is not guaranteed. (It may depend on if I have to recreate the edit from scratch or not, so edits originally done by me may be more likely to pass on.)
Open for Colourist's Choice!
[CENTER][IMG width="400px"][/IMG][/CENTER]
[b]Daydream Agreement:[/b] Link
[b]Type of Daydream Agreement:[/b] Single-Use / Permanent / OOC
[b]What do you plan to do with any extra kiddos?[/b] Game / Raffle / Surrender / Etc
[b]Would you like to opt-in for a bonus twin baby?[/b] Y/N

[IMG align="right" height="100px"]CERTURL[/IMG][b]Figment #1:[/b] Name
[b]Owner #1:[/b] Username
[b]Species:[/b] Type
[b]Code:[/b] AAA.000
[b]Uncert:[/b] Link

[IMG align="right" height="100px"]CERTURL[/IMG][b]Figment #2:[/b] Name
[b]Owner #2:[/b] Username
[b]Species:[/b] Type
[b]Code:[/b] AAA.000
[b]Uncert:[/b] Link

[IMG align="right" height="100px"]CERTURL[/IMG][b]Figment #3:[/b] Name
[b]Owner #3:[/b] Username (Delete if unneeded!)
[b]Species:[/b] Type
[b]Code:[/b] AAA.000
[b]Uncert:[/b] Link

[IMG align="right" height="100px"]CERTURL[/IMG][b]Figment #4:[/b] Name (Delete if unneeded!)
[b]Owner #4:[/b] Username
[b]Species:[/b] Type
[b]Code:[/b] AAA.000
[b]Uncert:[/b] Link
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Mixers are a special kind of "OOG" Daydream offered here. OOG Daydreams are normal breedings in terms of how the offspring are generated, but they are not 'canon' in the universe of miscellaneous. So, the resulting figments are considered first generation and not the children of the figments they are generated from.

  • Entering a figment in the mixer is considered agreeing to a single-use OOG daydream agreement with another random entrant in the mixer!
    You will not have any say in who your figment is paired with. If your figment wins a slot, the agreement will be considered nullified and it will no longer be included in the list of mixer members.
  • You may enter one figment to the mixer membership roster every calendar month.
    Your figment is removed from the pool if it is used in a daydream, but you may enter it again in a future month if you would like.
  • Mixer membership is permanent unless you request your figment to be removed.
    You may remove your figments at any time. I may also chose to remove figments from the membership list at any time for any reason.
  • Users who's figments are used for a mixer daydream will roll for first choice of the offspring, but any extra figments will be distributed by me.
    You will not be able to choose who the extra offspring go to. By default, they will be raffled off between other users with figments on the mixer member list, but I may commandeer them for another purpose.
  • All mixer daydreams are adult-only.
    Meaning that the offspring will not start as jars or have a whim stage. Bonus: that means you will know what the adults look like!
Open! (Randomized & Colourist's Choice)
[CENTER][IMG width="400px"][/IMG]
[IMG width="500px"]CERT[/IMG]
To have your figment removed from Mixer Membership all you need to do is quote the post where you added them and tell me you want them removed. Do not edit the original post.
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