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Pokémon Expeditions



late to the party
Staff member
Pokémon Expeditions is a deep shop. Built from the marriage of a personal headcanon world for pokémon video games and the tabletop system Pokérole, it has a lot of complexity to it - but that shouldn't stop you from joining! While most of the informational threads in this group are high-detail, this thread aims to be a quick overview of what to do, how to do it, and where you can find more info should you want it.

Explanations you find here will be trimmed considerably, so if you need to reference anything, make sure to click the links offered to you to learn more!

Table of Contents
  • Understanding the Shop
  • Notable Lore
  • Character Creation
    • - Creating an idea
    • - Allocating stats
    • - Posting and approval
  • Getting Pokémon
    • - Events and Sales
    • - Expeditions
    • - Enrichment Facility
    • - RLC
  • Research Projects
    • - Assisting
  • Expeditions
  • Combat
    • - Basics
    • - Status Effects
    • - Victories
    • - Capture
  • Addendum
    • - Quick Templates
    • - In-Depth Thread Directory
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late to the party
Staff member
Before We Begin

You do not have to participate in any of the forum game to join the shop. You may enter into sales, games, etc as long as they don't require a character!

In order to participate in the forum game, you must join our Discord. We rely on the #help-me channel to know when mods are needed.

You must abide by all shop and BS rules to play and participate!
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late to the party
Staff member
Dice Roll Basics

All dice rolls in the shop use a six-sided die, abbreviated as "d6."

Several dice rolled at once are represented as "xd6." Rolling five dice can be said as "5d6."

All rolls are based on a success/failure system. If a die comes up as 1, 2, or 3, that's a failure. If it comes up 4, 5, 6, that's considered a success. Every roll will involve you rolling dice and counting your successes.

If you're told a difficulty for an action, that's how many successes you need to succeed at that action. A difficulty 3 means you need three dice to come up as 4, 5, or 6. If you aren't given a difficulty, then the difficulty is 1.

Links Out:
A wordier explanation with a real-play example can be read here.
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late to the party
Staff member
Reading Stats

Every attribute in the shop can be represented by either dots or by numbers. These are called "statistics" - or stats - and they represent how good/bad your character is at some particular thing.

Higher numbers are better numbers.

A stat that's represented by a number is usually a calculated stat. This means that it's made up of some kind of base value and modified, or it's the result of adding other base stats.

A stat that's represented by dots is a value that the player assigned. These show you visually how good a character is at that thing, as well as how good they could be. Dots have the following meanings:

⬤ - The character has achieved this value.
⭘ - The character could achieve this value.
⮿ - The character could never achieve this value. Used for pokémon only.

This would have to be a pokémon's statistic, since it's out of 10. The mon currently has 4 in the stat and could reach a max of 6. It could never raise this stat to 7+.

All dot values represent abilities compared to the human max of 5 for any given stat. Since pokémon have such different bodies than humans, their physical stats have a wider range.

Links Out:
Explanations of physical stats can be read under the spoilers here.
An explanation of the pokémon-only stats and general display can be read here.
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late to the party
Staff member

Pokémon Expeditions takes place in a custom region known as Nauwill! This region is an island, and the island is owned by the Fairlight Company. The goal of the game portion is to slowly explore and settle the island over time.

The main and currently only city of the region is known as Doveport. This is the base of operations for all adventurers and settlers. The city has homes and basic needs such as water and electricity met, but lacks many luxuries from older, more settled areas so far.

As the region is explored and the city, more things may become available ICly! Announcements will be made as the status of Doveport and its surrounding areas changes. Character choices and discoveries may affect the future of the island, so it's never too late to join up and help out.
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late to the party
Staff member

The region of Nauwill is owned by the Fairlight Company, which is headed by Hayashi Junpei. While the details of the acquisition are murky, so far no other region has legally challenged the claim to the ownership. They provide the bulk of funding and supplies for the island and its settlers.

The United Research Association, or URA, is a group of like-minded scientists from various regions across the world. Their presence on Nauwill is dedicated to the study of its natural resources and the preservation of the environment. While it doesn't have a singular "leader" per se, the Nauwillian branch of the URA is co-headed by Emma Morel and her husband Arthur. The URA is on exceptionally poor terms with Fairlight, and most people assume they're only allowed there as denying them would hurt the company's image.

Viridian City Academy is one of the premier academies for pokémon research and training in the world. They are hosting a number of graduate students on the island at Fairlight's behest, with their number making up the bulk of the eager explorers heading out into the wilderness. The current representative of VCA on the island is Alain Basswood, a famed pokémon racer and training professor well known for unorthodox methodology. It is rumored that Hayashi-san personally requested him to head the VCA team, though the reasons are unclear.


late to the party
Staff member
Pokémon Intellect

PE does not follow the anime's standard of pokémon intelligence. Pokémon instead range from purely instinct driven to higher-than human intelligence.

Each pokémon has their own intelligence score listed in their pokédex entry. Individuals can vary within each range, but shouldn't go above or below their general level. All pokémon are capable of learning battle commands, but further IC training/communication/comprehension should defer to their species' level.

In a nutshell, all pokémon fall under one of these levels:

  • Bestial: Similar to a reptile or amphibian.
  • Basic: Similar to a working dog or smart cat.
  • Advanced: Similar to a high intelligence parrot or young child.
  • Humanlike: Capable of human level thought.
  • Superhuman: Capable of genius-level human thought at a great rate.
  • Machine: Processes information like a computer; similar to bestial in terms of emotion.
  • Artificial Intelligence: Processes information like a computer, but capable of altering its own logic to learn. Begins similar to bestial and grows to superhuman with prolonged exposure to humanity.
  • Alien: Incomprehensible. Likely intelligent but governed by desires not understood by humans.
Links Out:
In-depth exploration of intelligence levels here.