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My Four Seasons

Mule Account

Lights Down Low: Pretty much exactly as it sounds, Gallant has the ability to make the atmosphere of a room more romantic. Simple things like dimming lights (if there's no switch for this, he'll make it happen magically by way of a "shade" over the lights), permeating the air with a pony's favourite scent or soft music to set the mood. Lasts up to an hour and can only effect a small to medium room at most.

Woo Me: Gallant is able to discern what a pony finds most romantic upon first speaking with them. It's a power he cannot control and is always switched on. It can be a bit annoying always knowing what it takes to win someone.

Romantic Light: Gallant has the ability to see an aura of sorts around any pony. The closer these auras are in colour, the more compatible those ponies are romantically. Can only be used a maximum of one hour a day, or it results in severe migraines.​


My Four Seasons

Mule Account

Innovation Station: Even scientists have days when they can't come up with much more than scribbles on paper. This power allows Gareth, as long as he is within 10 feet of any given pony, to boost anypony's science-based ideas. Lasts up to three hours once he pony has left Gareth's presence.

Experimental Error: More of a precautionary power, this ability forms a barrier around any experiment or piece of machinery Gareth isn't too sure about. Just in case it blows up. It's happened before.

WHERE ARE THE BLUEPRINTS: Let's face it, most scientists will eventually lose some form for paperwork or another. This power allows Gareth to create three dimensional model of any blueprint, or even a simple description of a design. The model will remain intact for up to 12 hours. If the project is fished before then, the model will explode in a poof of green smoke.

Wrong Beaker!!: Another precautionary power that allows Gareth to contain and dissipate any toxic fumes he--or others--may create in their endeavours for knowledge and scientific advancement.​


My Four Seasons

Mule Account

Life's Story: Any pony in their presence will feel the overwhelming urge to divulge stories from their past. This effect eases the moment they leave.

No Weak Knees: Can enchant various items temporarily that can ease a pony's stage fright, these will only work for a few days and only when in front of a crowd.

Greatest Story N/Ever Told!?: Wanna tell a story that'll capture the imagination and attention of all those around you? Wanna knock their socks off!? This enchantment is for you, but keep in mind it only works while telling the story, you won't be able to remember it, so better hope someone's recording!

Lend Me Your Ears: And maybe your eyes as well, for when they begin to tell a tale no one in the house can keep themselves from listening. While they won't enthrall someone that doesn't enjoy the story, it's rare for someone to risk looking away.​


My Four Seasons

Mule Account

???: can enchant small objects to promote restful sleep.
- full enchantment only lasts 2wks - 1 month and then wanes over time.

???: Can enter sleeping pony's dreams thru touch

???: can perform dream readings and give advice based on them

???: create small to medium illusions
-made of smoke
-must have lit incense or fire of some sort

???: can cast sleep on ponies
-if cast on multiple ponies it will only last 30 minutes or less
-if trying to achieve a full night sleep for another, she must remain nearby. Only one pony at a time.

???: can passively positively influence the dreams of nearby sleeping ponies
-must remain in vicinity for full effect
-Manifests as incense smoke​


My Four Seasons

Mule Account

Berserker Rage: When pushed to his limit he will go into a blind rage, doubling his power for a period of time. After this he will not be able to move for awhile, while he recovers.

Warrior's Gift: He may bestow a warrior like power to a pony that will last through the duration of the battle that warrior is to face. He can only bestow gifts three times a day.

The Aura of Battle: Merely being in his presence will make ponies wish to fight for his cause.

Titan of War: The ability to grow even larger in size then he naturally is in order to push back forces or topple strong holds. This can only be held for an hour at the most, three times a day.

Shields Up!: Able to create a wall of shields to protect him and his fellow warriors as they battle or prepare other defense. The shields have a certain hp and as they are hit when the hp runs to 0 they fall. He has to wait an hour before he is able to put the shield up again.

Summon the Armory: He can summon extra weapons to the field as long as there are weapons left in an armory he has set hoof in before.​


My Four Seasons

Mule Account

Water wings: Lapis has water-wings perpetually. They are essentially part of her anatomy and can be disrupted but cannot be destroyed. This water should not be used for hydrokinesis (see below) unless in a dire situation as it can cause discomfort/pain if there is not enough ambient water for them to reform

Waterwalking: Lapis can walk/skate on liquid water

Aquabatics: Despite not having any mer or aquatic blood, Lapis is an apt and strong swimmer and is able to breathe underwater

Hydrokinesis: If near a physical body of water (can range from a small puddle to the ocean), Lapis is able to manipulate an amount equivalent to her body weight or less, within a 10m radius, for an indefinite amount of time without tiring. For any amount more than this, both in volume and distance, it requires more magic and therefore has a time and distance-constraint. For example, a cup of water can be launched across a football field (100m max distance) and recalled back, while something like a wave of water can be pushed about 25m and cannot be sustained. In order for her to recall water from a large distance, she must already have her magic concentrated on that exact amount of water. ((The idea is the amount of energy it would take to carry a cup of water. If I can run 100m and back carrying a cup of water without tiring, her magic can manage. If I can run 100m and back carrying a gallon of water, I would be a little tired and so would she. If I tried to carry my weight in water 100m and back, I would get tired once I got that far and likely drop most of the water and only be able to carry back a gallon or less, and I probably wouldn't be able to do it again for a while.)) Generally, a puddle the equivalent of her body weight or less within 10m is fully in her control, one ~25m requires more power to fully lift from the ground and would tire her after 10 tries, one ~50m requires more and would tire her after 5 tries, whereas lifting a body-sized or less puddle ~100m away would be successful only once per day. For water more than her body weight, the initial manipulation must occur within 10m to be fully successful.

Matter-state manipulation: Lapis is able to affect the matter-state of water, changing the molecular speed to form ice or steam. This power costs more energy than hydrokinesis and can only be done to amounts of water equivalent to her body weight or less. She is still able to perform hydrokinesis on naturally solid or gaseous water.

Hydromimicry: Lapis is able to create constructs that resemble other creatures/ponies that can seemingly exist and move around on their own. They generally must be within close-eyesight of her and cannot exist for more than 10min. They are essentially "living" simulacrums that are autonomous to a point (able to do a specific purpose for which she created them, such a helping carry something or for protection). Depending on the size of the construct, she is able to make a set amount in a day; up to 4 pony-sized ones a day, 12 medium (dog-sized), and 20 small (bird-sized), or one big one the equivalent the size of 4x an average pony.​


My Four Seasons

Mule Account

Pack Bonds: Able to 'claim' others as part of her pack by giving them a charm that has magic infused with it. Allows Moro to sense their well being, if they need help (like if they're panicking and thinking they need help), or general direction. Distance makes it all harder to sense so the closer they are to her the better.
Charm will need 'recharging' each month and will lose power as time goes by until it is recharged. To make the charm it requires a ritual to be performed and can only happen once a month during the full moon. The ritual will only create one charm. To recharge a charm a different ritual at the new moon must be performed but multiple charms can be charged.

Wolf Song: Able to howl and communicate with those who are part of her pack. Works best in shorter ranges but can be heard 10 miles away under ideal conditions. Pack members can communicate back but must howl to do so.

Canine Language: Able to understand any sort of canine, although wolves are the ones she can best communicate with. Would be basic things and not necessarily a translation of words/sentences. Is more of an instinctual understanding of the canine's emotional state, that is to say if they're barking because they're hungry or scared. If the canine is one of the magical species then more complex 'conversation' can be held. Is able to 'bless' a charm to allow others to share this ability for a day.

Pack Tactics: Allows pack members to better hunt or organize for activities. Members will instinctively know what is expected of them or how other pack members will be moving. It's like they know what other members are thinking without actually knowing what they're thinking. Pack members have to be fairly close for it to work. It would be about a 50 yard radius effect type of power with Moros being the center of it.

Dominance: Moros has a natural aura of dominance that others instantly recognize that she is an alpha. She can pull dominance to make others listen to her while in her presence taking up their full attention. She can also use it to make submissive ponies feel safe and protected or use it to make someone who was injured hold still for treatment by simply taking up their attention. She can't force other ponies to obey her with this ability. Works best on those who have a pack bond with her.

Summon Wolf: Moros can howl a special song to summon up to ten wolves per day to her location. Wolves will obey Moros as if she was their alpha and will leave if she dismisses them, falls asleep or unconscious, or 24 hours has passed. (I'd like to do this as a roll a d10 to see how many she summons and if she doesn't hit max she can later summon more up to the max. So say she summons 4 then she can howl later to summon up to 6 more.)


My Four Seasons

Mule Account

Blood of My Blood: She passes on her gift, changing the willing victim into a Vampire. The affected will go through three stages during the change:

First stage: Lethargy and fatigue, a great need to sleep, to hide away somewhere comfortable and safe. They tend to wander in a haze, not really able to focus on the world around them.

Second Stage: The feeling of fire scorching their insides, blood boiling, of intense fear and a desire to seek out their creator, the Queen of their hearts. The intensity of this feeling only grows as time passes until they lose themselves to the darkness of the feeling of need.

Third Stage: They awaken, a gnawing hunger gripping them. A deep-set aching pain in the pit of their stomach, a feral outrage filling them, making them dangerous. It is in this stage that they are most dangerous, most aggressive and unpredictable. The only way to quench the hunger is to feed. Feed on the blood of the living. Or to seek out the Queen so that she may take the feeling away.

The noticeable sign of the change is sharp canines appearing where there should be none. They are also left with a noticeable scar on their necks... The change is irreversible.

Shadow Step: Natassa is able to use shadows as a way of covert transportation, moving quickly and quietly. However it is not without its downsides. The shadows must be connected, which means if lights separate an area of shadow she is not able to move into it without being seen.

Alluring Voice: Natassa's voice has a very... hypnotic power to it, making it easy for her to bend weaker wills to do her bidding. It works best in silent areas and can be broken by raucous noise. The spell on the individual can be broken by force by hitting them, or Natassa can break the spell herself. Those affected will have no recollection of what they did during the control.

Blood Healing: Natassa has the ability to use her blood as a powerful healing agent, healing most wounds. She is NOT able to heal wounds that are fatal. This ability has drawbacks, because she is left incredibly weak and vulnerable. This does NOT turn the affected, as that is a different process.

Beast Control: Natassa can control lesser beasts, such as bats, rats and the like. The limitation is within a quarter mile radius. They are coerced to do her bidding, however intellectual beasts can fight the coercion. This control lasts for upwards up to a half hour, unless she loses focus, then it is immediately broken. The beasts will have no recollection of what they did during the control.

Bat Form: Natassa is able to change her form to that of a large bat with crimson eyes. She may remain in this form for upwards up to an hour at a time without interruption. After this hour, she must rest for at least an hour before she can use it again. She can be forcibly changed back if struck or if she becomes too weak.

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My Four Seasons

Mule Account

Ominous Presence: Ponies feel fear when around him, the closer they are the stronger that fear becomes. Its a full on panic attack if they are really close, when on the edge of the powers range its more of and unease. His power reaches a 100 yard radius.

Gnawing Fear: A lingering fear that after inflicted by the alicorn the affected pony feels like their worst fear is around every corner. Which manifest itself in different ways dependent on the pony. This power last for 1 day.

Devouring Fear: He feeds off fear the more fear in the area the stronger his powers become! Ponies have to be when in 100 yards to be effected by this power. The max amount of ponies he can feed off of is 50.

The Shape of Fear: He has the ability to shape shift into creatures or ponies, but only if it has to do with a near by ponie's fears. This is an illusion he is not actually these creatures or ponies. He can do this up to 5 times a day with a duration of 2 hours each.

Knowing their Fear: He has the ability to know all of a ponie's fear just by looking at them.

All the Fear for I am Here!!: He has the ability to know when someone has fear the more the fear the easier it is for him to find them! A pony has to be within 100 yards for him to start sensing them.


My Four Seasons

Mule Account

Set it on Fire!: Magic fire ability has to be used to set something on fire. Items need to be flammable for this power. He has to be hungry to use this power if he is full it won't work. The fire is a starter fire up to the size of a small log fire. ((Sample: He can't use it for flame thrower is specifically has to be for the intention of setting something on fire))

Let it BURN!: The ability to keep a fire burning for a certain amount of time. Regardless of others trying to put the flame out. He has to keep his concentration to keep this ability going. He can continue the fire either until the fuel is gone or someone breaks his concentration.

The Madness is spreading: The ability to convince at least one pony a day to set something on fire, the pony will enjoy the flames during the event.
that's all I got for the moment.He can only spread the madness to a max of 3 ponies a day.

Impossible Burn!: The ability to burn things that don't normally burn for a period of time. This fire can last for up to 1 hour. He can lite things up to 2 times his size.((Sample: Water on fire))

Its getting hot in here!: Its always hot around him, the closer you get the more intense the heat. Touching him will burn a pony unless he allows them to touch him((like rapidash's fire)). further away its like standing next to a bon fire further edges its like the heat is a little to high, 10 yards is the distance for this power.

Fire Vision!: The ability to see through fire. ((He is blind))


My Four Seasons

Mule Account

Speak the truth: for the rest of the day the pony affected with this power the pony has the painfully strong desire to tell the truth no matter how harsh or how gentle. It must be an honest truth regardless of consequences

An honest heart: for the next 4 hours the affected pony feels a desire to be introspective and sort out their true feelings on an issue. They do not have to talk about no feel a desire to do anything with it but have to truly and fully look at their own heart and what they know to be right and wrong

Discerning ear: passive ability to always hear if something is honest. The drawback the more dishonest comments get told the more it sounds like bells in the alicorn’s ears and can be deafening and painful. Markets with swindlers are a nightmare. Not only that but several small honest statements even if an overall dishonest will get past the power but may leave a small uncomfortable feeling for the alicorn. If a pony has read something and believes it honest it will also get past the power even if it is a dishonest statement.

Honest Actions: for 4 hours the pony feels the desire to keep honest actions. includes not hiding the truth (deceiving), not breaking rules to gain an advantage (cheating), and not taking something that isn't yours (stealing) and any other action that the pony would hide because it is against what the pony knows morally right.

Counterfeit Feeling: The pony will be repulsed by dishonest fake things. for example if a vase is being hailed as a product by bob and it was made by mark to deceive others and make others think it was made by bob and even has a faked seal then the object will cause nausea for the alicorn. They cannot tell it is fake directly but it gives them a nauseous feeling and the longer they handle the sicker they get. Regardless of whether the pony passing the item to them believes it real or not. the alicorn will NEVER be able to tell it is a fake for certain unless the item is appraised by a professional. It is just nausea and pain and the desire to leave the fake alone. The dishonest feeling from the creator to Deceive is passed along the work the more time is spent on it. So quickly printed money would make them vaguely nauseous but carefully crafted painstaking fakes will leave them sick in a corner or might make them leave the room such as a counterfeit work of art or the mold used to print the money that has to be carefully crafted to make the prints faster.​


My Four Seasons

Mule Account
Daydreams - SSBrosB

Drifting through the Clouds: When Hazy uses this power, ponies within 30 feet will feel light on their hooves and feel happier for up to 2 hours.

Day Trip: Hazy can make the Daydreams of ponies a "reality" up to 5 times a day. He does this by making an illusion that the pony is inside of their daydream. Unlike Daymare, these daydreams are supposed to be what the pony is actually "Day dreaming" and is meant to be more of a fun trip, such as flying through the sky as a Pegasus when the Daydreamer is an Earth Pony, etc. However they can be taken out of these by distraction, pain, etc.

Daymare: Hazy can use this once a day. He can target a pony in the middle of "daydreaming" and cause their "daydream" to come to life, as a very real-looking illusion, however this "daydream" is a twisted/"nightmare" version of their daydream. The Daymare can take whatever shape that it needs to in order to frighten the targeted pony and make them reflect upon their actions (usually this involves the pony either apologizing/improving or having a realization of something, but it's up to the player).

Relaxing under the Sky: Can be used 5 times a day, this allows Hazy to lull the targeted pony into a state of deep relaxation, whether this is to calm the pony down, or they just need some help with their meditation! They won't be fully asleep, but they will feel their stress and anxiety going away and finding themselves enjoying the moment and able to focus on other things, such as their breathing.​


My Four Seasons

Mule Account

Clarity of Mind: Much like her cousins (Seraphim and Valentine), Blind Love can provide clarity on the state of a relationship. Perhaps your thoughts have been muddled, or you haven't noticed a red flag? This power allows a pony to think clearly about relationships they may hold, without outside influences or chatter. Blind Love can willingly provide this gift if she's within 10 meters of a pony, and it's a conscious effort. A pony will feel the effects of this power for 48 hours before the clarity dissipates. This power does not have a cool-down, although it does strain if used too often in a day (10 times seems to be enough to cause the strain effect).

Sever Ties: Blind Love can (although she doesn't often) sever an emotional relationship in the blink of an eye. This is permanent and cannot be undone, as she does not have the ability to create relationships. Severing completely erases any emotional bond one has to another. This act does not stop a pony from rebuilding their connection, however. This is an extreme ability and using it just once causes mental and physical fatigue akin to severe flu. That, on top of the fact she despises doing such a thing unless it benefits the pony, makes it a power she rarely uses.

String of Fate: This is a passive power and only she can actually see it. Blind Love can see small red threads between ponies who have a relationship of any sort. The thickness of the strings tell her their relationships, and the complexity of it. This sight cannot be seen by others and is fairly hard for her to explain, as her domain allows her to just understand the strings as if she was reading a book. She cannot see memories or anything direct -- she can just tell how a pony is related to another. Negative relationships tend to be darker in color and positive ones are brighter, while anything in-between or complicated can come in various hues of reds. When the Sever Ties power is used she can no longer see their thread until it is reborn.​


My Four Seasons

Mule Account

Rain Rain, Come and Play: Monsoon can summon rain! This is done whether or not clouds are ready or even there. The severity of this power depends on energy levels. The more rested Monsoon is the more she can do. On an average or good day she can influence clouds already present to abruptly darken and begin to rain, ranging from soft drizzle to hard storms. On a low energy day she can just create a singular cloud that rains. This is a mixture of intentional and unintentional, as typically Monsoon has to focus to perform such a power but extreme negative emotions can cause the power to abruptly occur. Monsoon can, at most, summon rain for three hours. This is not a power she needs to concentrate on past casting it. She does find anything she does take twice as much energy during the time this power is active, resulting in it suddenly stopping if she either is so tired she cannot use magic or sleeps.

Rain Rain, Go Away: On that note, Monsoon can also stop rain. She cannot make the clouds vanish, making it very likely it'll start to rain after 24 hours passes, but she can temporarily stop rain. This power uses much less energy than Rain Rain, Come and Play, making her able to stop rain up to 5 times a day before severe fatigue sets in for the next 24 hours.

Prediction: Monsoon is able to accurately predict when it'll rain in her location (50 miles limit) within the next 7 days, and the severity. This is a passive ability; it is just information she seems to automatically know. Weather does change constantly, however, and thus she is able to keep up with weather changes and she'll be informed in a change of plans (within 7 days).

Pick me Up: A passive power, Monsoon has a feeling of being "dried out" if she hasn't been in rain in a week. When caught in it she feels healthy and clear-headed.​


My Four Seasons

Mule Account

All Consuming Grief: Vincent, thanks to how powerful his father is, struggles with his domain. Grief overcomes him at all times, as he is able to physically feel the grief from others (and as they are feeling it) within 20 meters. This is a constant barrage and does not lessen over time or exposure. The more ponies grieving the more consumed he becomes, often unable to focus on anything but the heaviness of multiple griefs.

Grief Swallowing: This ability comes with fancy visuals. Vincent is able to reach forward and pull specific grief out of someone and then consume it, taking on their grief entirely. The visual is rather impressive, as once his hoof touches the head or chest of a pony a colored orb is pulled out (the color depends on the individual). If he does not consume it within 20 seconds the orb vanishes back into the original host. Consuming grief causes that particular pony to feel free of grief. They can still feel future sorrows, but that particular situation and grief is gone. It cannot be re-triggered by memories, either, as the situation does not cause negative feelings anymore. Vincent can not take out his own grief, nor can he give his own grief to others or feed grief to other ponies. Only he can consume it. Consumption makes him feel the ponies grief two-fold, and for 24 hours. While there is technically no cool-down, this ability is soul shattering at times depending on the grief severity, making him unable to do it often without mental damage to himself.

Heavy Aura: When Vincent is stressed or emotionally hurting the area around him feels heavy. A feeling of sadness lingers within 10 meters of him. Those who enter that distance find themselves struggling to find the good in things and feeling crushed by the weight of the world. Past griefs begin to resurface, dragging the pony into a grief-filled state. This power is usually activated only under extreme moments stress or when he's overloaded by the grief around him (or feels his own traumatic griefs). The more upset he is the heavier the air becomes. This passive power stops the moment he is able to control his emotions, and a pony will no longer suffer the second they're over 10 meters from him or he's under control.

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My Four Seasons

Mule Account

Love Alarm: Valentine is able to bestow clarity upon a pony, blessing them with the ability to truly understand if they love a pony once they're 10 meters within their presence. This power does not enforce love nor create it -- it only allows the pony to see past what may be standing between knowing they're in-love or not. Sometimes you just don't realize your feelings, but he has your back. Valentine can provide this gift if he's within 10 meters of the pony. This is power that does not require touch, he can just send the blessing over. A pony will feel the effects of this power for 48 hours before the clarity dissipates. This power does not have a cool-down, but much like his sister he will feel physical light strain from constant usage. (10 times in a 24 hour window seems to be enough to cause the strain effect)

Love Dilution: Valentine can smother the feeling of love, locking it so it cannot blossom or even, if he's angry enough, make a pony unable to feel love they may have. Which technically that feeling isn't taken away, he's blocking a pony from triggering the sensation and feeling of it. This power lasts indefinitely, which is why most call it a curse (and why the Four keep a close eye on him so he doesn't go rampant). If he removes this curse, which he can, the pony will restore their ability to trigger the experience of love. This power does not require touch, either, but luckily it's fairly draining and he cannot do it more than once every 24 hours or he'll put himself into a deliriously tired state for a full day.

What is Love: Valentine can restore or give the ability to feel love that may have been unable to be felt for numerous reasons. This includes overpowering Love Dilution, breaking other's curses, or giving the ability to someone born without it. This power does not have a cool-down, but inherits the strain Love Alarm has.

Love is in the Air: He can amplify the feelings of affection one may have for either a specific thing or in general. This makes a pony more susceptible to falling in-love as well as more open to general affection. Being around Valentine (within 10 meter) causes a pony who is capable of affectionate feelings to lower guards they may have and be more welcoming to love. This is both a passive and active power which grows stronger when he wants it to.


My Four Seasons

Mule Account

The Miracle of Life: Seraphim is, unfortunately, able to mix the DNA of up to three ponies/pets together to create life without impregnating a pony. These newborn infants are just like any, resembling a baby born naturally in all ways. They also are entirely genetically related to their parents. This process is instant and painless. Seraphim needs to be within 10 meters of the "lucky" parents and hold conscious desire for children to actually appear. This power does not have a cool-down, which is why she's incredibly useful for the kingdoms in populating Everchange. This doesn't mean she doesn't feel strain from such an activity. Periods of constant power use can feel draining, as if she might have taken a long run or moved heavy boxes. This does not increase in strain, but the feeling can last longer and longer if she doesn't take a break. (10 times in a 24 hour window seems to be enough to cause the strain effect)

Restore Fertility: While all ponies can breed magically thanks to her previous power, some ponies may actually wish to physically reproduce and unfortunately can not be. Seraphim can temporarily restore the loss of fertility by touching her forehead to another's with the intent to restore. Her blessing lasts for a year and reverts the pony to a normal and healthy fertility level. This power does not have a cool-down. She cannot restore lost body parts nor can she create new body parts. Those who would not biologically be able to experience pregnancy cannot do so through her. Just like the power above she feels a faint strain if she persists too long.

The Sight: A passive power, Seraphim can tell who is pregnant and the breed(s) the babies will be. This is just inherent knowledge she possesses and does not question. She cannot actually see within the parent. This power can be used within 10 meters of a pregnant pony. She can not see if a non-pregnant pony has bred, however, and remains in the dark with those ponies.


My Four Seasons

Mule Account
Mending - Shaddaling

Mend Object: Pony can seal up tears, rips, and cuts in most material. If material is lost or missing, it remains gone. This works by basically zipping the fibers, layers of partials back to the original shape. EX can mend a plate cracked in half. If at the site - get a nearly complete plate, if brought to him, any tiny shards left behind do not fill in, leaving gaps. Leaves behind a faint path of the mend. Max size of item able to fix is probably a large kitchen table, certainly can't zip up a roof if it cracked in half. Objects are easier to mend then people and such can usually mange to mend around 3 to 4 large things a day and a few dozen minor things.
(can not 100 % return to original) (Does not work with dents, rust, etc)

Mend Body: Pony can seal up cuts, breaks, etc. He can reattach a limb, or set a bone, or seal up a cut to stop the bleeding. While his powers cleanly seal up injuries, they do no do anything about pain management, bruising, blood loss etc. Cuts are easiest leaving just a faint line of where the flesh was basically zipped in a way back together. Bone needs to be set, unusually by using telekinesis. Mending works by what separates naturally wants to return so attaching limbs backwards would be a lot more difficult since the edges would not line up property. Mending body takes longer - probably only manages one or two really large mendings a day, but has an easier time sealing up cuts.


My Four Seasons

Mule Account

Cutlasses, Not Cutthroats: Can pass the mastery of a cutlass to another pony for up to four hours, so long as that pony has a cutlass on their body at the time. (Strapped to their flank on a sheath, or out being used.)

Cartography, Piracy...Same Thing: Can read any map, regardless of whether its in code or not.

Drink Up Me Hearties: Is it a power or are they an alcoholic? Either way, they have a remarkably high tolerance when alcohol is involved.

Set Sail, You Scallywags!: Bestows the knowledge of how to sail a ship to anypony in an five foot radius in order to crew their ship. Once they leave this radius, the knowledge fades over the next couple of hours, unless A - Captain Morgan calls upon this power again and they happen to be in the area or B - They find that if they decide to take on sailing as a career, that they still have the muscle memory of when they were under the enchantment's influence and it's easier for these ponies to learn it. Captain Morgan can use this power up two twice a day.

Thar Be Treasure: Can sense the nearest treasure (objects with monetary value such that they can steal) (much like a compass in this way) so long as they are at sea. Once they get onto land, they can no longer tell where the treasure is hidden.


My Four Seasons

Mule Account

Really There?: Pastel Grimace seems to give off the impression that he's not really there. Ponies have a hard time looking directly at him and when they leave they have side effects of lingering confusion/may feel disoriented. Who were they talking to? Was anypony really there?

Heart's Desire: If Pastel Grimace touches a creature's heart/over their heart directly, he can bring forth illusions of that ponies greatest desire, whether it be the memory of a loved one lost or piles of wealth, to surround the pony. This effect lasts for three minutes and can be used up to three times a day.

Pink Ponies on Parade: If a pony is already under an influence that may cause them to hallucinate on their own (alcohol, certain plants, etc) when Pastel Grimace is near, they will find their hallucinations to become more vivid and longer-lasting. Pastel Grimace must be within a 20 foot radius of the inebriated pony for this to take affect.

Prestidigitation: Pastel Grimace is able to create minor effects that don't quite seem right. Singing flowers, backwards clocks and haunting, off-tune melodies are what he tends to create most often. He can create these illusions from up to 6 feet away from him.

You Too, Huh?: Pastel Grimace knows when a creature is experiencing hallucinations.
