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My Four Seasons

Mule Account

Entangle: Grasping weeds or vines sprout from the ground in a 20 ft radius starting from a point around him. This traps anyone in the area and holds them in place. (No damage is caused from this).They are magical vines or weeds meant only for short term restraining. They can last up to an hour unless Leshy dismisses (or leaves the 20 foot radius) sooner. He will use this for questioning motives, or perhaps escaping a situation.

Keep Out: Leshy is able to summon a wall of trees impenetrable and creates a natural barrier. This is a permanent physical barrier (it can be cut , burnt, ect. down).They are just average oak like trees, They grow up close together and act as a barrier 10-30 feet wide. Thye are normal trees which can be broken down as any other trees would.

Plant Growth: Can cause forests to sprout up seemingly overnight can also just aid in the growth of Forrest plants. The amount of growth is proportionate to the amount of time until it can be used again. 6 acres would be the max if done overnight and he would be physically and mentally drained for the following 3 months, leaving him nearly incapacitated. Also, he can't use this power in a settled vicinity, no towns, or monuments. He can only use this power in a place that would have space for a forest.

Speak with Forests: Leshy is able to undertand the needs, or fears of all living things in the forest. This includes plants and animals.

Commune with Forests: Leshy enters a trance during which he can hear, smell, see anything and everything going on within the forest he is in. Once awoken from the trap he will have some memories of it and will know the general location of things in the Forest. The length trance is proportionate with the size of the forest he is communing with. Anywhere from an hour for the smallest forest, to 6 hours for a large, even up to 12 hours for a MASSIVE forest.

Transport Via Forest: Leshy uses the root system of the forest he is in to travel between one part of the Forrest and another part of the same forest.


My Four Seasons

Mule Account

A Good Day: Fortune blesses a single pony with good luck for a day. i.e. they will have fortunes aura. They might find money that day or meet the love of their life. Can use this once a day on one pony.

A Good Trait: Fortune blesses a single aspect of a single pony's life with good luck. i.e. If someone wants money he can give them good luck in welth and they have a higher chance of finding money or winning money. (This is never a gaurenteed thing as it is just luck and therefore still a chance thing) Can use this once a day on one pony.

A Good Time: Fortune blesses a group of ponies with good luck, this lasts a short amount of time and less time the more ponies being blessed. (1 pony lasts a day, 5 ponies last 6 hours, 10 or more ponies last 1 hour)

A Good Year: Fortune blesses a single pony with a good year of luck. He can only use this once a year on a single pony.

A Good Life: Fortune blesses a single pony with a blessed life. He can use this 5 times his whole life. The fifth time is Fatal for him.

What Good luck is for him Fortune is surrounded by an aura of good luck. Wherever he goes good things happen, he finds money, gets free things, never gets caught in the rain unprepared. He has an easy time making friends and anything he puts his mind to he tends to succeed. He also seems to cheat death but it is all by luck.

What it is for others, unexpected good and weird things that might seem like a coincidence will happen. How this effects a pony blessed will always be left up to the owner of the pony being blessed. Can be anything from winning money, finding a lost object, meeting a lost (or new) loved one.

His twin and his powers cancel out to neutral. i.e If a pony has bad luck from Favor Fortune can bless them but it will only go back to thier normal amount of luck.


My Four Seasons

Mule Account

A Bad Day: Favor curses a single poney with bad luck for a day. i.e. They will have a bad day where everything seems to be against them. They will loose money, loose things break things, they could even possibly get hurt from random things. (This would be up to the person rping and would never be me godmoding what happens to them) Can use this once a day on one pony.

A Bad Trait: Favor curses a single aspect of a single pony's life with Bad luck.i.e. wealth- they will loose money (how much and how will always be up to the owner) can use this once a day on one pony.

A Bad Time: Favor curses a group of ponies with bad luck, this lasts a short amount of time and less time the more ponies being cursed.(1 pony a day 5 ponies 6 hours 10 or more 1 hour)

A Bad Year: Favor curses a single pony with a bad year of luck. He can only use this once a year on a single pony. And never twice to the same pony.

A Bad Life: Favor curses a single pony with Bad luck in life. He can use this 5 times his whole life. The fifth time is Fatal for him.

What Bad Luck is for him, He is surrounded by an Aura of bad luck, he is always breaking things, getting caught in the rain, never wins or finds money, always caught in the rain. Others tend to not want to be around him for too long.

What it is for others, unexpected bad and weird things that might seem like a coincidence will happen. How this effects a pony cursed will always be left up to the owner of the pony being cursed. Can be anything from loosing money, breaking a prized object, stubbing thier hoof, to serious injuries.

His twin and his powers cancel out to neutral. i.e If a pony has bad luck from Favor Fortune can bless them but it will only go back to thier normal amount of luck.


My Four Seasons

Mule Account
Art - polliwoggi

A Different Breed: Artists tend to just look at the world differently, and under Art's influence, everyone can be an artist, even if just a little while. All ponies within a twenty food radius of him find the world just a touch more intense and a lot more inspiring. How this takes effect depends on the individual's current mood; in a good mood, colors seem brighter, sounds are clearer, and everything is crisp and inviting. In a dour mood, colors seem dimmer, the air seems heavy and oppresive, and even the smallest things seem set out to be an obstacle. Further, those within his aura seem to find mastery of their art of choice - whether visual, auditory, literary, or performant - comes faster than usual, allowing them to learn twice as fast as they normally would. This does not inspire someone to pick up a craft unless they already have a desire in their heart, as it's not direct inspiration, it simply intensifies how they perceive the world and their ability to learn a craft to channel that intensity into.

Everyone Needs a Friend: Once a week, Art is able to grant his aura ability to another pony; the aura will function identically to his own, but will follow that pony, not him. It lasts for eight hours, and can't be turned off once started, allowing others to spread the joy (and sorrow) of the artistic experience. This does not remove his own aura, it simply clones it to someone else.

Beat the Devil Out of It: One of the most important parts of art is keeping a clean work area and tools, and Art is the best out of it. At will, he can magically clean any tool of art related stains or tainting - paints, ink, clay, you name it! However, part of the ritual of doing it requires hitting the object on something else, effectively knocking loose the dirtiness, so fragile objects need not apply. Things like a well made brush, a wooden-framed canvas, or a sturdy palette would be fine, but things like fragile vases would be shattered.

This is Your World: Once per month, Art can devote himself entirely to one singular work; he must start the work within proximity of pony of his choosing, though they do not have to stay for the entire time period. Once this power is activated, Art will become consumed by the creation of the piece; he will work at supernatural speeds to create it, but he will not eat or sleep for the duration. The result is a masterpiece - at least to the pony that was his initial target. It will represent some piece of them in a way that only they can truly understand (would be up to the player, akin to some deep spiritual experience), though other ponies may certainly appreciate the craftsmanship - no matter what medium he uses. While he is capable of doing this once a month, he must wait multiple months to create larger pieces; with only a single month rest, he can create something small, perhaps the size of a cell phone, with upwards of a year needed to create something like a large mural. The recipient is not necessarily the model for this image, and the 'something' can be any sort of art form - it could be a song, a novel, etc - he simply tends to work in visual art. The only consistency is that it is deeply moving to the one it is intended for.

Just Relax: Once a day, Art may touch another pony and grant them a sort of artistic trance, allowing them to give up nervousness or internal pressure - but only with regards to creating or performing some kind of art. This effect will let a pony get "into the zone" of whatever it is they want to do, though any sort of violent or disturbing outside force will break it. Unhindered, the effect lasts up to two hours.

Happy Little Trees: Art has a preternatural talent for adding trees into literally any composition. Does he actually have a talent for adding anything into a composition, and just chooses trees? We don't know. No one knows. But you know what your piece needs? Some happy little gatdang trees.


My Four Seasons

Mule Account

Regeants: Needed for any of his powers to work, these inks, dyes, or oils are magically enhanced to channel different forms of magic, warding, luck, love, etc - they don't work by them selves but with him drawing out the symbol to channel it. Example - Jin would buy some charcoal, some gemstones, and some flowers that are suited for what ward he would be completing, as he renders the material into ink, he casts as he works, pulling out the innate magics and uses and strengthening them to make the base of the ward. The second part the runes and symbols he etches, embroiders, inks makes the frame work of how it will settle, cast, appear? effect the piece being warded

Etching: time consuming, this allows Jin to apply symbols to metal, and glass applying magic to objects such as swords, window plane glass, etc. EX a ward that keeps window planes from shattering , or a ward to keep a object from being stolen. Most etch wards last up to a year, perhaps two before it needs to be reapplied.

Size and Length depend on a number of things, Jin can do very large objects such as a house but properly laying down the ward will take nearly 2 weeks to lay and be the only thing he focus on in those two weeks. On the other hand, etching a ward against thievery on a necklace can take about a day and last for nearly a year. Most wards last a year but very large objects need to be redone every six months. Redoing a ward that has been set is easier, taking half the amount of time.

Embroider: time consuming using specially dyed threads or oiled in the case of white, allows Jin to apply spells to clothing, keep a shirt or dress from catching on fire/ from being stained. Embroider wards tend to last the life of the piece of clothing. Embroider wards can both be visible and not, as the ward can be tucked into the seams and hems and be hidden. Most wards can be done daily if not doing anything large at the time. At the most he runs about two or three wards a day on smaller objects - clothes/jewerly, etc. These wards last about an year before fading and needing to be recast.

Writing: Using ink, Jin can write wards on paper making spells of protection, usually stuck to some place but can be carried. These wards tend to only last a few weeks at most before the power burns up.​


My Four Seasons

Mule Account

Emotional perception manipulation: With a touch, Pon can manipulation how other ponies emotional view the effected pony - lasts up to five minutes. Can be done about ten or so times a day.

ex.- Highly Suspectious - Effected pony seems very suspicious, they are hiding things, can't be trusted
notes- Works with how well the effective pon is known to others. A pony that is close friends to effect pon might be able to fight off the persuasion laid by logic and knowing they are truly not like that

Surge: Area affect within 100 ft of Pon - Pon radiates a vibe of current emotion out, effecting everyone in the area. Can do so about three times a day, the emotion is what ever is being felt at the time.

ex - Hyperthymic temperament - surrounding ponies are suddenly lost in feel of great and fanatic energy and good mood. Everything is sunny and wonderful and need to do things right now. Omg, everyone! Watch me do the thing.

Rally: Pon can use their ability to effect their words, giving them an emotional weight to those that hear them. They can charge up a mosh pit at a concert or rally up a protest or make a funeral very very sad. Set the mood that they can. Can do about 3 times a day.

Emotional change: Pon can sense unnatural changes in emotions, including changelings as they fed on emotion even if they are disguised. Sort of glow of drawn emotions from one to another. Can only known if a changeling is actively feeding. Otherwise they are hidden.​


My Four Seasons

Mule Account

Mindscape: Allows Mnemosyne to enter the mind of another pony so she can access their memories. Can only be used on one pony at a time and only for a duration of 4 hours (time does not have to be all at once) per day. She must be touching the pony with her horn for this to work. While in the Mindscape she views memories as sort of a movie/as if she was the pony.

Memory Refresher: Can freshen up a memory that has become dull/faded allowing the pony to remember things more clearly. This tends to manifest itself as almost an aura where other ponies' memories are a bit clearer when in her presence (I'd say about a 10-20 feet radius) but she can also do it on purpose. It doesn't get stronger when she does it on purpose. It's more of when she does it on purpose she can turn the ability on or off instead of it being just an aura about her effecting anyone in that 10-20 feet radius. She could instead choose to direct it to one pony in that space instead of all.

Memory Return: Can return memories that have been lost/forgotten, either due to her sister or natural events (like amnesia or old age).

Memory Share: Can take a memory from one pony and share it with another. Can only do this for one memory at a time making it a once per day for the 4 hours she can access the Mindscape. She can do this one of two ways: taking the memory copy and going to another pony's mindscape to share it or by showing it in her markings (sort of a one on one situation or multiple viewers situation).

Photographic Memory: Mnemosyne remembers every memory she encounters/views, giving her a photographic memory.​


My Four Seasons

Mule Account

Come Closer: Berry has a aura of roughly 10ft around her. It trails for about 15ft and lasts in this trail for up to 8 hours. While within this aura, a pony can slowly be eased of one poison or common illness that is greatly affecting them. This aura can also cure a region, roughly 10 miles in every direction, of a plague in its soil if she stays more than 30 days within the radius. She has no control over this aura and if more than 20 ponies are purified rapidly by this aura, it will cause her to be drained.

Just a Tap: With a touch, Berry can replicate her aura's power. With more focus on what it is that she is purifying. She can use any part of her body for this ability. She can do this for up to 10 ponies a day before she starts feeling tired.

And Just a Drop: With a touch, Berry can also imbue this single purification into a object, this will remain active for up to 8 hours before it fades. She can do this for up to 5 objects in a single day before it starts to drain her.

With a Song: Her words carry so much meaning. Berry is able to purify negative thoughts and feelings with a hum or a simple conversation. Speaking with Berry will help clear your thoughts of any negative feeling or self harm, this conversation has to be for longer than five minutes. As for her song, she has to be singing for more than 2 minutes to clear the air of all sour mood. She can only use this song once a day.

Purifying Wave: Her last resort for when she's in the depths of a nightmare. If things get too much and there's too much negative energies around her. Berry can unleash a wave of purifying energy that banishes it all. This however will leave her totally drained and possibly comatose for several months. This effects extreme toxins, such as a airborne plague. She cannot clear negative thoughts or extreme negative emotions with this wave.​


My Four Seasons

Mule Account

Toxic Love: All he needs to do is touch a food item or a pony and they are inflicted with a mild poison. There is no real antidote as the poison is unique to him alone. All the poison does is cause mild headaches with a inability to keep heavy foods down. You can still eat and drink. This is a at will ability.

Poisoned Thoughts: Toxic doesn't communicate like normal ponies, his mouth is sewed shut due to a horrible moment in his past. Now he's able to grunt and draw words in the ground, however he has a mild telepathy. It ponies headaches and sometimes drive them insane if he talks to them for more than two hours. There are very few who can withstand his thoughts. While he can use this at will, he can only talk to up to two other ponies at a time.

Sickening Gaze: Due to his eyesight sneaking up on him is difficult, if not deadly depending on his mood. If he really wanted to he could make ponies sick just by looking at them. This takes a lot out of him when he does this, so its a last resort type of ability. He can only use this ability once a week, once he does use it he typically loses movement for 24 hours if he doesn't lose movement then he just passes out. The sickness typically follows the same line as the Toxic Love ability, with a minor difference of the chance for you to pass out if he looks at you for more than ten minutes.

Poisoning Drop: His blood is poison, as such he is immune to poison itself. This is a extremely useful thing. If he puts a drop of his blood in any food or drink then there is a high chance that you don't recover. At that point its best to see the best healer you know. Herbal remedies will hinder the worst of it, not cleanse it all. If he bleeds on a pony the pony will suffer the Toxic Love effects for 8 hours.

Poison Secretion: While he can't exactly spit, he can let out a deep breath through his nose. This breath contains a poison that causes nausea as well as the chance to fall out cold. Once breathed in the poison clings to your lungs. Another secretion is his tears and spit [when he can spit that is], which poison water upon contact. This poison by far might be the most harmful as it follows his bloods effects with being a bit more dodgy in being beaten back by common Herbal remedies.

Don't Get Close: Toxic has a Poisonous Aura which he can control for up to three hours every other day. This Aura clouds around him for roughly 10 feet, trailing behind him as he walks. He can affect a region if he stays in it for too long and wanders consistently. Regional effects take mostly towards Swamps or Marshland, the waters within turning toxic to all plant life and animals. Plants wither when exposed for more than a week in his aura.​


My Four Seasons

Mule Account

Mindscape: Allows Lethe to enter the mind of another pony so she can lock away their memories and knowledge in order to make them forget things. She doesn't know what the memory or knowledge is unless the pony whose mind she is in tells her what to look for or with some direction from Mnemosyne. She cannot access the memory without Mnemosyne helping; she can only put a lock on it so the pony whose mind she's in can't access it. Can only be used on one pony at a time and only for a duration of 4 hours (time does not have to be all at once) per day. She must be touching the pony with her horn for this to work.

Memory Haze: Lethe can dull memories making it hard to remember details. You know all those times something was on the tip of your tongue.... Lethe is probably responsible. This tends to manifest itself as almost an aura where other ponies' memories are a bit harder to recall when in her presence (I'd say about a 10-20 feet radius) but she can also do it on purpose. It doesn't get stronger when she does it on purpose. It's more of when she does it on purpose she can turn the ability on or off instead of it being just an aura about her effecting anyone in that 10-20 feet radius. She could instead choose to direct it to one pony in that space instead of all.

Memory Dump: Can make you forget a specific memory for seven days (1 week). She becomes extremely tired after this and usually cannot use it again until the seven days are up. While waiting for the time limit to be up if you look closely at her markings you may catch glimpses of the 'erased' memory. The forgotten memory will gradually come back during that time and the pony will fully remember it when the seven days has passed.

Amnesia: Can make you forget all your memories for a full day. Again anything more takes too much power or has a backlash to her to where she forgets things. After using this power she cannot use it for a month and will become exhausted to the point that she must sleep almost immediately afterwards. During this time you can catch glimpses of the memories; mostly for the day the amnesia takes place but also during the month while she is recovering you can catch faded glimpses.

Memory Wipe: Can be used on any pony to make them forget the memories that are not theirs. It targets memories that are not natural memories but ones that are given to them by Mnemosyne. To use this on any other pony would be virtually impossible and would have terrible consequences to Lethe. She could use this safely once per day to erase false memories from others and to use it more than that would hit the consequences. Consequences to Lethe would be for her to forget something as it'd be a sort of kickback to her and she would have no control over what it is that she forgets. This would be permanent unless her sister used Memory Share on her. She also would completely drained like when she uses Amnesia. I would say she'd only be able to do this once a month, to do it more than once a month would put her at risk at forgetting something needed to exist/be alive.​


My Four Seasons

Mule Account

Seed of Hope: plants the feeling of Hope inside of a pony for up to a day or a group of ponies for up to 2 hours. After that, Hope and Optimism can be sustained by choice.

Silver Lining Sight: Causes the world to seem more colorful, Vibrant, and positive overall. Lasting up to a day for up to 3 ponies.​


My Four Seasons

Mule Account

Roar: She can understand wild cats to an extent. Being able to tell their basic needs/wants from their cries and calls and, roughly, able to convey that

Catnip Comfort: [Passive] She has a calming aura around them that soothes wild cats. It varies on the size of the cat, the effect being stronger for smaller wild cats than it is for the larger ones. It also only works when within five (5) feet of the alicorn.

Suggested Purrsuasion: While she cannot control wild cats outright, she can offer suggestions for them to do. She can get them to do simple/menial tasks, like retrieve something, give something to someone, even bit someone if needed. She can't make them do tasks they can't physically do, or comprehend, like do jumping jacks, or plant flowers. As for how many she can have perform a task or action, the most big cats she can have do an action is three (3) any more, then one or more may not listen or perform the task. For small wild cats, she can't ask any more than eight (8) to perform a task. In regards of big and small cat in combination, her limit is one (1) big cat and three (3) small wild cats at one time.​


My Four Seasons

Mule Account
Toxic Waste - Alanna the Pirate Queen

Radioactive: Spending too much time (min 2+hrs a day for 3+days, the more concentrated the time, the less it takes to feel ill) around this alicorn can make beings sick and unwell. Wildlife that lives close or around them can also be affected. Moving away from the alicorn will reverse the effects over the same amount of time that the being spent around the Alicorn (i.e. if a being got sick over 2 days, then it would take 2 days to feel better)

Drippy: He constantly oozes a toxic sludge, but he can keep it from dripping off his body with active concentration. When weak, sick, or asleep, however, he will ooze uncontrollably. This sludge is highly unhealthy to come in contact with and can cause skin and eye irritation and possibly death if ingested. Without active containment, the amount they would drop would be the equivalent of 1gal/day.

Radiate: Can irradiate objects so they glow. Object cannot be bigger than the alicorn and an equivalent mass (i.e. many small objects that are combined no bigger than the alicorn) can be irradiated only once a day. Note: this is dangerous and the items are now radioactive and will make anyone around it sick. Can also undo this, per Absorb power below.

Absorb: Alicorn can attract garbage, sludge, or radioactive waste from a 50m radius to itself and absorb and contain it to a maximum mass equivalent to 5x his mass . If over-polluted (i.e. attempting to absorb more than the aforementioned mass), they will begin oozing uncontrollably and will have to find a safe place to dispose of the remnants (i.e. a desolate canyon or a magically created containment unit). Once he reaches to >1x his mass, he will begin to feel ill and sluggish himself. If he does not find a place to dump the extra, he can wait for his Half-Life power to work through the waste, and he will slowly recover over the time it takes for the waste to break down through that power's restrictions (see Half-Life).

Ooze: The Alicorn does have the ability to purposefully ooze toxic sludge (the active version of the passive "Drippy" from above) and leave it behind in their wake in order to pollute an area purposefully. This power is replenished through "Absorb" and they can only "ooze" an equivalent mass as they absorbed.

Half-Life: When this alicorn has absorbed at least his mass in waste through his Absorb action, his Radioactive power is enhanced, causing it to affect creatures twice as quickly (or harshly). Doing this effectively eats the waste absorbed, disappearing at such a rate that half of it is gone every week. This means the closer he is to 'empty,' the slower it disappears. Once he has half of his mass or less of waste stored, the Radioactive power returns to normal.​


My Four Seasons

Mule Account

Somebody's Watching Me: The ability to make ponies within a 50 foot radius feel as if someone is there, watching them — just behind them, or out of the corner of their eye. They're not alone, at least that's what they think. Power lasts for up to an hour.

Shifting Thoughts: The power to make someone in their vicinity (within 20 feet) question the things said to them. Lasts for up to half an hour.

Turn Around, Look At Me: The rare ability to infect a pony with a week-long-lasting paranoia manifested as the feeling of being followed. The power has a cooldown period of exactly one week from use.

Don't Trust A-: The ability to make a group of ponies feel distrustful of one another for roughly ninety minutes. The power leads to making each pony feel as if the other ponies are being deceptive with malintent (lying, plotting against them, etc.) - it does not control these feelings, but enhances natural distrusts ponies may have about each other and creates an air of tension. Can only be used once every 12 hours, and even then only a max of thrice in a row before an entire 24 hours is necessary to recuperate.

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My Four Seasons

Mule Account

I See You: When touching a target pony, Kirlyam is able to access whatever it is they are thinking about. This power is reserved for when Kirlyam needs to understand someone, to better serve them. The whole process takes about 30 seconds from the point of initial connection. At first, Kirlyam with have total clarity on the situation, but that clarity will fade over the course of the following 7 days until she returns to stasis on the situation.

They See You: The ability to reveal the objective truth in a situation. Oddly enough, Kirlyam's hair is needed for this - each individual who she is targeting to impart her wisdom upon must be holding at least a few strands of Kirlyam's hair (yes, while it's still on her head). After roughly 1 minute of concerted effort from Kirlyam, she is able to transmit an objective-lens-truth to participants.

Give Me Clarity: The ability to grant short-lived reprieve from mind-altering effects, giving clarity of perception. Is only in effect for roughly 30 minutes at a time, but can be used up to three times a 24 cycle.

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My Four Seasons

Mule Account

It's Your Birthday!: A simple sensing power that allows Genoa to know when a pony's birthday is. It only works when said pony's birthday is within 30 days. The closer it is, the better it is for her to sense it. She describes it as a tingle through her body that tells her it's party time!

Insta-Party: Pretty much just what it says. Genoa can use her magic to create an instant party! Complete with streamers and party hats; the whole nine yards! Well, minus the cake. That's usually where her brother Vinny takes over. This takes a lot out of her though. She can only use this power once every two months (60 days) and can only decorate a medium to large venue (think like, decently sized convention centers).

Birthday Wish: Another power Genoa can only use continually as long as the wish isn't too big. Even though ponies don't speak their wishes aloud, she hears them and has the ability to subtly urge them to make that wish happen. Think of it as an extra little push to make your wishes come true.​


My Four Seasons

Mule Account

Join Me Friend: Able to gain allies to form a group or party for adventure, targets must be willing and effects only last 24 hours. Can not be used in quick succession on the same pony, must wait 48 hours after the effect has ended.

Effects up to 2 friendly ponies or 1 not friendly pony per day. (ie, 1 unwilling pony vs 2 willing)

It's only a Scratch: Able to convince a fellow pony that a wound isn't as bad as it seems to continue the journey. The effect of the convincing only lasts 4 hours and can be used multiple times on the target until a destination for a quick rest is located and the party stops. Has a chance to fail the DC increases every time the target fails (user rolls a d20 anything below 10 is a fail and so on).

(note, does not heal, and does not take the pain away only makes them believe the journey is worth the pain to continue on)

Arrow to the knee: Able to talk for hours about the adventures the user has gone on themselves, annoys adults, fascinates foals. The user can exaggerate the story to make it seem more than it was.

Those in range can let the power take hold or ignore it entirely to negate the effect of compelled listening.

Noble Call: The user gives a pep talk to a large group of ponies in an attempt to send them on an adventure for a pony, place, or thing. Can be resisted, does not effect foals or the elderly. Those caught in the power feel compelled to go an adventure and complete it. Can be broken by ignoring the compulsion.

It can be attempted once a day, to a group of 10 or less ponies (depends on willingness of target)

Destination: Allows targets to be able to know the destination of their journey to; an item, location, or pony, at the start of the adventure, not able to see or pin point on a map, but a sense of "This is the way, I can feel it"

It can be given to a individual pony once a month (Rl time is once an rp with the individual), and the effects diminish the the further into the month cooldown. (ie. "they know it like they know their hoof "for a week (rp time not rl time) then it gets to the "I'm sure it's this way" as another week passes it goes to "I think I remember it being is way" and finally "I'm so lost I can't remember if it was this way or that way")


My Four Seasons

Mule Account

Raining on Your Parade: With this power, any pony within a 15-20 foot radius of Morrigan that is feeling down or any feeling of the sort, will end up with a little black rain cloud overhead. It's purely an illusionary magic, complete with flashes of lightening and rumbles of thunder to accentuate their inner most feelings

A Melancholy Melody: With this power, anypony that Morrigan comes in contact within a 10 foot radius of that comes off as dismal or depressing, will suddenly start hearing melancholy music. Sometimes if can change the tide for them and help their mood improve. Other times it only deepens the mood they are already in. It just depends on that pony and what they truly want to feel

Waxing Poetic: With this power, anypony who talks to Morrigan that is wishing to open up and say how they feel inside, will find the words to do so. The deep seated need to get these things off their chest allows them to truly confront those feelings. The outcome of how they feel depends on the pony confessing their feelings, and how they want to go forward from there.


My Four Seasons

Mule Account

A Friend in Need: They can see discomfort on ponies as an aura. It'll look different depending on the type and severity with color(s) being the biggest tell. Discomfort can be physical or emotional and has many varieties based on the nature it was born. They couldn't tell you the exact details of what caused it but they'd have a darned good guess.

I'll Be There For You: Ponies within a 20' radius feel mildly comforted. Not 100% so, more like 25%. This vanishes as soon as they're out of range.

Shake It Off: They'll spend some time (or a lot of time in a severe case) meditating until when they've reached the right point can shake all their discomfort off. They have to actually shake though, just like a wet Inu. It looks pretty silly.​


My Four Seasons

Mule Account

X Marks The Spot: Abaddon can conjure up a map for ponies at will. Each map comes labeled with a current location, a dotted path, and an 'X' where she believes the pony's treasure awaits them. The 'X' could be located across treacherous waters on an uncharted island, or simply a few feet away at the local sandwich shop. Whatever she feels is the 'treasure' that they require, that's where it shall lead them. This 'treasure' is always something that already exists in the world, and is directly limited to things/ponies that Lady Abaddon is aware of. (ie: If Abaddon felt that it would be in your best interest to meet a shop pony, that's where the map would lead you. If Abaddon felt you needed a specific item like a comb, tool, bits, etc, the map would lead you to a place those exist.) She will not perform this more than once a day.

Hidden Treasure: Abaddon has a sixth sense for precious objects, whether they be gems, gold, or something ancient. If it has a particular worth to her, she can sense it's location. She can sense items of high monetary value most often, but this can be used to find something directly important to her if she wills it. (ie: She loses her scarf. Though it is not high in value, she can focus on finding it specifically and her power will aid her.) This maxes out at 100 yards away in radius, and takes increasing amounts of focus depending on it's distance. She cannot sense ponies.

It'll Cost Ya: When cast, a pony speaking to Abaddon will feel more inclined to believe her, and slightly compelled to give her their items. Specifically, any items they have that she desires. She is sometimes able to convince them that she may need the items more than them. Ponies with stronger wills take longer to convince, and some may not be convinced at all. The effect fades once you are out of her range of 50ft, and she cannot cast this more than once a day.

Quick Scrutiny: Abaddon has the ability to tell whether something is genuine or not if she touches it. This is limited to things traditionally considered to be high in monetary value. (ie: A gold-plated coin vs. an actual full gold coin / a fake crystal vs. a genuine sapphire / etc.)

Make It A Double: Casting this allows Abaddon to duplicate an item of her choice. This cannot be used on the same object more than once, nor can it be used on the duplicated version of the object. Living creatures, plants, and items with magical properties are immune to this ability, as are items large in size. This ability can take from a week up to a month to recharge depending on the size of the item duplicated. The biggest items she has the ability to duplicate cannot exceed her own height, and items bigger than a simple coin or necklace may take hours-days to fully dupe. Again, these items are typically of high monetary value, hence 'treasure'.

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