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Warriors: Cats of the Sun

A Day For Mothers - Kit Adoption Contest - CLOSED -


Grizzled Veteran
~A Day For Mothers~

It's that time of year and kits are being born and scampering about under everyone's paws. There are those however, that can't or don't have kits of their own and long for them. So when young kits are found lost, abandoned, or through some other means they have a chance to give them a home and love these kits as their own.

Your Task:
Fill out the form and respond to the prompt with one of your cats that would like to adopt one of the above kits.
Any cat can enter regardless of affiliation (clan,loner, kittypet) or gender.
Anyone including staff can enter. Any staff that is judging can only enter/win the raffle.

The Prompt:
Explain why they want to adopt a kit and/or how they find the kit.

The Rewards:
First pick of the prizes will go to the one that wins the prompt contest as selected by I--LiveWire--I.
The remaining kit will be raffled off between the remaining entrants.

Starts: 5/12 (aka now)
Ends: 5/18 @10PM MST​

[B][COLOR=rgb(190, 157, 251)][FONT=Indie Flower][SIZE=30px]I've got a warm home![/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR][FONT=ChocolateBox][SIZE=5] [/SIZE][/FONT]
Prefs:[/B] (Spots,Stripes)
[B]Adopter:[/B] (cert img of cat that wants to adopt - this can be either gender)
[B]Prompt Reply: [/B]
Last edited:


Grizzled Veteran
I've got a warm home!
Prefs: Spots, Stripes

Prompt Reply:
Eclipsefur has always wanted kits of her own, they just never seemed to happen, even when as a clan, they've come across kits in need of homes and mothers, she just never seemed to be chosen so when she found a kit, alone, any scent of a parent long gone, she brought it back to the clan and pretty much just claimed it as hers, anyone trying to take it away from her was swiped and hissed at, even her mate was met with suspicion.


Stew Aficionado
I've got a warm home!

Username: PeterPan_da144
Prefs: Stripes -> Spots

Prompt Reply: Bird had traveled a bit further than the typical boundaries of their mountain top home. She was the leader of her colony, yes, but she also really enjoyed her alone time, and knew that, should she get into trouble and pass on, her colony could handle themselves.

So when she came along to find a lonely little kit, she knew she could take the time to try to find their family. Gently taking the mewling kit by the scruff, Bird traveled as far as the little kit had managed to get in such a short amount of time. They barely had their eyes open, and their voice was so hoarse from crying out for food. Bird was genuinely surprised the tiny thing hadn't been taken away by a hawk or eagle yet.

Then she came upon the nest. The mother lay there, barely more than a scrap of fur, with various colored bundles of fur scattered about. Bird could smell multiple cats here. One adult, and several smelling of milk like the little one in her mouth. The clearing was smattered with blood, and there was a single, large paw print in the mud near the largest scrap of fur.

Oh poor things....

Bird turned to make her trek back into her own territory, where predators were less likely to come, knowing what lay in wait for them amongst the craggy outcrops. She briefly wondered if the mother had been trying to reach a colony, maybe even her colony, before having the kits, and had gotten stuck where she was. Doing whatever it took to fend off their hunger and any threats. Clearly she couldn't handle it on her own, though given what she went up against...

Bird wouldn't blame her.

There had been no remains for Bird to properly send off to the sky, so when she returned home with the kit and found a nursing queen who could help to feed them, Bird would gather up her colony and hold the ceremony for a passed cat. Even if they were not part of the Storm Born, with Bird bringing their sole remaining kit home, they had become family.[/B]

Lunar Fea

I've got a warm home!
Username: Lunar Fea
Prefs: Spots, Stripes

Prompt Reply:

Tremble had always wanted kittens, ever since she had come of age. Though not many had called themselves her friend, due to her constant and literal scardy-cat nature. 'What kind of mother would she be?!' they'd hiss and taunt and for years she'd just slink away, off to hide in the shadows.

So when she found herself face to face with a lone little kit near the abandoned two leg nests, its eyes closed over with gunk and mewling pitifully, she did what she felt any she cat would do.

Curling around the kit gently, she began to wash it, cleaning the dirt from its fur with her tongue. Though her own body trembled from her name sake, she did her best to calm not only herself, but the kit. She hummed to it softly, curling her tail tight around its little body, preserving what heat it had left. Purring gently, she continued to lick and groom the kit, nuzzling it into her belly.

She had no milk to give it, but she had warmth and she had a safe place to call her own with plenty mice to help wean the little un. "Poor sweet precious kit." she said to the little one, now moving to clean what she could from its eyes. "Where has your mother gone." she said, barely above a whisper. The kit had no answer for her, only continual mewlings and crying for food, warmth and mom.

Tremble waited, doing her best to keep the little one quiet, glancing and listening for any sound of approaching paw steps or scents of she cats that may be the kittens true mother. But none came. A breeze picked up and buffeted her fur and she sighed. "It's ok little one. I wont let anyone harm you." she mrrowed softly, getting to her paws and picking up the kit by the scruff. With one last look, she turned towards her own nest, made within abandoned two leg structure, inside a box that had old blankets she had turned into a warm cozy sleep spot.

Tucking the kit snug into the warm blankets, she curled around the little bean, tightly to keep warm. "I'll be your mother." she spoke gently, softly, still grooming away gunk and dirt from its little face and eyes. When she had gotten the kit to calm down and drift into sleep, she crept off to catch a few mice, one for herself and the other she did her best to claw and chew into little bites to encourage the little one to eat.

She purred loudly, feeling a sense of happiness, despite herself. This wasn't actually her kit...and she'd probably have to properly search for a mother later... but having a little one...right here and right now...depending on her to live.... it felt like she had finally found a purpose for herself.

Something else to do with her life.... besides Tremble.


Stew Aficionado
I've got a warm home!
Prefs: Stripes, Spots

Prompt Reply:
Sprucetail had never been quite the same after her the birth of her kittens. There were meant to be three and by all accounts there had been three bodies, though only two of them stirred with breath. The third kitten, the youngest of them, did not move after its birth and would never move, no matter how much Sprucetail tried to wake it from its endless sleep.

She was fortunate that she had so much support of the TreeClan. Her mothers, the leaders of TreeClan and her siblings and even Firedust, the queen who slept opposite her, who had gone through a similar tragedy with her newest litter of two, formerly three. It was with their aid that she found the strength to nurse her kits and to see them grow into fine apprentices, six moons later.

Now that she was out of the Nursery without little ones at her belly, Sprucetail began to take long walks through the Twisting Trail. The grave for her kitten had been buried outside of the main camp, lest the sight of it trouble her while she was still nursing her other two. Yet on the path to the grave today, she heard something quite peculiar and it struck fear into her heart. A kit was crying nearby!

Pushed forward by maternal instinct that had not quite left her, Sprucetail had charged through the forest to find an dark orange scrape of stripes and fur and she wept at the sight of them. Was this SunClan's gift to her? The chance to be a mother of three? She'd scooped up the kit in her mouth and strode back to TreeClan camp with her head held high. She waltzed right back into the Nursery and called for Errol to come and check in on them.

This kit was put in her path to heal her of her loss and she was going to ensure that this lost youngling had all the love in the world from her, from its siblings and from the whole of TreeClan. Finally, things felt as though they were being set right.


Grizzled Veteran
I've got a warm home!
Username: kovak
stripes > spots

Prompt Reply: Family always meant something to Woodear, coming from a proud line of warriors who exemplified strength and honor to the clan. And he knew how much family meant to his mate, Rivermist, as well. Although it was clear that Rivermist's siblings and parents were gone, Woodear would often visit the borders, trying to find any sign of a connection that would help him understand Rivermist's past more. Both of her siblings passed away at the apprentice age, and he was so glad that she was alive.

On one of his solo adventures, the tom wanted to come home with something to bring back to her. Rivermist was also expecting his kits, and he was so nervous, but also excited. He knew that Buzzardstrike would be available to help raise the litter, and Sporecloud could help guide him through fatherhood, but he also wanted to try to do things solo, until he needed their help, of course.

Back to his journey. Feather. Boulder. River. The names of the children of Bristletongue and Warmgaze. Every day he journeyed to the river, and today, there was a feather on a boulder. A clear sign from Sunclan. And then a cry. Huh?

The tom whipped his head and flicked his ears, trying to find the sound. It sounded like... it sounded like.. a kit! Aha! Popping his head into a bush, Woodear spotted the lone kit trying to walk in the dirt. Woodear didn't know what to do. Leave the kit and hope the mother would come back soon? Bring them back to Mountainclan? But wouldn't that be stealing?

Woodear figured he would spend the day out here. Buzzardstrike or Rivermist would come looking for him if he was gone too long. He just couldn't bare leaving the kit out here by themselves, in a world surriounded by predators. He made up his mind. He would be their temporary father. Until their mother returned. Or until Tigersun accepted allowing a loner kit into the clan. There was no way the leader would say no, if the mother didn't show up, right?


Grizzled Veteran
Number Generated:
Min: 1
Max: 4
Res: 3
Rolling for the remaining kit!
