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Warriors: Cats of the Sun

[ A Warriors Crash Course ]

Cats of the Sun

Long-Term Resident
Mule Account
From the Warriors Wiki Page said:
Warriors is a series of novels published by HarperCollins. It is written by authors Kate Cary, Cherith Baldry, and Tui Sutherland, with the plot developed by editor Victoria Holmes, who collectively use the pseudonym Erin Hunter.
The series follows the adventures of four Clans of wild cats—ThunderClan, ShadowClan, WindClan,and RiverClan —in their forest and lake homes, who look up to StarClan, the spirits of their warriors ancestors, who guide the four clans.
Major themes in the series deal with adventure, forbidden love, the concept of nature vs. nurture, the reactions of different faiths meeting each other, and characters being a mix of good and bad. Other themes that have been pointed out deal with family, loss, honor, bravery, death, loyalty, and following rules.
Holmes has said that one of the good things about writing a book about cats is that "we can tackle difficult human issues such as death, racial intolerance, and religious intolerance [without seeming so heavy]."

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Cats of the Sun

Long-Term Resident
Mule Account
When naming your cat, you must keep in mind a few rules. There is a way these things are done and if your cat's name does not follow these rules, you will be asked to change it.

When a kit is born, it is up to its mother to name them. They look at their children and name them, usually based on their appearance, personality, or something similar. These are called prefixes. They must be naturally occurring things cats would know of. Kits will always have the suffix -kit at the end of their name.

Our example will be a litter of three kits. Looking at these kits, their mother may choose to name the white one Snowkit, one with green eyes Mosskit, and the smallest one Tinykit.
As those kits grow, they soon become of age. At six moons old, they become apprentices. Their names change too, losing the -kit suffix for -paw.

So Snowkit becomes Snowpaw, Mosskit to Mosspaw, and Tinykit is Tinypaw. Make sense?
When an apprentice is fully trained, they earn their Warrior name. This is a very important time in a clan cat's life as they lose the -paw and gain a suffix given to them by their leader. It is usually regarding their personality, physical traits, or brave deeds.

The clan leader has given Snowpaw the name Snowfur, Mosspaw is now Mossheart, and Tinypaw receives the name Tinytail.
Most clan cats keep their Warrior names into their Elder lives, but some take on names that show pride in the injuries they received during their service to the clan.

Snowfur and Mossheart keep their old names, but Tinytail becomes Notail after losing her tail in a great battle.
Please note that 'Sun' is not allowed as a prefix or a suffix as it is reserved for Clan Leaders.
Here is a list of all prefixes and suffixes used by cannon characters in the book series.

When it comes to Loners, the rules for their naming are far simpler. Their names are typically related to things naturally occurring in the wild. They can be one to two words, sometimes even longer, though it's doubtful that many cats will choose that long of a name. Loners who were once kittypets can have kittypet like names, or they can change them. It is entirely up to them. If a loner joins a clan, they must abide by clan rules. Some clans request cats change their names to a more clan-like name. Some don't. Keep this in mind when applying to clans.

Badger, Mint, Stone, Running River and One Eye are examples of names for these kinds of cats.
Kittypets, however, can have just about any name possible, as Twolegs can be, er… quite creative. Please keep your names appropriate, names involving slurs, curse words, or inappropriate themes will not be approved. Also note that cats do not understand twoleg speech. Repeated exposure of a word, such as a cat's name, will become recognizable, but that does not mean that a cat will understand what that word means. All kits given Kittypet names must be certed as a kittypet. These names are given to them by their twolegs rather than their parents.

Names like Quincey, Fish, and Princess Sparklefairy are all feasible names for Kittypets.
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Cats of the Sun

Long-Term Resident
Mule Account
It is the job of the Medicine Cat to heal and care for the wellbeing of their clan, usually by the use of herbs and berries found in the area. There will be an actual list here later, once the clan territories have been established.

For now, we will use this list here and keep in mind the herb's location and time frame.

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Prey, or fresh-kill. is what clan cats call the animals they hunt and eat. As each clan has a hunting specialty, there is no complete list of prey animals yet, as the clans have yet to be formed.

For now, we will use this list here as our guide.
