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Adriana Clawhill


late to the party
Staff member

Adriana Marie Clawhill
Beginner Trainer
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Bouquet of Diamonds

Grizzled Veteran
Table of Contents

1. Staff post
2. Table of Contents
3. Adriana
4. Apartment layout
5. Pokemon and family at home
6. Sweetpea (N. Bulbasaur)
7. Hibiscus (Chingling)
8. ??? (Sylveon)
9. ??? (Zorua)
10. ??? (Trifox)
11. Raz (Eevee)
12. Expeditions log
13. Research log
14. Experience log
15. Training log
16. Inventory
17. Reserved
18. Reserved
19. Reserved
20. Reserved

(Old journal link here because I'mma need it)​
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Bouquet of Diamonds

Grizzled Veteran

(Image links to an alternate hairstyle; Picrew credit; Glasses alt)

Character Name: Adriana Marie Clawhill

Pronoun Choice: She/Her

Age: 21

Home Region: Johto

Character Overview: Adriana is your standard bright-eyed, bushytailed sweetheart full of hopes and dreams. She's confident, capable, optimistic, and firmly believes that helping others is the key to a strong, healthy, and happy community. Impulsivity is second nature to her and she's often juggling multiple tasks, projects, and ideas at once, leaving plenty of room for her to forget everything from the date to the keys to her apartment. She's honest and doesn't shy away from admitting her shortcomings and really, earnestly, tries to learn from her mistakes.

The only thing that seems to stop her in her tracks is blood or other bodily fluids. Though she's gotten better at handling her reactions over the years, she still faints over skinned knees and loses her lunch if she as so much as smells vomit in the room.

Five Likes:
  • Grass, fairy, poison, normal, bug, and psychic type Pokemon.
  • Being in nature.
  • Babies and small children; This extends to baby Pokemon.
  • Hiking, camping, and Pokewatching.
  • Homemade soaps, fragrances, and foods.

Five Dislikes:
  • Red meats and cheese.
  • Bitter tea and black coffee.
  • Extreme weather conditions. (Too hot, too cold, being out in a storm, etc)
  • Ghost and dragon type Pokemon.
  • Gore and extreme violence in general.


- Cooking and baking.
- Learning how to craft simple jewelry and other trinkets
- Studying Pokemon Rearing and Breeding.
- Gardening.
- Collecting small charms and beads.

Three Strengths:
  • Hard-working - Adriana loves getting out into the world and accomplishing as much as possible. She thrives in an environment where she can complete tasks, be busy, and as useful to those around her as possible. If there's a community focused project, such as building shelters or digging for a garden, consider her sleeves rolled up and her hands ready to go.
  • Optimistic - There's a silver lining to every cloud and a song to sing in the darkest of times. Even when the odds look shoddy or her day's been nothing but rotten, difficult, horse-hockey, it's hard to find Adriana without a reason to try and smile and continue marching forward. She's not blind to harsh realities and bitter truths, but refuses to let them drown her in despair.
  • Nurturing - Years of looking after the eggs and young Pokemon in her parent's breeding center have given Adriana some mothering tendencies. She likes to look after others, often taking it upon herself to ask if they've eaten, taken their medications, and offering to watch their Pokemon if they're not feeling well. She can hardly call herself a natural or able to take care of every need, but she'll do her best to offer comfort, food, and safety whenever she can.
Three Flaws:
  • Squeamish - Absolutely cannot stand the sight of blood or the smell of bodily fluids, espescially vomit, urine, or someone else's strong body-odor. She'll try her best to cover her nose and leave the situation, but most of the time her body just "nopes" out for her and the next thing she knows she's on the floor.
  • Impulsive - Has a horrible habit of volunteering for everything and anything, only before she knows exactly what she's getting herself into. This leaves her in plenty of awkward situations where she either has to fake-it until-she-makes-it or bite the bullet and admit that she didn't think before she signed that form or took that leap.
  • Forgetful - No matter how hard she tries to remind herself, Adriana always misplaces or loses something at least once every day. It doesn't even have to be an object, it could be a name, her apartment number, or even the place she was just heading. Mental things eventually find their way back to her and make her grumble at herself, but her favorite scrunchie and Bulbasaur lunchbox back in sixth grade? There's no remembering those back into existence.

History: Adriana's story begins with her fathers. Damien was a boy from Castelia City, Unova, while Alabaster was born and raised in the forest near Ecruteak City, Johto. They met at a fox Pokemon appreciation convention held in Castelia City when Damien's then Zorua, Diego, stole a corn dog from Alabaster and a short chase ensued. They exchanged numbers after Damien apologized, profusely, and kept in contact. Love eventually blossomed and Damien packed everything he had to move to Ecruteak to be with Alabaster two years later.

After getting married and buying their first cottage home, the pair talked children and adopted their first daughter, Adriana. Adriana's early years were spent surrounded by plenty of forest to roam and she seemed to have an equal amount of energy inside of her tiny body to climb all over it. She grew to love nature and grass type Pokemon, as well as develop a fascination with a certain mythical time-travelling Pokemon.

Her fathers adopted their next set of children, Felix and Diana, and moved the family to a larger property in Ecruteak's forest in order to start their dream of opening a Pokemon breeding center devoted to fox Pokemon when she was five. Though she initially missed their old home, watching the first litters of eggs hatch was an experience she'd no soon forget. She eagerly watched her parents as they worked and sent each litter off to their new homes, and celebrated along with them when their first, and so far only, shiny Eevee hatched.

Adriana received her beloved Chikorita, Hazel, from a fellow Pokemon breeding family as a twelfth birthday present. They were instantly inseparable and spent a brief time journeying Johto together before Adriana realized that professional battling just wasn't for her. They returned home where Hazel became a spoiled, everstoned princess and Adriana focused her energy on school and helping in the breeding center. Her fathers adopted another set of twins, Veronica and Zeraphina, shortly thereafter and considered their family more-or-less complete.

Now 21 years old, Adriana has been antsy to get out there and experience the world. Her application to Nauwill is one of her latest impulse decisions and, honestly, she hadn't expected to get accepted. Her family was overwhelmingly supportive of her after she broke the news and, even though she can't bring Hazel with her, she's confident that she can handle whatever challenges may face her on the road ahead. Remembering to keep track of the keys to her new apartment, though, that's another story.


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Bouquet of Diamonds

Grizzled Veteran
Family/Pokemon at home

Damien Clawhill ("Papa")

- The first to greet everyone the visits the Pokemon Breeding Center and the one who makes sure all of the chores get done. Known for talking a client's ears off and crying happy tears whenever a Pokemon goes home with their new trainer.
- Raised by a single mother in Castelia city, Unova, and ended up being taken away due to abuse and neglect. He and his younger sister went through several foster situations before Damien aged out and was able to find work at a catering business to support himself before he met Alabaster. Hasn't seen his mother in years and intends to keep it that way.
- Keeps in touch with his sister, but knows she prefers to keep talks of meeting up to a minimum.
- Found his partner, Diego, face deep in a tray of penne alla vodka at a wedding the business was hosting. The little Zorua quickly became his best friend and greatest comfort during the hardest parts of his young adult life. (and the reason why he, still, can't leave food out in the open)
- Had an intense rainbow ravecore phase and still wears some of the clothes and accessories he couldn't part with.
- If Nauwill had no quarantine rules, he would have packed Adriana's bags with fox Pokemon eggs to hand out to literally everyone.

Alabaster Clawhill ("Daddy")

- Handles all of the behind the scenes work in the Pokemon Breeding Center, such as finances and sorting through placement applications. Definitely the quieter partner in the marriage, but would drop everything to argue with clients and defend his family. Dotes on Damien and his children as often as the family budget will allow and is, not so secretly, terrified that Adriana will be so far from home.
- Born and raised in the forests near Ecruteak City, Johto with his older sister. His parents came from wealth but made sure that their children knew the value of money and didn't give into their every whim. However, meeting Damien was Alabaster's first introduction to the lives of children living in the foster care system and what convinced him to donate as much of his income as possible to charity. (as well as adopt)
- Was given his partner, Galileo, when he turned 18 as a moving away present. Though they had a rocky start with training and he couldn't tell you how much he spent fireproofing his first apartment during that time, Alabaster wouldn't have his brazen, fluffy guard fox any other way. (Plus, seeing him snuggled up next to Diego now-a-days just warms his heart)
- He's had the same plaid jacket since he was 20 and the only season it's put away is summer. The one person allowed to steal it is Damien, and even then, it should only be if it needs to be washed.
- Would have snuck himself onto the same flight as Adriana if he felt it were remotely possible.

Felix Clawhill (Brother - Twin to Diana)

- 16 years old and tired about it. Loves fire, rock, and dark Pokemon. Reads a lot of books, espescially if they have magic adventure plots or educate him on cool rocks. Likes fire a little too much and will light something if given the opportunity.
- Eats the most cheese of his family, self-professed and Adriana-documented.
- Said he wanted to ride on Heatran's back once as a child and now his sisters never shut up about it. (Still totally wants to meet one though)
- His Pokemon were hatched from eggs that his fathers gifted to him and they're basically his babies. He's currently training Reese to dumpster dive on command and trying to train Reggie to stop eating plastic.

Diana Clawhill (Sister - Twin to Felix)

- 16 years old and having fun about it, honestly. Loves dark, fairy, and psychic Pokemon. Unapologetically loves watching cartoons about fairies and ponies, while wearing almost nothing but a mixture of punk, grunge, and goth. Would spend all her money on crystals and holographic nail polish if Alabaster would let her.
- Her hair is naturally the same shade of creamsicle as Felix. She's tried to get Felix to dye his hair once or twice to match her, but he's always thrown the dye bottles straight back in her face.
- Desperately wants to meet Celebi one day and leaves offerings for it in the forest in hopes to see it. (Usually berries or pretty flowers so she isn't accused of littering)
- While she picked the egg that her Zorua, Holly, hatched from out of a litter in her parent's breeding center... Her Espurr, Dolly, hatched from a random egg she found sitting where she'd left an offering to Celebi once. There's currently no evidence to suggest to her that Dolly wasn't a thank-you gift from across time, but the fact that Kalos is so far away from Johto is pretty convincing to Diana.

Veronica Clawhill (Sister - Twin to Zeraphina)

- 10 years old and, yes, she is the princess of the family, thank you very much! [more soon]

Zeraphina Clawhill (Sister - Twin to Veronica)

- 10 years old and, hold on, she can't pause the game just yet! [more soon]

Sarah Lundberg (Aunt on Alabaster's side)


- Alabaster's older sister who visits unannounced and smothers Alabaster with attention. Dotes on her brother-in-law, nieces, and nephew just as bad as her brother, but is far less worried about Adriana as he is.
- Works as a fashion designer in [another city in Johto, I'm tired lul]. As such, most of her gifts are clothes from the latest trends and tailor made for her family members.
- Helps the Breeding Center by publicizing it on her website and social media, as well as showing off the pokemon she's adopted from there in her modeling shots and fashion shows.

Stephanie Lundberg (Cousin - Sarah's daughter)


- 13 years old and very interested in cars and machines. [more soon]

Daphne Clawhill (Aunt on Damien's side)


- Hasn't visited the family in Johto in years and Damien doesn't pressure her about it because of their upbringing. Still sends cards and gifts in the mail for holidays and calls on her brother's birthday, but her address and phone number seem to change every year. Again, Damien doesn't ask.
- Loves the color purple, grape soda, and owns a Mightyena named Hyde, a Houndoom named Jekyll, and a Granbull named Boss. Has expressed interest in adopting another intimidating looking Pokemon from the breeding center if she visits again.

Pokemon that will come to Nauwill in future:

Hazel the Chikorita:
Adriana's loyal companion since she hatched on her twelfth birthday. Though nine years old and unevolved, Hazel is still full of youth and energy and helps Adriana's family with daily chores. This is the first time that Adriana has lived apart from Hazel and she can't wait to be able to bring her to Nauwill one day.

Pokemon the won't be coming to Nauwill in future:

Breeding Pokemon (Owned by Damien and Alabaster)

Garth and Audra the Kanto Ninetales
August and Frida the Alola Ninetales
Dex and Zeta the Zoroarks
Mookie and Maya the Umbreon and Espeon
Boscha and Willow the Delphox
Reed and Honey the Thievul

Personal Family Pokemon:

Rena the Sylveon:
Formerly the first shiny Eevee that was hatched on the property; Helps soothe fussy newborn Pokemon and aides in finding them homes and suitable trainers for them. Brave natured.
Diego and Galileo (Unovan Zoroark and Kanto Ninetales respectfully): Damien and Alabaster's retired partners; They're a mated pair, just like their trainers, and have helped foster many a litter over the years. They also work with Rena to protect the property against thieves and other intruders. Diego is Naughty and Galileo is Hasty.

Felix's Pokemon: Reese (Nickit), Reggie (Flareon)
Diana's Pokemon: Holly (Zorua), Dolly (Espurr)
Veronica's Pokemon: Diamond (A. Vulpix)
Zeraphina's Pokemon: Pepper (K. Vulpix)
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Bouquet of Diamonds

Grizzled Veteran
??? (DRAGON SLAYER Sylveon)
Drop post

(IC info: Will come with a note from home after they're cleared from quarantine that this was originally an Eevee that Adriana had been raising in the breeding center before she got the news about her application to Nauwill. It had evolved unexpectedly after she left and would only settle down if given something with Adriana's scent on it. Clearly a mother-baby reunion was in order asap!)

(Regardless of RNG decided nature, [Sylveon] will be protective of Adriana and crave attention/affection. Her other Pokemon will eventually be treated the same way, just not at first. Other trainers should approach slowly or risk getting slapped by some unhappy ribbons)​
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