Not likely to happen, as it would require a complete restructuring of how ... a forum works in general. Toyhouse doesn't have a forum system in place on comments - they're comment threads, individually. I'm personally not interested in adding a layer of comments on top of a forum system.
You have to remember that we're running shops in what will at one point be a wider system - while we gladly make some accomodations, in the end it is a forum and is meant to be. Spreading conversations into several comment threads would make it extremely messy to have general conversations (something I've heard complained about with regard to running games, shops, etc on Toyhouse).
What I'd suggest would be more to suggest to shop owners to set up their permissions a different way - for instance at ACBC we did make one full thread, but maybe having a forum with one thread = one agreement might be more efficient. I don't know! :3