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Dungeons and Dice

Bank Reserve

Mule Account
In-Shop Currency
(This is what the currency looks like in Bastion's Rise.)​

Copper - Lowest form of currency. 10 Copper make 1 Silver.

- Silver - Second Lowest form of currency. 10 Silver make 1 Gold.

- Gold - Most used form of currency. 10 Gold make 1 Platinum.

- Platinum - Highest form of Currency.
Mule Account
Bank Reserve Guidelines/Rules
  • Please post here when you win currency or have an item that doesn't have a character attached to it yet so that we can better keep track of things.
  • If you'd like to transfer an item to a character/familiar you own then please post here saying so, so we can remove it from your inventory.
  • Please post only one form per post, however, if you have multiple instances of winning coins or items you may post them all in one form.
  • You may ONLY post two forms in a post if you are both adding and using an item instantly, such as buying a potion and using it immediately.
  • Please check here to see what you own before making agreements to trade things in the Minishop Contract Thread.
  • Please allow at least two weeks before you contact staff about your inventory being updated. Please be aware, staff has lives too, so be kind and understanding when asking for updates.
  • Please allow at least a month before asking for updates about an item use that entails making or updating a new character(s)/familiar(s).
  • Rules may be updated or changed at any time.
Mule Account

Forms for Adding Currency/Items

Currency Form
[size=16][color=gold][center][b]I Won Some Currency![/b][/color][/center][/size]
[b]Currency Win Links/Amount[/b]: (Please put both the link and the amount won. Multiple links may be added here.)
[b]Anything Else[/b]:
Item Form
[size=16][color=orangered][center][b]I Have Some Items![/b][/color][/center][/size]
[b]Item Win Links[/b]: (Multiple links may be added here.)
[b]Anything Else[/b]:
Familiar Form
[size=16][color=saddlebrown][center][b]I Have Extra Familars![/b][/color][/center][/size]
[b]Familiar Win Links[/b]: (Multiple links may be added here.)
[b]Anything Else[/b]:
Forms for Removing/Using Items

Transferring an Item to a Character
[size=16][color=slateblue][center][b]I Want to Transfer an Item to My Character![/b][/color][/center][/size]
[b]Item in Question[/b]: (Please make sure you put the item name correctly, or link if needed.)
[b]Character's Cert[/b]: 
[b]Anything Else[/b]:
Using an Item
[size=16][color=springgreen][center][b]I Want to Use an Item![/b][/color][/center][/size]
[b]Item in Question[/b]: (Please make sure you put the item name correctly, or link if needed.)
[b]Character's Cert[/b]: 
[b]Character's Uncert[/b]: 
[b]Anything Else[/b]: (Please detail what you're wanting here. If it's a custom or breeding then please use the correct forms from the Custom or Breeding forums.)


Forms for Staff Use

For The Bank
[img][/img] - 0
[img][/img] - 0
[img][/img] - 0
[img][/img] - 0
For The Vault
[b]Weapons[/b]: N/A
[b]Potions[/b]: N/A
[b]Familiars[/b]: N/A
[b]Other Items[/b]: N/A