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Breeding Information

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Mule Account
Breeding Guidelines

  • Payment - Breedings are currently PWYW. Trades are due within 48 hours.
  • Proxy - You may not proxy for someone else in breedings.
  • Posting - Only one owner of the breeding pair should post the pair for breedings.
  • WIPs - WIPs are not available for breedings except in the case of RLC (and only if the colorist is willing to do WIPs, even then the colorist is not required to give more than one).
  • Previews/Streaming - If a colorist gives any owner a preview of a breeding rather as an image or during streaming, all previews MUST be shown to ALL owners of the parents rather they were present or not. This falls under the responsibility of both the colorist and owner(s) who did see the preview.
  • Redo - Redos are only allowed after at least 6 months have passed. If the colorist who originally made the character is still in the shop then the redo should be done by them. Breeding children cannot add things that are not on the parents/grandparents/breeding line. Redos will be done through custom slots or special events only.
  • Incomplete Forms - Incomplete forms may be disqualified. So please make sure you go over your form before submitting.
  • Mock Breedings - Mocks are allowed. However, all Mocks are '1st Gens'. Please be aware that Mocks may be inspired rather than a direct breeding, it's up to the colorist. If you'd like Parent A or B to still be the parents then please indicate that when certing. Mocks do not use throwbacks.
  • Breeding Newbies - Breeding Newbies are considered people who have never had a breeding.
  • Age - A character must have been an adult for at least 30 days before Sheena will sell them a potion.
  • Cooldown - Due to the effects of the potion, a character can only benefit from the magic once every 60 days. The cd starts after the slot is won.
  • Number of Offspring - Each potion will create a number of offspring equal to the amount of different DNA mixed within it. For example, one parent will create one offspring, four parents will create four offspring, etc. However, there is a chance for lifemated couples to have one extra offspring (not counting identical twins). More children can be produced depending on how close Sheena feels the couple is (aka extra finished rps can mean extra children).

    One Parent = One Offspring
    Two Parents = Two Offspring
    Three Parents = Three Offspring
    Four Parents = Four Offspring

    Two Parents Lifemated to Each Other = Two - Three Offspring
    Three Parents Lifemated to Each Other = Three - Four Offspring
    Four Parents Lifemated to Each Other = Four - Five Offspring
  • Rps for Breedings - Roleplay is NOT required for breedings. However, if you'd like to use a rp for extra children, it takes at least one rp per each parent to gain an extra child. This can be done together or separately. A minimum of 700 words per parent is required. You can only gain one extra child this way per breeding and once a rp is spent you cannot use it again. (If a different character who did not participate in the breeding also reaches 700 words in the same rp they CAN use it for their own breeding.)
  • Lifemates - Lifemates are characters that are mated/married to each other. You get a chance at an extra child if your characters are lifemated to each other. To do so they must be registered here. You are allowed to breed on your own or with others that you are not mated to as it doesn't require anything but magic to do so, however, you must have permission from the owner of your character's lifemate to do so. You can request permission here.
  • Owners - Owners may keep one kid per parent that they own (max of 2). The only exception to this is twins. No owner may own more than two children from their breeding. (See below.)
  • Identical Twins - When breedings happen there is a very small chance that the breeding may produce identical twins. When this happens, two identical twins of the same gender will appear when they are dropped, the only difference will be a color shift that can be anything from eyes to a whole palette. This is the ONLY time that an owner that only owns one parent may keep an extra child, but this is only allowed if ALL owners of the parents agree on who keeps it. If an agreement cannot be made, the twin MUST be given to a neutral party or to the shop to home. You can find permission for the twins owner here. If someone owns more than one parent but opts to keep twins then they may not keep another.
  • Throwbacks - Throwbacks allow for previous generations to influence the children. Not all colorists may wish to do throwbacks, so you can only ask for them if the colorist allows for it in their breedings. Do note, just because the colorist is allowing them does not mean they will use them. You also cannot request which traits to use and which you don't want, it is completely random.

    Throwbacks are usually reserved for 2nd Gen and later. However, if you'd like throwbacks on 1st Gen, just realize that that means you are allowing the colorist to use completely random traits in your breeding and it may not turn out how you wish, however, it does allow for wider traits in a family line. 2nd Gen and later will always use actual relatives.
  • Incest - Incest is only allowed between cousins.
  • MxM or FxF Breedings - Male x Male relationships or Female x Female are totally allowed as everyone now uses magic to conceive.
  • Amount of Parents -
    Currently, up to four parents can provide DNA for a single breeding.
  • Breeding Permissions - You must have permission from all parents to breed. You can find the permission thread here.
  • Amount of Breedings Per Month - You may only win two breeding slots per month. Won breeding slots count against the person who entered them, not the people involved.
  • Limit on Character Breedings - Currently there is no limit to how many times a character can breed in their lifetime.
  • Be kind - This applies to both other customers and colorists alike. Do not guilt trip or be passive aggressive to anyone who is trying to obtain or has won a slot. Likewise, do not berate colorists if it seems like the same person is winning (RNG is RNG, man). Also, if you do win a slot, please be kind to the colorist who is doing your breeding. Please no pouting or guilt tripping if the breeding did not turn out how you wanted. If you did not like your breeding then please give away the characters rather than cause drama.

    Do not pressure an owner to give you a character from their breeding.
  • Promises - Please do not make breeding promises in which you say if "If my character xxx breeds then I'll give you a baby". Too many of these promises go unfulfilled and leave people hurt. If you continue to make these promises and do not fulfill them when you receive breedings and it's brought to staff attention you will be warned and possibly grey listed from breedings for a time.

    Yes, we realize people may forget and we may offer some leniency, but this is why we advise against it in the first place.
Mule Account
Breeding Terms

  • RNG - Slots that are randomized through a Random Number Generator.
  • CC - Colorist Choice. A custom that is hand picked by the colorist.
  • Low-Luck - This is reserved for specific breedings that have had at least 10 tries with no luck.
  • No-Incest - Some colorists may not be comfortable with doing breedings that involve incest of any kind. Please do not harass them if this is the case.
  • ONS - ONS means One Night Stand. This is usually to indicate a breeding in which the parents are not together. This can be anything from a relationship that hasn't reached lifemates yet, one that doesn't pan out or even strangers. A family can still form out of an ONS and is generally up to the owners on how it plays out.
  • Mixer - A mixer is when a single character is entered into breedings and paired randomly with another character(s) that has entered.
  • Mock Breedings/Mocks - Mock breedings are when Parent A and Parent B do a 'breeding' that results in a child that may or may not be related to one or both parents. Mocks are usually adults.
  • RLC - Real Life Currency. This is a slot that uses real life money.
  • Familiar - A slot strictly for familiars.
  • Templated/Edited - Templated characters are characters that only use premade templates or (only in special cases as noted by the Colorist) are slots that will template all new edits. If you have an edited couple that wins a Templated slot then we will be trying to match the templates as close as we can to the edits.

    Edited slots will be slots that in some way add new unique edits to the characters. This does not mean that edits might not be similar to an already existing edit but that it was hand drawn for the character and will not be templated.

    Heavily Edited Breedings must have at least two of either; fully custom clothing, fully custom hair, or custom large item(s).

    Moderately Edited Breedings must have two of either mostly custom clothing, mostly custom hair and/or custom item(s); or fully customed clothing (with minimal detail) or long/complicated fully customed hair (one, not both). [Customed accessories do not change this unless they are heavy.]

    Minor Edited Breedings include small/short hair changes, face edits or minor accessories.

    Templated Breedings use only the established templates on a breeding. These can be manipulated in many different ways and will still count as Templated.
  • Rarities - Slots that are based on rarity of races. If this comes into play, the rarity will be based on the rarest race between the parents.

    Common Races -
    Humans, Dark Elves

    Uncommon Races -
    Wood Elves, Half-Elves

    Rare Races -
    Demon-Touched, Woshryn

    Very Rare Races -
Mule Account
In-Character Information

Breedings mean something completely different to all races now that the Plague has come and gone. The Plague has left all races infertile, meaning that without magical assistance no one can reproduce naturally. To combat this, a mysterious old woman named Sheena has taken up residence in Bastion's Rise, offering potions to those who wish to have children of their own (or to perhaps surprise an enemy). What Sheena's true goal is, no one is quite sure, but she guards the secrets to her potions most jealously and due to no other options she has been allowed to sell her wares, even if Queen Eliana isn't quite fond of the idea.

For the potion to work, Sheena needs DNA from all parents involved. She then dissolves the DNA into the potion and once they start bubbling, the person who wishes to carry the child(ren) then drinks the potion, impregnating themselves. The one that carries the child is pregnant for two in-character months before the child(ren) is born. This somehow works even if it's a male who chooses to carry them.

Due to the magic, children only grow for three in-character years before they become a full adult. This means that they age 1 year for every two months. Somehow, though people aren't sure how, the potions also seem to give those born through them basic knowledge on how to do things, making primary school almost completely unneeded.

After the potion is made, everyone involved feels drained for the entire pregnancy. It's almost as if the potion creates a link between those involved to give the person who is pregnant enough energy to create and have the children in only two months. The feelings of exhaustion fades, however, after the child(ren) is born. During this time, no one involved has the energy to have anymore children until the exhaustion fades.
Mule Account
Breeding Forms

Singles Form
[b]Parent Uncert[/b]: (Image, not link)

[b]Mystery Parent?[/b]: (If yes this gives us a wider range of races and colors/markings etc. You will not have say over what they are.)
[b]Roleplay?[/b]: (If yes, provide a link to each parent's rp.)
[b]Throwbacks?[/b]: y/n
[b]Previous Generations[/b]: (If you said yes to throwbacks.)
[b]Anything Else[/b]: (Things like eye color if eyes are shut, any extra images if needed for markings, etc.)
Couples Breeding Form
(Delete any unneeded extra forms.)
[quote="Parent One x Parent Two x Parent Three x Parent Four"]
[b]Parent One[/b] 
[b]Parent One Uncert[/b]: (Image, not link)

[b]Parent Two[/b] 
[b]Parent Two Uncert[/b]: (Image, not link)

[b]Parent Three[/b] 
[b]Parent Three Uncert[/b]: (Image, not link)

[b]Parent Four[/b] 
[b]Parent Four Uncert[/b]: (Image, not link)

[b]Breeding Permission[/b]: 
[b]Roleplay?[/b]: (If yes, provide a link to each parent's rp.)
[b]Lifemates[/b]: y/n
[b]Throwbacks?[/b]: y/n
[b]Previous Generations[/b]: (If you said yes to throwbacks.)
[b]Anything Else[/b]: (Things like eye color if eyes are shut, any extra images if needed for markings, etc.)
Mixer Form
[b]Parent Uncert[/b]: (Image, not link)

[b]You are aware you could end up with anyone else's character?[/b]: y/n
[b]Roleplay?[/b]: (If yes, provide a link to each parent's rp.)
[b]Throwbacks?[/b]: y/n
[b]Previous Generations[/b]: (If you said yes to throwbacks.)
[b]Anything Else[/b]: (Things like eye color if eyes are shut, any extra images if needed for markings, etc.)
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