Features - The 'success' of humanitys attempts, often called a Primis! While in Touracs eyes this breed isn't the base of all, it is what the humans tried to achieve, and, at the end of the day, what all other breeds of Touracs boil down to when you really look at it. Their size differs vastly from case to case, some being as short as a human child and others being taller than horses. They are known for their dog like physique while having retractable claws, a dragon like nose, and, of course, the scales on our legs! Most other Tourac breeds will have Primis features, but with key differences to scales, horns, and fur. They do, though, occasionally have longer fur, or smaller horns! Mutations aren't too uncommon in creatures like Primis Touracs.
Culture - Primis Touracs were the birth of the species fight for freedom. Had humanity never made the animal they wanted, they likely wouldn't have ever gotten released to the public and given a chance for freedom. That considered, they were not the leaders of the revolution. At least, not alone. Actually, they mostly made of the front lines or back up force! Extremely loyal with a strong connection to family and purpose, but not much good in the leader department.
They have a strong sense of morality, and are great at taking a hit. Nothing seems to slow these guys down, as they strive to be a strong shield for their community. A lot of them would spend most their lives helping others and lifting up their family, even over themselves.
While their culture strongly values heroism and protection, they lack at emotional connection. In the past, many young Touracs of traditional homes were taught that their weakness was in their need for assistance. They were the start of the rebellion, they had to protect the rest with all their might. So, while some older Touracs rebel against the idea of their cultures mixing and changing, the young are excited for a new beginning where they can express themselves.
Supported Values - Family, Strength, Heroism.
Negative Values - Emotions, Vulnerability, Arts of most kind.
Magic - Primis are known to have some of the most versatile magic that seems to adapt to their environment. While individuals won't see a change in ability, Primis raised in seperate climates will find their powers vary wildly even if they're from the same family of Tourac. Most Primis have the ability to move objects twice their size telekentically, and often have two or three additional abilities linked to their area of living. This could be the ability to grow more fur in colder areas, the ability to make parts of the body near immune to heat for periods of time, or the ability to withstand long periods of time under water.