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Brittlebear First Breeding Raffle!

Stray Beasts

Mule Account
Brittlebears First Ever Breeding Raffle!

Opens: NOW!
Closes: June 21 @ 7pm EST

Be patient if I am not around to close/roll on time pretty please. I will get to it as life allows, promise! <3

Available Slots:
: 2 Breeding Slots

Love is in the air~ Are you pets ready for some romance!

Raffle Ticket Entries
1. Brittlebear
2. Melomar
3. I--Livewire--I
4. Aboslutiones
5. BastetAmun
6. DavyJnah
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Stray Beasts

Mule Account

Lets Recap the front page!

Standard Breeding
Breedings between two partners, whether a one night stand or lifemate pair are eligible for standard breeding.

Breedings between pets with one owner will receive 2-4 pups. Breedings between pets owned by two different owners will receive 3-5 pups. With all breedings, each owner may keep one pup and all remaining pups must be given away in a way the owners sees fit.

*Each customer can receive up to 4-6 pups for their first breeding. This means only the *customer’s* first breeding - not every pet’s first breeding.*

Rogue Breeding
Breedings between one of your pets and a random imaginary pet of the colorist’s choice or based on RNG. For all rogue breedings you may submit a color palette for the colorist to use for the imaginary pet. You may also choose the breed you'd like the rogue to be. Unfortunately these pairings, only end up with 2 pups.

Roleplay Benefits
If you have had your pets roleplay together, then you increase the size of your litter by 1 pup.

This includes a rogue one-off short story you can increase your litter size by 1.

Your pets will inherit one stat point of their parents.
Which stats point? That will be determine by RNG.
If your pet has a majority in one stat the odds increase they will get that stat.

Breeding F.A.Q.'s
Q: What can we do with our puppies?
A: You may give them away or keep them ( you may only keep one for yourself per litter per owner.)

Q: Will my puppies look like the adults?
A: Yes, they will most likely resemble each of its parents in some aspect.
> It's possible for offspring to get throwbacks if one or both of the parents are Gen. 2+.
> Random mutations do occur, (Albinism, blindness, ect...)
> Scars do not pass on, but edits might depending on what it is.

Q: How often can my pet breed?
A: Three times in their live, so we don't over-breed certain pets. Once monthly, so we don't stress out the colorists.

Q: Can two different breeds of canines breed together?
A: Yep. You will either get puppies from one breed or the other from such pairings. (For ease of lineart)

Q: When will my puppy grow up?
A: Puppies grow after 2 weeks
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Stray Beasts

Mule Account
General Breeding Raffle Information
  • All breeding raffles are Ticket Style. This means that each player will enter individually and receive a single ticket into the raffle.
  • Each player can only post once, per raffle
  • These pets do not count towards any Event Win Limits.
  • Each player's post must have a minimum of one eligible breeding form, and they may fill up the post with as many forms as may fit!
  • Players may edit their post/forms up until close, in which case the thread will be locked and no further changes can be made.
  • The Colorist(s) will roll winners
  • If the winning player only posted a single entry, then the Colorist will automatically choose that pet to win the raffle.
  • If the winning player has multiple pets in the post, then the Colorist will decide which pet will win the raffle.
  • The Colorist will then announce and quote winner(s), posting their chosen pets at the end of the raffle.
  • Players may only be rolled once! However, you may win additional breedings should your pets be listed in other players posts!
  • The cost of this breeding is: free! However, if you wish to tip, you are welcome to send along a trade.
  • It is possible to obtain double wins for your pets -- for example, if one owner lists a couple and they win; and the other owner also lists the same couple, and they also win, then you all got lucky!
  • You must create Breeding Agreements before you enter raffles. There are some rules about what can and cannot be included in the agreement, but generally speaking it shows that all parties are okay with their characters being included in a raffle!
  • Rogue breedings don't require agreements! However, if you've already made an agreement with that pet, you will need to break the agreement before you enter as a rogue!
  • Self-Pairs don't require agreements.
  • You must fill out the form in its entirety.
  • Uncerts are not required but useful.
  • You may edit your post until closing.
  • Staff will notify you if something seems amiss in your entry upon winning.
  • If a mistake happens while running a raffle, and someone's couple or name doesn't wind up on the list, please be understanding! You may let staff know there was an issue with the list but don't expect a re-roll or an auto-win because of human error.

Stray Beasts

Mule Account
Breeding Forms

Rogue Breeding Form:

[[Some Rogue Puppies]]

Cert Link:

Owners Name:
Rogue Palette:
Rogue Breed:
Additional Benefits:
List any additional benefits (like is it your first breeding?) we should be aware of like roleplays that increase your litter size?

Standard Breeding Form:

{{Love is in the Air!}}
Breeding Type:
Couple or Self Pairing (2 owners or just a single owner)
Breeding Agreement Link: [N/A if not needed]
List Parent(s) Name with Owner Names:
Parent(s) Certs:

Optional: Link Parent(s) Uncerts

Additional Benefits:
First Breeding? Roleplays? Or something else that increases your litter size.
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Station Visitor
{{Love is in the Air!}}
Breeding Type: Couple
Breeding Agreement Link: Link
List Parent(s) Name with Owner Names: Highwind /Absolutiones & Rama/Brittlebear
Parent(s) Certs:

Optional: Link Parent(s) Uncerts

Highwind & Rama
Additional Benefits:
First Breeding - 4-6 pups


Grizzled Veteran
Standard Breeding Form:

{{Love is in the Air!}}
Breeding Type:
Self Pairing
Breeding Agreement Link: N/A
List Parent(s) Name with Owner Names: Nona Bee + Oddball
Parent(s) Certs:

Optional: Link Parent(s) Uncerts
Nona Bee & Oddball

Additional Benefits: First Breeding

- - -

Standard Breeding Form:

{{Love is in the Air!}}
Breeding Type:
Self Pairing
Breeding Agreement Link: N/A
List Parent(s) Name with Owner Names: Paniz Romi + Prince Charming
Parent(s) Certs:

Optional: Link Parent(s) Uncerts
Paniz Romi & Prince Charming

Additional Benefits: First Breeding
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Grizzled Veteran
[[Some Rogue Puppies]]

Cert Link:

Owners Name: I--LiveWire--I
Rogue Palette: [ xXx ] and/or CC be free have fun!
Rogue Breed: border collie/CC
Additional Benefits:
Is first breeding i guess~


Stew Aficionado
{{Love is in the Air!}}
Breeding Type: Couple
Breeding Agreement Link: Link
List Parent(s) Name with Owner Names: Highwind /Absolutiones & Rama/Brittlebear
Parent(s) Certs:

Optional: Link Parent(s) Uncerts

Highwind & Rama
Additional Benefits:
First Breeding - 4-6 pups


Grizzled Veteran
Standard Breeding Form:

{{Love is in the Air!}}
Breeding Type:
Self Pair
Breeding Agreement Link: N/A
List Parent(s) Name with Owner Names: Ominis and Stardust
Parent(s) Certs:

Ominis and Stardust

Additional Benefits:
First Breeding