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[CA] Farren Marco [ Mod Ready ]

Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
Character Name: Farren Marco

Pronoun Choice: He/Him

Age: Twenty-Four

Home Region: Alola

Character Overview:

Farren has a deep love for the ocean and exploration. He's an outdoorsy type who loves to learn new things and go to places he's never been before. He feels completely comfortable under the open sky and has a great sense of direction. However, his wandering often results in him leaving others behind. He doesn't make friends often, but the few he has he holds dear. Family is very important to him. He writes home to his mother daily.

Five Likes:
  • New Experiences - Everything from new foods to new sights, the thrill of experiencing something for the first time is addicting.
  • Small Trinkets - He tends to collect random things he finds. Sea glass, cool rocks, and small objects washed ashore are his favorites.
  • Crowds - Life on the sea can be pretty lonely, having a nice evening out with a bunch of people is very rejuvenating.
  • Letters - Receiving a letter is like an embrace, especially when it's from someone you've been missing.
  • Stories - He loves to collect and trade books and stories from his travels. He has a small collection of books and journals, all well-worn and well-read.
  • The Ocean - The ocean has become a part of him and he doubts it will ever release its hold over him.
Five Dislikes:
  • Storms - Probably one of Farren's biggest fears is storms. Too many times has his ship nearly sunk under the weight of rainwater
  • Close Spaces - He does not like being inside and cannot stand tight quarters. Farren will always try and sleep outside, or at least near a window.
  • Being Alone - He's a social person at heart. Being alone for too long makes him depressed and irritable.
  • Sunburn - The only bad thing about the sun! Farren pretty much always smells of sunscreen.
  • Coffee - It's far too bitter for his taste. He much prefers tea. Iced tea.


He can often be found on some high place sketching out the landscape in one of his many sketchbooks, or adding a new entry to his discovery journal. Farren enjoys exploration, be it physically hiking a new trail or delving deep into the world of a fresh book. When all else fails, it's time to go fishing!

Three Strengths:
  • Patient - A life on the sea has taught Farren the value of taking your time. Rushing leads to mistakes and mistakes can sink your ship. He has also learned to entertain himself if needed. He usually has a small project in his pocket at a given time.
  • Natural Navigator - He's a navigator, reading maps and stars comes easy to him. It's very rare that Farren gets lost or loses track of time. He's also very observant!
  • Loyal - Family is very important to him, and family doesn't always mean blood. He is slow to anger, but if you come after someone he cares for, you best prepare yourself.
Three Flaws:
  • Lonely - Despite willingly confining himself to a ship with little company but his father, Farren is a very social creature. He loves being around others, talking, and swapping stories. But the life of a sailor and the life of a Pokemon trainer are both pretty lonesome, and it weighs on his heart.
  • Wandering - Having bounced from place to place most of his life, commitment isn't something that comes easy to him. He can't stand staying in one place for too long, and he's never had a lasting relationship outside his parents.
  • Reckless - The consequences of his actions are not the first thing on his mind when Farren does something. He tends to act first and think later.


Farren was born on a stormy night out on the floating town of Seafolk Village. At the time, his father was out to sea. This became a constant in his life, he stayed home, watching his mother stare wistfully out the window, waiting to see her husband's sails on the horizon. He visited rarely and never for long, and while it was enough for his mother, Farren resented his father's obvious love of the sea over his mother and himself. Didn't they matter?

One day, when Farren was ten, his father came home at last. He could bear it no longer and confronted his father about his duty as a parent and husband. Captain Marco listened silently through the emotional tirade until the boy had worn himself out. The burly man lifted the child and carried him onto his ship. When Farren awoke the next morning, Seafolk Village was nowhere to be seen.

They traveled for six months, circling the Alolan islands, visiting many places Farren had never even heard of. It took him a while, but with the encouragement of letters from his mother, Farren began to learn why his father was never home. He had a greater duty, to the water, the wind, and the sea itself. It didn't take long for Farren to fall to the ocean's siren call. He begged his father to teach him to sail and before long, he was guiding the boat himself. His mother supported him with books from which he studied nautical mapping and navigation. He spent much of his teen years drawing, mapping the shorelines, and finding new adventures wherever they docked.

He lived like this well into his twenties, becoming a skilled sailor and navigator while dabbing in cartography and art. But when word of the recently discovered Nauwill and the desire for explorers reached his ears, he was ready for something new.


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