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[CA] Katrina Evergrove [Mod Ready]

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Stew Aficionado
Character Image
Character Name: Katrina Evergrove
Pronoun Choice: She/Her
Age: 21
Home Region: Hoenn

Character Overview: Katrina is a very outgoing person who loves to make new friends and connections. She is friendly and kind and loves to talk about her hobbies almost too much at times, chatting ones ear off.

Five Likes:
  • Nature: Often times she will look to nature to help her come up with ideas for contest routines and inspiration.​
  • Fashion: Katrina always has to have a matching outfit, often spending a couple of hours on her apperance.​
  • Flower arranging: Flower arranging is another thing she likes to do in her free time, usually taking the flowers she grows in her gardens and using them as boquets around her place or to decorate her pokemon with.
  • Puzzles: A good puzzle is always relaxing, even if she does happen to loose a few peices in the process​
  • Shopping: Katrina loves to shop, weather its buying new items or replacing those she's lost.​

Five Dislikes:
  • Spider-like Pokemon: She can tollerate these pokemon but she rather not have to deal with them daily. They 'wig' her out and she will do her best to avoid them at all costs.
  • Clashing Colors/Fashion: She can't stand colors that don't go well together or peices of clothing that don't seem to fit well with one another
  • Clowns: Katrina had a bad experience with clowns as a child and avoid them or anything that reminds her of them at all costs.
  • Being Late: Katrina is always on time for meetings or meet ups and always dislikes when others are running late with out letting her know ahead of time.
  • Mushrooms: She absolutly hates mushrooms and will not eat them.

  • Gardening: Katrina really likes to garden and work with flowers, often making it her calm and collected spot where she gathers her thoughts and comes up with new ideas for her contest routines.
  • Contests: Contests are her life and she tends to go a bit overboard with them to the point where she may skip meals when preparing for an up coming contest.
  • Sewing/Fashion Design: Katrina makes all of her own outfits for her contests she's participated in, for both her and her pokemon.

Three Strengths:
  • Outgoing: Katrina is a very friendly often going up to random strangers to make conversation. She sees strangers as just friends she hasn't meet yet.
  • Imaginative: Katrina is very a imagantive person, else how else would she be able to come up with unique contest routines.
  • Driven: She has a drive to get things done one way or another.
Three Flaws:
  • Messy/Disorganized: Although her contests and routines seem so planned out and organized her home life is very messy, often times she has a hard time finding anything in her appartment as she has no idea where she mis placed the item, often resulting in her going out to buy another only to find it moments later.
  • Talkative: Katrina likes to talk and often will talk over other or not let another person get a word in. Often times not knowing when to stop.
  • Reckless: When she gets an idea in her head for her contests she will do almost anything to try to make it work, which can often result in her injuring either herself or her pokemon.

History: Once a very popular contest trainer in Hoenn, a rising star so to say, then new blood came to town and her popularity faded. Deciding to take time to work on both herself and her pokemon she came to Nauwill. She still loves the contest sceen and her goal is to start something on those lines here on in Nauwill. She left all of her pokemon at home aside from her Delcatty.


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late to the party
Staff member
Seems fine except! You are short one point. You have to distribute 6 attributes (Strength/Vit/Dex/Ins) and you've only distributed 5. The socials are fine, so please add one more att ouo)b
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