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Pokémon Expeditions

[CA] Ranveer Maan (Mod Ready)

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(I have no picture of him specifically yet... one will come eventually. There are no good Old Man picrews 👀 .)
Character Name: Ranveer Maan

Pronoun Choice: He/Him

Age: 87

Home Region: Paldea

Character Overview:
  • Very easy to like (easy going, open minded, perpetually cheerful)
  • Finds joy in the in the simple things (chooses to focus on the positive)
  • Has so many grandchildren it's easier to just treat everyone as one (patient and likes everyone)
  • Adventurous Spirit TM (loves trying new things and very hard to keep down)

Five Likes:
  • Trying New / Creative Foods
  • Long Hikes / Time Spent in Nature
  • Dog-Type Pokemon
  • Other People Info Dumping at Him
  • Cozy-Mystery Television Shows

Five Dislikes:
  • Being Sedentary for Too Long
  • Being Coddled
  • Being Alone / Lonely
  • Having to Remember to Take Medication
  • Required Reading

  • Letter Writing (mostly to his kids / grandkids)
  • Knick-Knack Collecting (he loves souvenirs and then telling people the stories behind them)
  • Chess & Other Strategy Games (he's not good at them, but his wife Enid loved them)
  • Baking (new hobby -- he's bad at it)

Three Strengths:
  • Unflappable - Ranveer could find his house on fire and (after being assured no one was in immediate danger) respond with an "ah, this is going to be complicated". This is a man who spent 50+ years working in the same department in the same business through three changes in ownership and top-down restructurings. If Arceus descended to earth in front of him he would offer them a cup of tea and ask how they were adjusting to their new environment. You can not throw this man in a way that he would not bounce back from like a wobble toy.
  • Generous - It's very easy to part with things if you know that they don't materially add to your happiness. Ranveer is very easily contented, and he gets joy from bringing other people joy. Bringing these two features together, he is a very avid gift giver. He does have things he treasures, and he isn't stupid about it, but he's very free with resources that he can be. His generosity is not limited to material goods either; he is equally as free with his time and attention. With something like a dozen grand children he got very good at listening patiently to people explaining their obscure interests and, even if he doesn't understand it, he enjoys their enjoyment.
  • Emotionally Available - Ranveer is very easily affectionate. He is nice to everyone and doesn't so much try to make everyone his friend as just assumes that they already are. As such he is very easy to open up to, and quite willing to put in a lot of emotional labour with someone who he might have a comparatively passing relationship with. This was a skill he developed as a confused but well meaning father-then-grandfather of a gaggle of very diverse children. He may have lost track of how many kids he had at various points, be he did not let that stop him from being there for them (and the various neighbour children and innocent bystanders that got caught in his radius).
Three Flaws:
  • Difficulty with Hard Emotions - Unfortunately, despite Ranveers best pretenses, life is not all sunshine and roses. He does process his own emotions pretty well and isn't actually cracked (as his grand/kids worry he might be), but because this is a largely internal process he doesn't really communicate well about them. He really does believe it's better to have loved and lost, but he isn't very good at talking about the darker parts of that, or helping others process those things. When his wife died he did his best to be emotionally available to his family, but he wasn't really able to help them arrive at the same peace he had. In fact, the family still hasn't reestablished it's equilibrium since Enid's death, and in his confidence that things will get better he hasn't done much to make it better.
  • Flighty - Ranveer, bless him, has absolutely no focus. He was a very serious and organized man at work, and his wife always encouraged him to let go more at home. Then he retired, and lost all semblance of structure in his life. He redirected his attention into spending time with his family and whatever hobby has most recently caught his fancy (and when he took up a hobby he took it up with gusto), and in the broad strokes he was a very consistent person, but in the specifics he has a mess. Ranveer goes with the flow so easily he often forgets where he was trying to go. He can be distracted by the smallest things.
  • Too Nice TM (aka Doormat) - It's hard to hard to argue that being nice can be a bad thing, but some of the people closest to Ranveer might try. Ranveer's endless patience and kindness can leave him very vulnerable to manipulation and abuse. He always assumes good intent, and thus can be easily bamboozled or conned. His only defense is that sometimes the perpetrators are so baffled that they just... stop. In less dramatic circumstances it can also lead to him being in situations where he has put his own needs aside in favour of someone else's, which is not a good policy in the long term. All that is to say, this man is a very affable doormat.

Ranveer was always a very practical and easily contented man. Although he had aspirations and goals, he always appreciated what he had, and never felt that living an average life was a bad thing. He got his first pokémon as a child and attended the academy in Mesagoza for a few years; he had wanted to pursue a career in the pokemon league, but he gave it up in favour a more mundane life. He found a stable office job, met a wonderful woman who he fell madly in love with, and went on to live a very happy and fulfilled life. He retired at age 70 after fifty years with the company, and enjoyed a decade of quiet comfortable living with his lovely Enid before be became a widower.

Although he was heartbroken, it was not in his (or his late wife's) nature to wallow, and he chose to focus on the wonderful life he shared with her rather than the pain he felt at her loss. His (small army of) children and grandchildren, however, were very worried about him and took it upon themselves to flood him with care and attention. As much as he loved spending time with his family, Ranveer was finding it a tiny bit suffocating. However! As always, he chosen to focus on the good, and enjoyed his time with them. He took advantage of his retirement and good health to travel around Paldea (visiting his various offspring, but also seeing the sights) and eventually some of the surrounding regions.

When he heard about Nauwill, Ranveer thought it was a fascinating opportunity. At first he hadn't considered it for himself, but... he was retired with no particular responsibilities, and he had always wanted to have a pokemon adventure... so why not? He left his house in the care of some of his newly-adult grandchildren and took his similarly-elderly arcanine down to the recruitment office to fill out the necessary paperwork.


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Ranveer will be coming to the island with his also-quite-old arcanine (#365)... who is of course Ace level and thus will not be joining him on most of his early adventures, ahaha. He is a very pampered put and will be perfectly content napping on the dorm couch while their silly trainer runs around living out his Pokémon Adventure fantasies.

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