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[CA] Sybelle Sanderson [MOD READY]

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Bouquet of Diamonds

Grizzled Veteran

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Character Name: Sybelle Sanderson (nee. Rutherford)

Pronoun Choice: She/Her

Age: 26

Home Region: Stow-On-Side, Galar

Character Overview: Sybelle is a gentle, quiet giant of a woman who only wants to be given space to breathe and figure things out. Despite her obvious physical strength, she goes out of her way to avoid getting into fights, even if having an argument might actually be in her favor. She stays in her own lane, keeps her true feelings to herself, and does her best to make others feel safe, welcome, and loved in her presence.

Five Likes:
  • Cubone, Marowak, Aron, Gligar, steel, dark, ghost, rock, poison, and ground types. Also has a deep, near-obsessive love for Buneary, but only her husband knows that secret.
  • Alternative clothes and music; Particularly grunge, alt-rock, alt-metal, and alt-dance.
  • Being outdoors, camping, and stargazing
  • Curries, stuffed peppers, samosas, and panipuri.
  • Hot weather, deserts, and tropical beaches.

Five Dislikes:
  • Cat and electric Pokemon. She won't object to being around cat Pokemon or petting one, but she's had some negative experiences with them scratching her in the past and she's just not fond of them. Electric types scare her because she's afraid of them shocking her.
  • Cold weather, snow, and colder climates.
  • Pears, apples, and grapes.
  • Wearing dresses and high heels
  • Having long nails


- Cooking and sharing food with others.
- Hiking, camping, and rock-climbing.
- Weight-lifting; She can currently lift around 230lbs and is actively working to lift heavier.
- Collecting geodes, fossils, crystals, and bones.
- Thrifting for and upcycling vintage items.
- Sewing and quilting, but she's still a beginner.
- Getting doted on by her adoring husband.

Three Strengths:
  • Warm/Friendly: While by no means a social butterfly, Sybelle greets everyone she meets as she would like to be treated; With kindness and respect. It doesn't matter who they are, everyone can be a potential friend or ally in this chaotic world, and she wants to make sure they know that they have a seat at her, not-always-hypothetical, table.
  • Cautious: Sybelle takes her time making decisions and doesn't enjoy taking great leaps of faith or going on split-second "adventures." She prefers to have a plan, not necessarily mapped out to the very last detail, but a good, solid plan before she does anything risky. She also won't sign anything unless she fully understands the details and has her husband's opinion. (Not his approval, just his opinion)
  • Strong: Sybelle was blessed with her father's firm, muscular genes and she freely uses the strength she was born with to not only help others, but to survive in rough conditions. She's saved people trapped in overturned cars, climbed up steep inclines carrying her passed out husband on her back, and wants to push herself to do even more.
Three Flaws:
  • Easily-overwhelmed: Sybelle absolutely cannot multi-task and gets flustered when rushed, espescially when she has to make a quick decision. She also can't handle multiple people talking to her at once, being in her personal bubble, or asking her questions about herself or her personal life. She will start stammering, get embarrassed, and freeze up if she can't figure out which thing needs her attention the most and make several mistakes.
  • Conflict-avoidant: Sybelle hates having to confront anyone and struggles to stand up for herself, so she does everything in her power to avoid doing so. This has lead to a lot of people exploiting her kindness and a lot of rotten, manipulative friendships that she tolerated for far past their expiration date in order to, in her mind, "keep the collective peace between all parties."
  • Low self-esteem: Despite her pride in her physical strength, Sybelle can't see herself as others see her; A beautiful person worthy of all the love, kindness, and respect she gives to the world. She's constantly coming up with "reasons" for why she isn't pretty or why she shouldn't be praised, complimented, or given attention, and she's just not able to trust or respond positively to those things even if they come from someone she loves.

History: Born to a palentologist father and an archeologist mother in Stow-on-Side, Galar, Sybelle was raised amongst the "upper crust" of society due to her parent's success and connections. However, when her mother suddenly died after a cave-in on a dig overseas, 9-year old Sybelle withdrew from all her friends and isolated herself in her room for the better half of the year after. Her father took off of work and did everything he knew how to in order to get her to come back out, and just when it seemed like Sybelle would never return to society life and might never speak again, a breakthrough came in the form of a Pokemon; Cubone. A book telling a story of a Cubone that had lost it's mother had piqued Sybelle's interest and when Sybelle inquired about meeting one, her father quickly set out to find her one.

Thus, Sybelle's love of Cubone, and other "spooky", "odd", or "misunderstood", types of Pokemon was ignited and her will to rejoin the world soon followed. Her new Cubone partner, affectionately named Poppet, quickly became her stalwart companion and accompanied her to every social event and function she attended, no matter how impractical. Not everyone understood, let alone accepted, her new-found adoration for "weird" Pokemon and some of her former friends refused to invite her over if she snuck Poppet over. This trend would sadly continue, until she turned 13 and was introduced to another fellow "weird" Pokemon lover at a party, a boy named Gabriel Sanderson.

At first, Sybelle only thought of Gabriel as a friend, but as their bond grew stronger over the years, her feelings gradually slid into love. They began dating at 16 and got engaged at 20, then married within the year and started traveling around Galar, then the world, doing what they loved; Helping people and Pokemon... As well as hopefully fall in love with a town or a place somewhere and settle down to start a family. However, after nearly six years of love and adventure, neither of them feel like they've found that spot yet. Maybe Nauwill and it's untamed landscape will have what they've been searching for?


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