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[CA] Umeki Hayate [MOD READY]

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Stew Aficionado

Character Name: Umeki Hayate

Pronoun Choice: They/Them

Age: 37

Home Region: Hoenn

Character Overview: Umeki has always been considered a bit of an eccentric person. Mainly because those around them don't fully understand their mild obsession with everything cute, nor do they understand Umeki's penchant for keeping themself locked up for days on end working on some sort of project.

Five Likes:
  • Decora
  • Bubble tea
  • Dolls
  • Miniatures
  • Cosplay

Five Dislikes:
  • Interruptions
  • Receiving gifts
  • Thunderstorms
  • Structure
  • Waste

Hobbies: Doll customizing, Cosplaying, Crafting

Three Strengths:
  • Optimistic: Umeki always looks to the future with hope. Today might not be a great day, but tomorrow will be better. They make the most of every day, choosing to revel in the now and look forward to the future, as opposed to looking back on the past.
  • Imaginative: They have learned how to use a host of objects for customizing and miniatures that others might not have originally thought of. Used plastic can be cut and sanded and used to create glasses for dolls. Metal cans can be used to craft doll armor. Cardboard can be cut and painted to make a mini fridge for a doll house. They can even craft larger scale items, such as clothes and quilts, though they do this far less frequently, and often with lots of fabric swatches and scraps from thrifting.
  • Discreet: Knowing when to speak and when to hold your tongue is a quality Umeki idolizes within them self. While they don't have many close friends, those that they do have know that, no matter what, anything they discuss with Umeki will not reach outside ears. One can freely speak to them on anything.

Three Flaws:
  • Escapist: The downside to their hobby of doll customizing and miniature making is that they get overly invested in their creations, and will often use them as a means of becoming a recluse from the world. While they don't have a particularly hectic or otherwise negative life, outside stimuli can overwhelm them to the point of fleeing to their inner sanctuary of characters and stories.
  • Roving: Another downside their favorite hobby has created is the endless movement and restlessness. Umeki is always looking for something more to do, whether it's pushing their creations to the limits, or taking on numerous tasks at once. This leads them to be constantly moving, seeking out new resources and materials for their crafts. Sometimes it is even an aimless stroll through the thrift store for hours on end.
  • Clutter: Their own home life looks like a tornado hit! Umeki is aware of where everything is at any time, but to any outsiders, it just looks like an absolute disaster. Materials are scattered everywhere with seemingly no order to them, and it's quite often a hazard to walk about in their personal spaces.


Born and raised in Hoenn by a middle class family, they were never wanting for anything, but also didn't live in excess. When it came to their hobbies, they would thrift shop, reuse and recycle to customize, often using their own outgrown clothes before anything else. This thrifty personality leaked into everything they did in life, as they would buy the leftover products at various places of business at the end of the day. That way the ingredients didn't go to waste. Umeki's Poke'mon were all found and bonded with, not battled, and would follow them willingly. Otherwise, they would leave them to their own devices in the wild. Nauwill offers them plenty of new experiences with Poke'mon and materials alike, and they are excited to see what the new continent holds.


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