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[CA] Wynmond Collins *

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Character Image:

Character Name: Wynmond Collins
Pronoun Choice: He/Him
Age: 24
Home Region: Johto

Personality Overview: A horror-loving writer who once preferred the indoors of his home and office over the great beyond, Wynmond surprised everyone the day he packed his bags and volunteered for the Nauwill experience. He’s not a social creature, recoiling from social gatherings and other people in favor of a good book or personal one-on-one with his Pokemon and often referring to others as an anomaly. He’s perpetually tired from his insomniac tendencies and countless nights spent writing scripts he’ll eventually toss into the trash, relying solely on coffee and adrenaline to keep him going. He’s been called stiff, heartless, and cold due to his inability to immediately connect with other humans, which is far from the truth; he feels strongly for those he’s connected to and often has a tender heart, he’s just excellent at internalizing all his feelings and festering anxiety instead. Wynmond can come off as decisive and unfettered, but he’s just good at masking the numerous doubts, fears, and insecurities he has lingering in the back of his head (and fairly impulsive once overwhelmed), choosing instead to exhibit himself as unbothered with a still face that usually melts into an absolute worry when others aren’t looking. Wynmond finds himself drawn to those more honest with themselves and willing to express their true feelings to others, although they also annoy him in the same breath.
Five Likes: Coffee, horror, pokemon, writing, and exploring
Five Dislikes: Excercise, repeating themselves, smoke, alcohol, and summer
Hobbies: Writing, reading, and a small interest in photography

Three Strengths:
  • Excellent Memory: Wynmond is quick to store away information he feels is important and has an excellent memory. He's just selective of when he uses it, i.e; he chooses to not listen fully to most people, either due to a lack of interest in them or believing they're not "on his level". Or perhaps it's also the crippling anxiety.
  • Passionate: Once he's decided on something he will get it done. It might take a while to get to that decision (or not, depending on his current mood), but Wynmond doesn't let obstacles get in the way. The things he cares about he puts his whole into.
  • Independent: Who needs people? Not Wynmond! He thrives when he only has himself to worry about, which can both be a strength and weakness. Luckily, he can work with a team, he just doesn't seek it out.
Three Weaknesses:
  • Insomniac: It's a common misconception that insomniacs are immune to the need for sleep. He's used to not sleeping, sure, but he still has a point where it gets to him. Wynmond has a terrible sleep schedule that he's given up on, fueling himself with coffee when his brain refuses to turn off. This can make him impulsive, poor-tempered, and have slower reflexes/thought processes when he's been awake for too long.
  • Eyesight: Wynmond is completely blind in his left eye and he needs glasses for the remaining right. He can barely see without them and he has numerous blind spots, making him vulnerable in combat.
  • Impulsive: His anxiety makes him fret and worry for ages, often slowly accumulating worries and doubts until his brain short circuits and he impulsively acts. If pressured for an immediate answer he also tends to react in the same vein, although he benefits from a lack of regret afterward.
History: Wynmond was always the kid in the corner, avoiding others his age in favor of writing stories in his journal or rushing home to help at his mother’s Pokemon daycare. People weren’t as interesting as the stories in his head or the Pokemon he tended to, but he also felt alien next to them – like he didn’t fit in, or wasn’t human enough. He lost his eyesight in his left eye as a small child due to ignoring his mother’s warnings and peering too closely at the egg of the family Sneasel, who in turn took his eyesight as retribution. The daycare shut down immediately after the controversy, which he blamed himself for and further locked himself into the world of words and stories. He walked through life half present and half praying someday he could get the tales in his head onto paper, drifting through the rituals of life until, suddenly, a paper floated to his feet while returning home from work. His family was stunned when not even a month later he had packed his bags and left to join something greater.

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late to the party
Staff member


The numbers for attributes and social are in addition to the base one dot, so you still need to add 4 dots to attribute and 5 dots to social! Skills however are A+, as is the profile.



late to the party
Staff member

Okay! Looks good now.

Here's your profile block:
[B]Character Image[/B]: [IMG][/IMG]
[B]Character Name[/B]: Wynmond Collins
[B]Pronoun Choice[/B]: He/Him
[B]Age[/B]: 24
[B]Home Region[/B]: Johto

[B]Personality Overview[/B]: A horror-loving writer who once preferred the indoors of his home and office over the great beyond, Wynmond surprised everyone the day he packed his bags and volunteered for the Nauwill experience. He’s not a social creature, recoiling from social gatherings and other people in favor of a good book or personal one-on-one with his Pokemon and often referring to others as an anomaly. He’s perpetually tired from his insomniac tendencies and countless nights spent writing scripts he’ll eventually toss into the trash, relying solely on coffee and adrenaline to keep him going. He’s been called stiff, heartless, and cold due to his inability to immediately connect with other humans, which is far from the truth; he feels strongly for those he’s connected to and often has a tender heart, he’s just excellent at internalizing all his feelings and festering anxiety instead. Wynmond can come off as decisive and unfettered, but he’s just good at masking the numerous doubts, fears, and insecurities he has lingering in the back of his head (and fairly impulsive once overwhelmed), choosing instead to exhibit himself as unbothered with a still face that usually melts into an absolute worry when others aren’t looking. Wynmond finds himself drawn to those more honest with themselves and willing to express their true feelings to others, although they also annoy him in the same breath.
[B]Five Likes[/B]: Coffee, horror, pokemon, writing, and exploring
[B]Five Dislikes[/B]: Excercise, repeating themselves, smoke, alcohol, and summer
[B]Hobbies[/B]: Writing, reading, and a small interest in photography

[B]Three Strengths[/B]:
[*][B]Excellent Memory: [/B]Wynmond is quick to store away information he feels is important and has an excellent memory. He's just [I]selective [/I]of when he uses it, i.e; he chooses to not listen fully to most people, either due to a lack of interest in them or believing they're not "on his level". Or perhaps it's also the crippling anxiety.
[*][B]Passionate: [/B]Once he's decided on something he will [I]get it done[/I]. It might take a while to get to that decision (or not, depending on his current mood), but Wynmond doesn't let obstacles get in the way. The things he cares about he puts his whole into.
[*][B]Independent: [/B]Who needs people? Not Wynmond! He thrives when he only has himself to worry about, which can both be a strength and weakness. Luckily, he [I]can [/I]work with a team, he just doesn't seek it out.
[B]Three Weaknesses[/B]:
[*][B]Insomniac: [/B]It's a common misconception that insomniacs are immune to the need for sleep. He's [I]used [/I]to not sleeping, sure, but he still has a point where it gets to him. Wynmond has a terrible sleep schedule that he's given up on, fueling himself with coffee when his brain refuses to turn off. This can make him impulsive, poor-tempered, and have slower reflexes/thought processes when he's been awake for [I]too long[/I].
[*][B]Eyesight: [/B]Wynmond is completely blind in his left eye and he needs glasses for the remaining right. He can barely see without them and he has numerous blind spots, making him vulnerable in combat.
[*][B]Impulsive:[/B] His anxiety makes him fret and worry for ages, often slowly accumulating worries and doubts until his brain short circuits and he impulsively acts. If pressured for an immediate answer he also tends to react in the same vein, although he benefits from a lack of regret afterward.
[B]History[/B]: Wynmond was always the kid in the corner, avoiding others his age in favor of writing stories in his journal or rushing home to help at his mother’s Pokemon daycare. People weren’t as interesting as the stories in his head or the Pokemon he tended to, but he also felt alien next to them – like he didn’t fit in, or wasn’t human enough. He lost his eyesight in his left eye as a small child due to ignoring his mother’s warnings and peering too closely at the egg of the family Sneasel, who in turn took his eyesight as retribution. The daycare shut down immediately after the controversy, which he blamed himself for and further locked himself into the world of words and stories. He walked through life half present and half praying someday he could get the tales in his head onto paper, drifting through the rituals of life until, suddenly, a paper floated to his feet while returning home from work. His family was stunned when not even a month later he had packed his bags and left to join something greater.
Here's your stat block:
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