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Certification Thread

Stray Beasts

Mule Account
Once you've received your pet, via drop offs you may post here, or in the Discord equivalent to have them officially put on the shops certificate (cert for short).

Please link us to the shops image of your pet.

We have some options for you with the cert, you may choose a background color of your choice. By default all backgrounds are Blue until requested otherwise.

The 5 stats to know:
  • Hit Points (HP) - Every pet starts with 10HP and for every point they spend in HP they get an additional 5HP points.
  • Strength (Str) - The measure of your pets brawn and endurance. Gives them a bonus to Strength based tasks.
  • Dexterity (Dex) - This displays your pets agility and grace. Gives them a bonus to Dexterity based tasks.
  • Intelligence (Int) - An indicator of your pets wit and quick-thinking. Gives them a bonus to Intellect based tasks.
  • Luck (Luk) - Sometimes you just get lucky, some pets just seem to get lucky a lot more then others.
    • You gain a 'lucky feature'- allows you to re-roll a die once per point you have in lucky, per event/RP.

Every pet gets 1 base stat based on their breed. As seen in the Breed stats spreadsheet here.
Beyond that you have 2 points to pick whatever you like your pet to specialize in.
Stats are maxed out at 3 points, as displayed at the top.
Cert Form:
Certification Please!

[Uncert Image here]
Username: [Full names please.]
Colorist: [Full names please.]
Pet Name:
Gender of Pet: [Male/Female]
Cert Background:
Date Received: [When did the pet drop on the mule or when did you receive it?]
Stat Points: [Pick 2 Stats or put both points in 1 stat: HP, Str, Dex, Int, Luk]
Generation: [1 unless it's a breeding]
Parents: [N/A if not a breeding]
Last edited:

Lunar Fea

Grizzled Veteran
Certification Please!

Username: Lunar Fea
Colorist: Neoruin
Pet Name: Sister
Gender of Pet: Female
Cert Background: night blue
Date Received: 6/1/2024
Generation: 1
Parents: n/a
How did you receive the pet?: opening flat


Grizzled Veteran
Certification Please!

Username: spazzedoutmew
Colorist: Neoruin
Pet Name: Bramble
Gender of Pet: Male
Cert Background: Blue
Date Received: 6/1/2024
Generation: 1
Parents: n/a
How did you receive the pet?: Opening flat


Grizzled Veteran
Certification Please!

Username: spazzedoutmew
Colorist: Neoruin
Pet Name: Cocoa
Gender of Pet: Female
Cert Background: pink
Date Received: 6/1/24
Generation: 1
Parents: n/a
How did you receive the pet?: Newbie Freebie 💜


Stew Aficionado
Certification Please!

Username: Natty-chan
Colorist: Neoruin
Pet Name: Peaches
Gender of Pet: Female
Cert Background: Light Blue
Date Received: 5/31/2024
Generation: 1
Parents: N/A
How did you receive the pet?: Opening Flatsale


Stew Aficionado
Certification Please!

Username: Natty-chan
Colorist: Neoruin
Pet Name: Terrestrial
Gender of Pet: Male
Cert Background: Orange
Date Received: 6/1/2024
Generation: 1
Parents: N/A
How did you receive the pet?: Newbie Freebie

Lunar Fea

Grizzled Veteran
Certification Please!

Username: Lunar Fea
Colorist: Brittlebear
Pet Name: Cream
Gender of Pet: Female
Cert Background: Pink
Date Received: 6/1/2024
Generation: 1
Parents: n/a
How did you receive the pet?: newbie doggo :)


Grizzled Veteran
Certification Please!

Username: I--LiveWire--I
Colorist: Brittlebear
Pet Name: Boba Barb
Gender of Pet: Female
Cert Background: Light blue
Date Received: 06/01/24
Generation: 1
Parents: N/A


Stew Aficionado
Certification Please!

Username: Natty-chan
Colorist: Brittlebear
Pet Name: Bear
Gender of Pet: Male
Cert Background: Night Blue
Date Received: 6/4/2024
Generation: 1
Parents: N/A

Lunar Fea

Grizzled Veteran
Certification Please!

Username: Lunar Fea
Colorist: Brittlebear
Pet Name: Bryce
Gender of Pet: Male
Cert Background: Purple
Date Received: 6/4/2024
Generation: 1
Parents: n/a

Lunar Fea

Grizzled Veteran
Certification Please!

Username: Lunar Fea
Colorist: Brittlebear
Pet Name: Deeva
Gender of Pet: Female
Cert Background: Orange
Date Received: 6/4/2024
Generation: 1
Parents: n/a


Stew Aficionado
Certification Please!

Username: belloblossom
Colorist: Brittlebear
Pet Name: Nettle
Gender of Pet: Female
Cert Background: Blue
Date Received: 06/02/2024
Generation: 1
Parents: N/A


Stew Aficionado
Certification Please!

Username: belloblossom
Colorist: Brittlebear
Pet Name: Sam
Gender of Pet: Male
Cert Background: Purple
Date Received: 06/05/2024
Generation: 1
Parents: N/A


Stew Aficionado
Certification Please!

Username: Absolutiones
Colorist: Brittlebear
Pet Name: Highwind
Gender of Pet: Female
Cert Background: Light blue
Date Received: 06.06.24
Generation: 1
Parents: N/A


Stew Aficionado
Certification Please!

Username: Absolutiones
Colorist: Brittlebear
Pet Name: Snowball
Gender of Pet: Male
Cert Background: Blue
Date Received: 05.31.24
Generation: 1
Parents: N/A


Stew Aficionado
Certification Please!

Username: belloblossom
Colorist: Brittlebear
Pet Name: Tenzin
Gender of Pet: Male
Cert Background: Night Sky
Date Received: 06/06/24
Generation: 1
Parents: N/A

Lunar Fea

Grizzled Veteran
Certification Please!

Username: Lunar Fea
Colorist: BrittleBear
Pet Name: Scottie
Gender of Pet: Male
Cert Background: Light Blue
Date Received: 6/5/2024
Generation: 1
Parents: n/a


Grizzled Veteran
Certification Please!

Username: DavyJnah
Colorist: Neoruin
Pet Name: Blue
Gender of Pet: Female
Cert Background: Light Blue
Date Received: 6.1.24
Generation: 1
Parents: N/A

Certification Please!

Username: DavyJnah
Colorist: Brittlebear
Pet Name: Oocee
Gender of Pet: Female
Cert Background: Orange
Date Received: 6.1.24
Generation: 1
Parents: N/A

Certification Please!

Username: DavyJnah
Colorist: Brittlebear
Pet Name: Aokurai
Gender of Pet: Male
Cert Background: Night Blue
Date Received: 6.1.24
Generation: 1
Parents: N/A

Certification Please!

Username: DavyJnah
Colorist: Brittlebear
Pet Name: Ranger
Gender of Pet: Male
Cert Background: Blue
Date Received: 6.2.24
Generation: 1
Parents: N/A


Grizzled Veteran
Certification Please!

Username: Bluedemonwolf
Colorist: Brittlebear
Pet Name: Rudo
Gender of Pet: Female
Cert Background: Purple
Date Received: 6/4/24
Generation: 1
Parents: N/A


Stew Aficionado
Certification Please!

Username: Absolutiones
Colorist: Neoruin
Pet Name: Hunter
Gender of Pet: Male
Cert Background: Blue
Date Received: June 1 24
Generation: 1
Parents: N/A