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Animal Country: Big City

Citizen Race Update Thread


late to the party
Staff member
During the revamp, we decided to shuffle the rules on what could/could not be quirks, and subsequently decided to update several things that had been bought as quirks into full on races. When we did that, we announced you would have the option to choose which race your citizen would count as. Currently, all of them are in the database as their basic race, so if you were to wish, say, a fox (kitsune quirk) from legacy lines, you would roll foxes, not kitsunes.

This thread is here for you to decide whether or not you want your citizens to be their original or new race. If you want them to remain their original race, that's fine! Just do nothing and they will stay as is. If you have a citizen that you want to be updated, post below.

If you change...
You will no longer be eligible to roll the base race.
Your citizen will count as the new race.
Your citizen's rarity will change, so their odds in wishing may be different.

If you do not change...
You will roll the original race in wishes. :v A fox (kitsune) will roll fox wishlings.

Races that can be updated (links will lead to examples as we get them):
Dragon (fairy) -> Spryte
Fox (kitsune/multi-tailed) -> Kitsune
Horse (unicorn) -> Fancy
Horse (pegaus) -> Fancy
Horse (alicorn) -> Fancy
Horse (flutter) -> Fancy
Jellyfish (mermaid) -> ???
Lung (lindwurm) -> Lindwurme
Lung (sea dragon) -> Sea Dragon
Raccoon (tanuki) -> Tanuki
Salamander (axolotl) -> Axolotl
Wisp (boo) -> ???

Races that do not need a change but have had a name update:
Fluff dragon -> Fraeco
Arimaan -> Eyeball
Peacock -> Peafowl
Wisp (genie) -> ???

To change a citizen:
Post in this thread linking to the citizen's profile on and request a race update.

Once they're changed, you can't change back!

Remember, this is only for legacy citizens! No current citizens should need changing!


🍓 Like, nya, you know?
Staff member
Everything has been updated to here. Just a note that some put in for change will (properly) remain the same race.