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Warriors: Cats of the Sun

[ Clan Application Thread ]

Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran

Loners and Kittypets looking to create a Colony can do so here!

Some cats find that there isn't a clan that suits their personality or their needs, and set off to start something new. Something greater than that which came before them.

Any cat with a certain reputation- the ability to make others follow them, to inspire leadership and trust in others- may find themselves wanting to start a new clan. Clans may hold similar beliefs to one another, or they may be radically different in ideals. However, there are five values that all honorable Clans can agree upon. Together they are called the Warrior Code and they are as follows:

  • Prioritize the protection of those in your clan who cannot protect themselves. Kits, elders, the sick and wounded, as well as the Medicine Cats who look after them all look to the warriors of the Clan to protect them.
  • The word of your clan's leader is law - what they decree shall be.
  • A warrior does not need to kill other cats to win their battles, unless in self-defense.
  • No cat shall ignore a kit in need, regardless of the origin of the kit's birth.
In order to be accepted and acknowledged as a Clan, the Warrior Code must be followed. Each Clan may be individualistic, but they are all connected by the Code. If a Clan refuses to follow the Warrior Code, then they are rejecting SunClan, leaving them to be no better than a group of loners and will be considered as such.

In order to be considered a "clan" you will need:

  • One Leader
  • One Deputy
  • Five Warriors or more
Please keep in mind that it is up to staff to decide whether or not your clan is accepted. If your idea is not accepted, your clan does not exist.

Now, you may go forward with the information you wield and shape the future of your Clan, what ideals it may hold, others it rejects, and see how it molds the cats within it.
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Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
Leadership Requirements

In order for a cat to be the leader of a clan, there are a few requirements they must:
  • Have completed at least one roleplay in which they train one of their apprentices.
  • Provide five completed roleplays.
  • Be the deputy when the leader passes on/retires. That, or their cat may strike out and start a new clan.

As an important note - each individual player may only own TWO clan leaders at a time.

Just as the clan leader has responsibilities over their clan, you as the owner have responsibilities as well. The owner of each clan must do the following:
  • Maintain their clan's section in the [ Roleplay ] subforum. This includes communicating with staff to get their subforum set up, and maintaining their [ Leader's Den ] and [ Owner's List ].
  • If your clan is open to new members, they need to be accepted or denied within a week of their application. This does not need to be a roleplay response, a simple emoji reaction is enough.
  • Choosing a Deputy. Their owner will be your second in command and will take over leadership duties if you are unable to do them, so please keep that in mind when you make your decision. It is your responsibility to communicate with them the needs and desires of your clan so that they can act in your stead if need be.
  • Clan Leaders must complete their Naming Ceremony to get their nine lives from SunClan.
  • Clan Leaders must enter all applicable Death Raffles for their Clan, as they are given those extra lives so that they may be the first into battle and the last to eat.
Activity is very important for Leaders and Deputies, as they are both Roleplay Required Roles. But what happens to a clan when its Leader falls inactive?

First, we would check in with you after 6 months of inactivity. If you do not reply within 2 weeks, the clan is handed over to its Deputy and your cat will be recerted as Warrior Rank. The Deputy becomes the new Leader and takes over those responsibilities.

If both the Leader and Deputy fall inactive and do not respond after we reach out to them, Clan functions will be handed over to the shop until a new Leader can be chosen. We have since added to the Clan Application and it is now required to have included "How does YourClan choose their leaders?" Staff will follow those rules to pick a new Leader.

[b]Clan Name:
Clan Leader:[/b] link to cert - owner
[b]Deputy:[/b] link to cert - owner
[b]Medicine Cat:[/b] link to cert - owner
[b]Member:[/b] link to cert - owner (add more as needed)

[b]Clan Camp:[/b] (layout, the general idea of where things are positioned.)
[b]Clan Territory Features:[/b] (what type of territory would they be looking for, streams or moors? etc)
[b]Clan Primary Prey Types:[/b] (rabbits or squirrels, fish or birds? please keep in mind the setting is mid-Appalachian, think between Pensylvania and Virginia )
[b]Clan Primary Hunting Types and Techniques:[/b] (kinda ties into the above but just room in case something special. you may also include specific ways the cats of your clan are taught to hunt. )
[b]Clan Primary Predators:[/b] (badgers or foxes, twolegs if near them, keeping in mind the setting etc)
[b]Clan Cats Attitudes:[/b] this is a generalization of the ideals that your clan holds dear. are they brave fighters? willing to do anything to win? or maybe willing to help others, no matter the cost?
[b]Clan Practices:[/b] tell us about some rituals that your clan performs. for example, in the books, skyclan regularly has inter-clan gatherings and old windclan used to dig tunnels!
[b]Leaders:[/b] how are leaders chosen in your clan? is the position inherited? or earned through battle? write it out here! 
[b]Clan Beliefs:[/b] does your clan believe in sunclan? how do they value their ancestors, their dead?
[b]Clan View on Others:[/b] how does your clan treat outsiders? this includes other clan cats, loners, lost kits, kittypets, twolegs and even other animals.
[b]Clan Strengths:[/b] this is a general idea of what your clan is good at. shadowclan, for example, were very stealthy, and windclan were great runners.
[b]Clan Weaknesses:[/b] this is a general idea of what your clan lacks. thunderclan was thought to be too trusting of others while riverclan were very isolationist in nature.
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Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
Clan Name: StoneClan
Clan Leader: Sunseer - Blinded By Silence
Deputy: Skysong - Blinded By Silence
Medicine Cat: Littleflower - Nym
- Tigereye - Blinded By Silence
- Poppyheart - PeterPan_da144
- Riversurge - Belloblossom
- Eclipsefur - Revel
- Flamestripe - NatiStorm
- Rumble - PeterPan_da144
- Whisperstep - Tigeria
- Lilacmoon - Tigeria
- Dandelionclaw - Belloblossom
- Daisypelt - Nym
- Minnowclaw - Nym
- Goldenleaf - Nym

Clan Camp: StoneClan makes their camp in the caves of a small cliff overlooking a slow-moving leg of the river. Their layout would be quite similar to their old mountain home, with nests tucked into small caves, their prey pile tucked against the rock wall, and their nests hidden by river plants.

Clan Territory Features: Skysong would have looked for a place that reminded them of home. The exposed rocks and riverfront property were the main driving point of this location, although the cliff isn't nearly as tall as the ravine had been. The nearby pines are similar enough for the clan's hunters to slip back into their traditional hunting habits.

Clan Primary Prey Types: StoneClan are primarily ground hunters; their prey of choice being mice, shrews, and moles, as well as the occasional squirrel and small bird, if a cat is fast enough to sink their claws into one.

Clan Primary Hunting Types and Techniques: StoneClan cats are mainly ambush hunters, utilizing their patience to wait for just the right moment to strike!

Clan Primary Predators: There are some nasty things in these woods; bobcats, coyote, and fox are the most common enemies the cats have found. Rare sightings of black bears have been noted.

Clan Cats Attitudes: Just as the stone is the same as the mountain it fell from, StoneClan holds true to a lot of old MountainClan ideals. They are traditionalists who lean into routine and ritual without much deviation.

Clan Practices: Other than the traditions of naming ceremonies and clan meetings, StoneClan is particularly fond of making their decisions by way of casting stones.

Clan Beliefs: StoneClan not only believe in SunClan but also that SunClan followed them here. They believe that the dead cats walk among them, carrying visions and wisdom to those who can hear it.

Clan View on Others: StoneClan is not violent. They often choose to talk diplomatically rather than solve their problems with tooth and claw. If help is requested, the clan will do what is in their power and then send them on their way. Kits and pregnant cats will not be turned away. Loners who prove themselves loyal will be welcomed and trained in their ways. Loners and Kittypets that join StoneClan are required to adopt a clan-style name and will enter as apprentices until they learn the ropes.

Clan Strengths: StoneClan cats are taught that patience and loyalty are the most important things a cat can have. They are well-spoken, and typically good problem solvers.

Clan Weaknesses: By putting fighting on the back burner, not many StoneClan cats are skilled in battle. They can also be stubborn and stuck in their ways. They know what they like and don't often stray from it.
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Stew Aficionado
Clan Name: TreeClan
Clan Leader:
Robinflight - belloblossom
Deputy: Riversong - NatiStorm
Medicine Cat: Errol - Blinded By Silence
Member: Nutpelt - PeterPan_da144
Branchtail - belloblossom
Creampuff - belloblossom
Creme Brulee - Kovak
Dustfeather - belloblossom
Duskwing - Tigeria
Sparrowtail - Tigeria
Merlinpaw - Tigeria
Wrenpaw - Subducting
Canarypaw - KisaValkyrie
Oriolepaw - belloblossom
Creeperpaw - Eienmau
Adder - Nym
Hawk - PeterPan_da144
Clan Camp: TreeClan's camp is located within a fairy ring of oak trees - while its Clan members typically enter from the branches, in the case of lightning or windstorms, a tangled root tunnel (1) marks the ground entry to the camp and is preferred when travel in the trees may be unsafe. Many of the dens are located underneath the trees among their roots, made by careful paws digging out and securing the walls of the dens so that the roots act as a support and the dens are not at risk of collapsing in on themselves.
The leader's den (3) is found under the Clan's speaking point, the Old Oak, wherein the leader gives their announcements atop the high branches of the oldest tree in the camp.
The medicine cat den (2) can be found to the side and can allow for the medicine cat's nest, an apprentice's and two guest nests. Medicine cats may store their herbs or cobwebs in nooks within the roots of the tree.
Across from the medicine cats den is the elders den, which can sleep up to four elders - the roof of the elders den (4) has open gaps in the roots, so that the sun may warm the elders inside easier... but it does pose the concern of what should happen when it rains - perhaps TreeClan is due to figure out some manner of covering to place above these sun spots?
Close beside the elders den is the apprentices den (5) within hearing distance of the elders - beneficial to the apprentices who wish to hear elders' stories without leaving their nests and beneficial, too, for the elders who wish to yowl at the lazy apprentices to get them prey or clean their den.
The largest den is naturally the warriors den (6) and can be found between the apprentices den and the nursery. Because the warriors den had to be dug out so much from under a tree, branches and stones have been integrated to the "walls" of the den, in hopes of supporting the stability of the den further.
The only den that is not located in the roots of a tree among the fairy ring is the nursery (7). Located in a fallen, partially hollowed tree, the camp facing side of the tree is covered with a curtain of soft moss, which cast sleepy shadows inside of the nursery and will sometimes deter young kits from sneaking outside into the camp. (Please use this map of TreeClan, crafted by NatiStorm!)
Clan Territory Features: TreeClan is seeking a forested area. Not just a woodsy one, but a proper forest, where cats can walk across the branches of one tree to another with ease.
Clan Primary Prey Types: Tree fairing prey, more specifically, birds and squirrels, are the primary food source of TreeClan.
Clan Primary Hunting Types and Techniques: TreeClan does both their hunting and fighting in the branches above. Tree-Walking, a skill taught to Robinflight as an apprentice from her mentor, Duskwing, is a Clan skill that Robin likes to claim is exclusive to the Clan.
Clan Primary Predators: Twolegs are the biggest threat to the Clan, because if they can steal a river, why wouldn't they be be able to make trees disappear too? Beehives and wasp nests are also particularly tiresome to deal with, once they make their home in one of the trees of the Clan's territory. The big concern, however, that poses the largest threat (beyond the worry of Twoleg interference) would be black bears.
Clan Cats Attitudes: Traditions will give them strength (passing on the secret of tree-walking, planting and tending to trees), they are the most supported of the Clans by SunClan, and they are open-minded when it comes to outside cats (kittypets and loners alike.)
Clan Practices: Tree seeds are planted for every new kit born and are tended to by the apprentices, to encourage appreciation of the trees from the ground up. Tree-walking is the act of cats walking along branches and jumping to other trees with ease, similar in method to squirrels. TreeClan has integrated it into nearly every facet of their day-to-day life. Beyond using it as a way to get around, to hunt, and if the need arises, in battle, they've also incorporated it into their ceremonies. Rather than sit on the ground gathered around an object and stare up at it, they take to the trees for Clan meetings where they can look at the Clan leader in equal measure. With the call, "All cats old enough to walk among the branches, take to the trees for a Clan meeting!" all the cats of the Clan are summoned, excluding only kits and their mothers.
Apprentice Ceremony: When a kit becomes an apprentice, they must leap from the ground onto the first (low hanging) branch of the Old Oak. Their leader will give them their apprentice name. Their new mentor will walk onto their branch, they'll touch noses, and then their mentor will lead them into the surrounding branches on a tree off the Old Oak.
Warrior Ceremony: When an apprentice becomes a warrior, they will leap from the ground onto the tallest branch they can. Then they will continue climbing until they get to the leader's branch (the second tallest on the Old Oak) and receive their warrior name. The leader will lick their shoulder and they will move to the tallest branch, to sit an observant vigil for the rest of the day to guard the Clan from intruders.
Clan Beliefs: Walking through branches, TreeClan cats believe that they are the closest Clan to SunClan, for among the treetops, they are closest to the sky and sun above. Celestial cats aside, they also believe that trees are just as important as cats (because without trees, TreeClan wouldn't exist.)
Clan View on Others: Friendly and open to the other clans, TreeClan is happy to befriend and associate with other Clans, though they will defend their territory if it comes down to it, they'd much rather be at peace with other clan cats if they can help it. Loners are treated kindly and with an open mind, but tree-walking is not a skill that is taught to outsiders, unless they can prove that they're committed to joining TreeClan permanently. Kittypets are also taken in with an open mind, but if they are to be missed by their Twolegs, they probably won't be welcome to join. The last thing TreeClan needs are Twolegs entering the forest and disappearing the trees on the hunt for one of their kitty-playthings.
Clan Strengths: Travel and hunting within the trees is the main strength that others will think of when they picture TreeClan. Similarly, ambush battling - wherein cats will drop down and attack from the trees, is a particularly lethal strength of the Clan's.
Clan Weaknesses: TreeClan is not experienced with ground-hunting or fighting. This can become quite the hinderance when they're in territories without trees, or with trees that are few and far between.
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Grizzled Veteran
Clan Name: Tribe of the Lost alternatively Lostclan

Clan Leader: Deadeye - Tigeria

Deputy: Mothwing - Nym

Medicine Cat: Bone - Nym | Apprentice until shaman ceremony.

Member: Will be updated as changes happen.

Petalfrost - Tigeria

Rose - PeterPan_da144

Petunia - PeterPan_da144

Fleet - Revel

Watch - BlindedbySilence

Salmonstripe - belloblossom

Leopard - belloblossom

Aspen - belloblossom

Ashenwillow - Nym

Clan Camp: This tribe's camp is not separated by rank.The tribe's meeting area, a stump, that can only be reached by climbing a nearby natural wall of rock, called Warbler's Call. The Warbler's Call is where ceremonies are held, ranging from welcoming new kits, to apprentices receiving their final name. Kits, Queens, and Elders are given the very best location in the camp which has natural moss lining an abandoned badger den directly under the Warbler's Call stump nicknamed the Warbler’s Hollow. The medicine cat den is directly next to the Warbler's Hollow, in a deep cave in the rock wall. The medicine cat den has a secondary area that has a tiny pool of water and a patch of earth that gets just enough sunlight to grow a little patch of watermint.The Warriors and Apprentices have entangled ferns into a den for them to share to the side of the medicine cat den The leader, known as the Sun Seeker, has a den on the opposite side of the Warbler’s Hollow made of interwoven sticks, ferns, and rabbit down.

Clan Territory Features: This tribe lives near a man-made lake and are close to smaller ponds. They are nestled in a dense forest that has a very covered canopy allowing very little light to hit the forest floor. There is one tree in this part of the forest where sunlight can be seen from the ground highlighting its features. This tree is known as the Sun Tree to the cats of the tribe. This is where the shamans/medicine cats come to try and convene with Sunclan with little hope of reaching them. The river had broken down into streams and one runs through the middle of the territory.

Clan Primary Prey Types: Mice, Rabbits and Salamanders are the ground variety of prey commonly found through the territory of the Lost. They also have Fish in the nearby streams, normally Minnows throughout the year, they can sneak off to the Twoleg stocked small man-made lake or the surrounding ponds for bass, bluegills and carp in the spring to fall, the smaller ponds are generally covered by twolegs during winter. Very rarely the cats will stage a hunt for a Hawk.

Clan Primary Hunting Types and Techniques: These cats use their ears, nose, and paws far more than other tribes. They are trap specialists making makeshift deadfall traps, and covered holes filled with sharp rocks. These cats have also learnt the ways to fish from streams and ponds by using their paws as touch lures or digging shallow run offs to mimic the twolegs fish traps.

Clan Primary Predators: Twolegs near the man-made ponds and lake, Foxes, Dogs, and Racoons are far more common to be seen; rarely there are sightings of Hawks.

Clan Cats Attitudes: Family is king, Anything for their family. Once a cat joins the clan they are that family. They will fight tooth and claw to keep everyone safe in their family. Those wishing respite in the tribe are considered cousins of the family and treated as old friends.

Clan Practices:
These cats take pride in family lineages and are known historians or rather storytellers. They spend time letting Elders speak of their lives and pass on legends of noble cats of old or share the story of how Sunclan was lost to them.
All cats know rudimentary medicine practices. Disabilities only mean an extra challenge to do what a cat wishes. No cat is turned away because of an illness, or perceived disadvantage. Kits are loved and raised by all, Queens are given a choice for their kits. They can be apart of the clan and follow the Spinner’s path or the Shaman's path. They can also allow their kits to join other tribes or leave

Spring Tale/Apprentices:
Kits at the age of 6 moons will be named apprentices and given their first tale to keep and cherish. The tale will be of their families history or of their families future.

Tale Spinners/Warriors:
Spinners will have made and told their stories of glorious hunts, in front of their Elders and Leader at 12 moons of age. While minor embellishments are tolerated over exaggerations are flat out frowned upon by the tribe as a whole. Apprentices will also have to prove their story with a memento of what will be the ending of their name and the reason behind it. A sunny sky after their story foretells that their story was full of heart and they are made into a full spinner of tales. A stormy sky foretells the apprentice is not fit for a spinner's life at this time, they are then told to shadow a shaman until the next moon to try again.

Sun Shaman/Medicine Cat:
These cats spend time seeking answers of or from Sunclan in their environment, and healing the injured and sick. They hold within their paws a wealth of tribe history and must journey to the Sun Tree as their last task as an apprentice and tell of their encounter upon its branches. A clear sky determines the apprentice is ready. A cloudy sky determines the apprentice is almost ready to become a shaman. A stormy sky determines that the apprentice is not ready and needs further training.

Tale Keepers/Elders:
Cats that have wizened over the years hold many tales. These cats are those that have lived a full life and are ready to rest until their final days. They are allowed to continue their previous position duties should it suit them or laze about grumbling at kits and apprentices. Truly disabled cats that can not participate in daily tribe life are considered elders and have an apprentice or spinner assigned to them daily to help them through their life so they can live it to the fullest they can.

Clan Beliefs: This clan does believe Sunclan exists, however, they believe Sunclan has left them abandoned unintentionally during the move from the mountain. They seek to find a way to help Sunclan find them again.

Clan View on Others: There is a fearful respect for Twolegs. They have shaken trees to the ground and made lakes and ponds appear in a matter of moons. Disabled or exiled cats have a home with this tribe. They will allow any cat, Loners and Kittypets among their ranks if they show loyalty to the family. Lost kits are immediately taken in and sheltered while patrols are sent out to find missing the mother or other kits in the area.

Clan Strengths: This tribe is very talented at making traps and being sneaky. They can and have ensnared prey in hanging vines as a show of prowess to other tribes. Their favorite past-time is to shadow cats that pass through their territory and set off tribe alert traps near them.

Clan Weaknesses: This tribe is incredibly loyal, but also very short sighted. They are quick to anger and slow to sooth when their family is in perceived danger.

(I'll fix formatting tomorrow)
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signed an NDA
Staff member

Bone would like to join LostClan, if her being mute is okay! She has experience with medicines due to her own poor immune system, so she can be a medicine cat.