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Custom Information

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Mule Account
Custom Guidelines

  • Payment - Customs are currently PWYW. Trades are due within 48 hours.
  • Cosplays - Cosplays are not allowed. You may get a character that is inspired by a cosplay, but they must be at least 30% different. They also cannot have the same name, background or personality. If you are unsure, you are free to ask staff.
  • Proxy - You may not proxy for someone else in customs. You may, however, buy a slot and give the character (not slot) to someone else, but this takes your slot and we will be dealing with you (not the person you are giving it to) to make sure it's done correctly if it is a full custom.
  • WIPs - Only full customs can have WIPs. Colorists are not required to send more than two WIPs, one for lines and one for color, unless a follow up is needed when something is changed.
  • Redo - Redos are only allowed after at least 6 months have passed. If the colorist who originally made the character is still in the shop then the redo should be done by them. Breeding children cannot add things that are not on the parents/grandparents/breeding line. Redos will be done through custom slots or special events only.
  • Incomplete Forms - Incomplete forms may be disqualified. So please make sure you go over your form before submitting.
  • Mock Breedings - Mocks are allowed. However, all Mocks are '1st Gens'. Please be aware that Mocks may be inspired rather than a direct breeding, it's up to the colorist. If you'd like Parent A or B to still be the parents then please indicate that when certing. Mocks do not use throwbacks.
  • Character Permission - If using another person's character as a reference then you must obtain written permission by the owner, unless it's a character in the character's direct breeding line (parents, grandparents, great grandparents, etc). If you are customizing a character using someone else's character as a parent you must also obtain permission from the owner.
  • Paper Dolls - Paper Dolls have not been created yet, but are being worked on. They will be able to be used for references.
  • Newbies - Newbies are considered people who have 3 or less characters (not familiars). Newbies must have at least 1000 posts, someone to vouch for them or must have a Discord account on our Shop Discord to prove they're not a mule.
  • Co-owning - Co-owning is allowed, but only for up to two people per character. You must have a written agreement here.
  • Race Restrictions - Please follow race restrictions for colors. Currently dyes are not allowed though this will be lifted in the future. For Race Restrictions look here.

    Colors that are restricted may only be customized after 4 months of a released race. (After color changes have been implemented.)
  • Hybrids - Hybrids are only allowed to be customized 3 months after the release of a new race.
  • Racial/Body Edits - Racial or Body edits are not allowed unless they are made as a template for all customers to use. This will be completely up to the colorist if they even want to make new templates. This also needs approval ahead of time from both the colorist and Koiasi. Do not bug the colorist if they do not want to do them.
  • Templates - You are allowed to mix and match premade templates with edits if you are getting an edited slot.

    Your unique edits will not be templated unless stated ahead of time that edits will be templated during the slots or unless the colorist gains permission from you to do so. However, just because a colorist has permission does not mean they will make them templates.
  • Be kind - This applies to both other customers and colorists alike. Do not guilt trip or be passive aggressive to anyone who is trying to obtain or has won a slot. Likewise, do not berate colorists if it seems like the same person is winning (RNG is RNG, man). Also, if you do win a slot, please be kind to the colorist who is making your custom. We are people just the same as everyone else. We will try our best, but sometimes things are vague or hard to understand, so please remember to be kind when working with us.

    If you have any issue with a staff member please message Koiasi directly.
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Mule Account
Custom Terms

  • RNG - Slots that are randomized through a Random Number Generator.
  • CC - Colorist Choice. A custom that is hand picked by the colorist.
  • Hybrid - A character that has more then one race.
  • Redo - A character that is being completely redone.
  • Mock Breedings/Mocks - Mock breedings are when Parent A and Parent B do a 'breeding' that results in a child that may or may not be related to one or both parents. Mocks are usually adults.
  • RLC - Real Life Currency. This is a slot that uses real life money.
  • Familiar - A slot strictly for familiars.
  • Random Custom - A Random Custom is a custom in which you may only provide three colors, five races you like and one you do not, this does not guarantee what race the character will turn out (they will never turn out to be the race you do not want). How the custom turns out is completely up to the colorist. It may end up being a Commoner or Level 1 Adventurer (Colorist's Choice). [WIPs may NOT be requested.]
  • Semi Custom - A Semi Custom is a custom in which you may provide up to 5 colors, a palette, or an inspiration in the form of a picture or song. You may also choose the gender, race, and up to level 1. How the custom turns out is completely up to the colorist but you have more say than a Random. [WIPs may NOT be requested.]
  • Full Custom - A Full Custom is anything in which you have more say than a Semi Custom, up to full complete detail on the character. Beware, however, that how the character turns out may still be dictated by the colorist's style and may not be exactly how you envisioned, but we'll try our best to get it done as close as we can to the form! Racial or Body edits are not allowed unless the colorist is willing to template them and it is approved by both the colorist and Koiasi. Full Customs can buy up to level 3 with in game currency only. (Only level 1 without in-game currency) [Colorists will give 2 WIPs.]
  • Templated/Edited - Templated characters are characters that only use premade templates or (only in special cases as noted by the Colorist) are slots that will template all new edits.
    Edited slots will be slots that in some way add new unique edits to the characters. This does not mean that edits might not be similar to an already existing edit but that it was hand drawn for the character and will not be templated.

    Heavily edited characters must have at least two of either; fully custom clothing, fully custom hair, or custom large item(s).

    Moderately edited characters must have two of either mostly custom clothing, mostly custom hair and/or custom item(s); or fully customed clothing (with minimal detail) or long/complicated fully customed hair (one, not both). [Customed accessories do not change this unless they are heavy.]

    Minor edited characters include small/short hair changes, face edits or minor accessories.

    Templated characters use only the established templates on a character. These can be manipulated in many different ways and will still count as Templated.
  • Rarities - Slots that are based on rarity of races.

    Common Races -
    Humans, Dark Elves

    Uncommon Races -
    Wood Elves, Half-Elves

    Rare Races -
    Demon-Touched, Woshryn

    Very Rare Races -
Mule Account
Racial Guidelines

Dark Elves -
Hair Colors: Noticeably lighter shade of skin tone.
Eye Colors: Jewel bright, Red is most common.
Skin Tones: Any color that is dark enough to have a noticeably lighter shade of hair color.

Fiend-Touched -
Hair Colors: Any
Eye Colors: Jewel bright or Pastels
Skin Tones: Any

Half-Dragon -
Hair Colors: Any
Eye Colors: Any
Skin Tones: Any
Extra: Half-Dragons' pupils are slitted.

Half Elves -
Hair Colors: Human + Wood or Dark Elves
Eye Colors: Human + Wood or Dark Elves
Skin Tones: Human + Wood or Dark Elves

Humans -
Hair colors: Blonde, brown, black, red, grey, white.
Eye colors: blue, brown, green, grey, hazel.
Skin Tones: Natural

Wood Elves -
Hair Colors: Natural + Green
Eye Colors: Natural + Yellow and Orange
Skin Tones: Natural

Woshryn -
Hair Colors: Natural Colors.
Eye Colors: Natural + Yellow and Orange
Skin Tones:
Human or Wolf/Dog fur tones.
Extra: Woshryn should have circles for pupils rather then ovals.
Mule Account
Character Forms

Random Custom
[b]Five Races You Like[/b] (Be aware, this does not guarantee one of these races. If five races are not listed then it will count as incomplete.)
[b]One Race You Don't Want[/b]:
[b]Three Colors[/b]: (Colorists may CC similar colors if needed.)
Semi Custom
[b]Masc or Fem Lines[/b]:
[b]Adventurer Level[/b]: 
[b]Five Colors or Inspiration Image[/b]: (Colorists may CC similar colors if needed.)
Full Custom
[b]Masc or Fem Lines[/b]: 
[b]Adventurer Level[/b]: 
[b]Edit Level[/b]: 
[b]Base[/b]: (Please include any variants you would like, such as wings or hooves for the Touched, or any racial templates if hybrids.)
[b]Face[/b]: (Please include color of make-up [if any] and expression.)
[b]Hair[/b]: (Please include color and style.)
[b]Eye Color[/b]:
[b]Body[/b]: (Please include color for the body, markings [if any], horns, fur, tail, nails, wings, etc)
[b]Clothing[/b]: (Please include color and style.)
[b]References[/b]: (Any references we need to know about?)
[b]Anything else[/b]: (Anything the form missed?)

Familiar Forms

Random Custom
[b]Five Familiar Species You Like[/b] (Be aware, this does not guarantee one of these species. If five species are not listed then it will count as incomplete.)
[b]One Familiar Species You Don't Want[/b]:
[b]Three Colors[/b]: (Colorists may CC similar colors if needed.)
Semi Custom
[b]Five Colors, Character or Inspiration Image[/b]: (Colorists may CC similar colors if needed.)
Full Custom
[b]Familiar Species[/b]: 
[b]Edit Level[/b]:
[b]Base[/b]: (This is for species that have variants like the Cat, Tressym, Kitsune, etc.)
[b]Face[/b]: (If expression is to be changed.)
[b]Eye Color[/b]:
[b]Body[/b]: (Please include color for the body, markings, horns, fur, tail[s], claws, wings, etc)
[b]Edits[/b]: (Please include color and style of edits.)
[b]References[/b]: (Any references we need to know about?)
[b]Anything else[/b]: (Anything the form missed?)
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