DaD (Hiring! CYO in Discord! NEW Gargoyle race!)

Mule Account

There is a Changing Seasons mini Event going on in the Discord! To enter this raffle you must post in the Discord with your preferences. <33
The event runs until Dec 6th.
Mule Account

Hey guys, CYO season is upon us. For this, we are going to something different. We are allowing everyone to color the Child lines for Perma-kids that have a chance to become full characters! You may have as many CYOs to your name as people color for you, however, you may only have 2 converted. You may only color 1 for yourself.

You may edit, however, that does not guarantee for edits to be on the adults (as the only colorists we have right now are unedited). If edits do appear, they will be made into templates for the lines/future characters.

I do warn, the lines are folder heavy. If this is too much please let me know and I'll see what I can do.

Currently, the only racial color restriction that you need to watch out for is that Dark Elves must have noticeably darker skin than hair and that Shadowed and Dampyr must continue to follow race standards.

You may do hybrids.

The person the plushie was made for should post them in the CYO Raffle Channel in Discord. #christmas-cyo-raffle

The Shadowed
Hair Colors: Black, white or grey often with highlights of bright color (rarely fully dyed bright color).
Eye Colors: Colors so pale as to almost be white, or so dark as to almost be black.
Skin Tones: Pale or dark with overtones of grey.
Other: 90% Transparent. Clothing is almost fully black, grey or white, however, there may be small bits of bright color here and there. They wear gothic or punk style clothing, most often with punk or gothic hairstyles as well.
Shadowed **must** have tattoos somewhere on their body, even if they aren't visible on the art. They also have piercings as part of their culture, the piercings can be in strange places.

Hair Colors: White, Grey, Black, Blonde, Brown, Bright or Dark Red, Pink
Eye Colors: Normal Human + Red and Pink
Skin Tones: Pale or very dark.
Other: Black Sclera. They tend to prefer dark colors for clothing. Fangs are always present. They wear victorian styled clothing.

Full Child Lines

Racial Lines Only
Clothing/Face/Hair Lines


Hey guys! Just a note that we have games and things going on in the Discord! We're giving out gifts, doing CYOs, dice games and even raffles! Right now we have this adorable little raffle going on for our new owlbear lines!

(Link to the Discord on the front page.)