Discovering Terithel | Halloween Event On Discord!


Grizzled Veteran
○ Welcome! ○

Discovering Terithel is a collectable/adoptable creative writing/roleplaying shop set in a post apocalyptic fantasy
world that was inspired by many book series, multiple table top role playing games, and a few tv shows.
The shop operates mostly on Discord with a few hubs, such as this thread and guild, on other websites!
Our shop story is still young so come join the fun and help discover the world of Terithel!

Before we get to all the fun stuff though, let's go over the rules.

Take the time to read the rules and abide by them. I can and will add/remove rules as needed.
If you have any questions regarding the rules, ask NatiStorm.​

General Rules:
○ Follow Basiliskstew's TOS
○ Do not beg for characters; there will be plenty available.
○ Do not try to enforce the rules, let the staff do that.
- If you feel like the staff isn't handling matters in a timely manner or if staff is part of the problem, please take it directly to Nati via direct messages.
○ Do not sell my art.
- This includes your characters. Unless you actually paid me for it, do not sell my art.
○ Bigotry is not welcome here; slurs, insults or rude remarks will not be tolerated.
○ Each player is expected to remain civil at bare minimum when participating in shop settings.

Role Play Rules:
○Keep it pg-16 in the shop.
- If you want to do more sexually explicit content, take it to private messages.
- It's fine to elude to it, but if you're going to do the deed or rp excessive gore, you need to end the rp here and take it somewhere else.

○ Use correct titles for rps.

[PRP] for private roleplayes where only those specified can join.
[ORP] for open roleplayes where anyone can join.
[FIN] for finished roleplays that have been turned in and logged.

○ Only certed characters can participate in rps.
- Only those certed in both personal and combat can participate in the shop meta rp.
○ Don't try to control the actions of other peoples characters.
- You can only speak for your characters, let other people play theirs.
○ Don't God-Mode.
- Your character isn't perfect and isn't immune to pain and suffering.
○ You can't hurt or kill another players character without explicit enthusiastic consent.
- Don't even try to if you don't have consent.
○ Don't attack the player.
- Characters can and will have differences in opinions and that's okay, encouraged even. While your characters are allowed to fight each other, please keep the fighting in character and do not fight the player.
- Do not harass or make belittling comments to or about other players because you do not like the actions of their characters. The person is not their characters.
○ Try not to take it personally.
- Other characters will disagree with yours. This is okay and often encouraged. Do not take character disagreement personally.


Grizzled Veteran

Homia | Alvia | Water Elamel

Cat | Boar | Dog | Pig | Crab | Snake | Goat
Stages of Life:
Child - Starts at age 5. Lasts until 15 years have passed in game. (Art will grow after 2 weeks)
Adult - Starts at age 20. Lasts until 50 years have passed in game. (Art will grow when appropriate)
Elder - Starts at age 70. Lasts until 20 years have passed in game. (Art will grow when appropriate)

Stages of Afterlife:
Child - Lasts until 2 completed rps/ 2k words/ reincarnated
Adult - Lasts until 3 completed rps/ 3k words/ reincarnated
Elder - Lasts until reincarnated

Rules for reproducing:
There really are no rules! Go make babies! Life in this world comes from magic, not sexual intercourse. Children are gifts bestowed to those the magic favors. Parents will receive a dream about where and when their child will be delivered to them. Orphans who travel to HollowOak from other villages or who are found without parents are raised by those in the Care Ward until they are adopted or age out of needing care.

Rules for reincarnation:
The details have been lost over time and only some villagers now believe in reincarnation. They're unsure how it works but they know it does! least, it used to.
Reincarnation currently unavailable

Rules for naming Characters:
No offensive names.
Only a first name is required though second names are encouraged.
Duplicate names are allowed but please be respectful of other players and try not to copy unique names.

How time works:
Time will pass as the Shop Story (aka the Meta) progresses.

Current year & season:
Year 6, Spring
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Grizzled Veteran
Homia Lore as told by Tara Hawthorn, HollowOak village's Wise Elder.

In ancient times, when the land was whole, magic ruled the world. It was everywhere - magic in the sky, the water, the ground, even in the deepest fires of our world. Back then, we weren't the only ones who lived in Terithel either. There were others - beings with long pointed ears, sharp fangs, giant clawed hands, and unnaturally large eyes that could see in the darkest night. The most powerful of these other beings were the ones made of pure light, the wonderful Sera, and those made of pure darkness, the dreaded Deav. These beings of light and shadow kept our world in balance. See, the Sera and Deav guide our souls to the Great Beyond, the place we go after death. Even though we can not see them, they still guide our dead, even now. Those with light in their hearts, who have lived an honorable life serving their village get taken by the Sera to their home, Serahistia to live in the sunlight. Those with darkness in their hearts however, they go to Deavonis, taken by the Deav to the land of eternal shadow. Such is the fate of all Outcasts.

Sadly, long ago, many years before I was even born, there was a great war between the Sera and the Deav. It was during this war that a great Homia leader rose to power, uniting all Homia under one banner along side the Sera. This display of unified power terrified those others that lived among us for they knew they were not as strong as all of us united. Spurred on by their fear and lies from those dreadful Deav, the other beings across Terithel united against us and attacked our ancestors in an unfair fight! The battle raged for many moons and at the end of it, we were almost wiped out. Our Sera allies came to our aid just in time and helped our people win the fight against our enemies. In doing so, it left them drained of their precious light and vulnerable to the Deav. Having planned for just that, the Deav attacked the Sera when they were at their weakest.

In a last ditch effort to save the Sera and keep Terithel from plummeting into darkness, all of the Homia who had survived gave up their magic. They surrendered it willingly, giving it to the Sera to recharge their light. In doing so, our magic was lost to us forever. The Sera however, survived and were restored to their former glory. Furious with the other beings for attacking us they broke the land apart, separating us from the rest so that no one could rise against us once more. Then they turned their anger to the Deav and locked them away in the world of darkness. In order rid us of the Deav, the Sera were also lost of us, trapped in their own land of sunshine as the cost for trapping the Deav. But as I said earlier, though we can not see them, they are there, on the other side, protecting and guiding us after we've moved on from this life.

After the land split, there was a time of peace for our people but nothing lasts forever. Without the Sera and the Deav, Terithel had been thrown off balance. The world began undergoing drastic and violent changes. Rivers flooded, mountains rose from the sea, forests died, and deserts formed. Over time the land settled but there were many less Homia on it. Having lost their magic, our ancestors struggled to survive but over time they found ways to keep on living. That was, again, many years before my time. We have lost much more than just our magic over the years. With the natural disasters, we lost many books and texts that held information vital to surviving. Nowadays, much of the old knowledge is gone and many of our resources depleted as well.

As we all gather together here, the last of the Homia, I fear our history may be coming to an end.


Grizzled Veteran

In honor of Valentine's Day we've got a game for this character going on in our discord! This lovely lady is our first albino character! The winner will be rolled via raffle style so join our discord and post something you love in our game section to get your name added to the list! This game ends tomorrow so don't delay! Come join us and spread the love!

More games are brewing so be sure to check back if this one isn't your style!

Newbie characters are given out to those who join the discord!

All characters are free! No rp or activity requirements! Have a character you love and want to get converted over? Customs are open for just that!​


Grizzled Veteran

Can't be a b/c shop without the b so welcome out first set of children!
Game in our discord for the child wearing the purple shirt!
Come join the family!​
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Grizzled Veteran

To celebrate our 1 year anniversary we're having a big familiar event!

Join our discord to have your name added to the event raffle as well as get your first character!​


Grizzled Veteran
Customs are open! A lot of new edits have been added to hairstyles and clothing!

We're also gearing up for our next rp meta event! Come help us track down new magic!


Grizzled Veteran
New events with fun prizes soon! Join our discord to get involved and help unlock new races and magic!


Grizzled Veteran

Our Halloween Event is starting this week! Join our discord to join in the fun!

We've got snake and goat familiars as well as new characters to give away!​