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Warriors: Cats of the Sun

[ENCOUNTER-FIN] Language of the Claw [Wind Chaser x Six]


Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d6 5 5
Wind Chaser and Six have an encounter of....

#5 Battle Encounter (Enemy Loner)

Wind Chaser (Loner)
HP: 10
Damage: 5 per hit
To Hit: 12+

Six (Loner)
HP: 10
Damage: 5 per hit
To Hit: 12+

Adult Cat Enemy (Loner)
HP: 10
Damage: 5 per hit
To Hit: 12+

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Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 11 11

HP: 10
(Wind Chaser Misses!)

It had been awhile since Wind Chaser had encountered a cat who only spoke the language of the claw. No matter what he said or did, this cat seemed determined to be enemies. Fighting was honestly the last thing Wind Chaser ever wanted to do but he had a companion now and he was determined to protect her. "Stay behind me. I'll take care of this." Wind Chaser mewed softly to Six without taking his eyes off the aggressive loner.

He let out a hiss as his fur began to fluff out. Slowly stepping towards the enemy cat, the golden tabby let out a yowl. Hoping to scare the attacker off, he swatted a warming strike at the cat, his sharp claws barely missing the others fur.
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Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 6 6

(Six misses her attack on the loner!)
HP: 10

Six wasn't entirely certain about how she was feeling about joining another cat after so long alone. She'd let him do most of the talking, occasionally guiding him with her tail on his shoulder, or walking ahead of him to look out for any trouble. She'd usually find trouble in the form of a predator, or another cat, but since joining in her life with this tomcat's, trouble hadn't found her yet.

Until it did.

It took the form of another loner and this one was the sort Six was far more used to. She felt affronted that Wind Chaser had commanded her to stay behind him and peeled her lips back, her offense made clear. She unsheathed her claws and came to stand beside Wind Chaser, shooting him a pointed look - they were going to talk about his behavior later. She was not some kitten that could do nothing. She then strode beyond him, making Wind Chaser be the one to be standing behind her, her large plume of a tail lashing one way and the next. Her eyes turned to focus solely on the loner and she sliced her claws against the ground in front of their unknown assailant's paws sending up a flurry of dirt in their wake.

"Do you value your life?" She snarled at their aggressor. "Because I don't mind taking it off your paws, if you don't have use for it." She jerked her head in the direction the loner had slunk out of. "Make your move, then."
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Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 9 9
The loner was desperate to protect his home. He'd only just secured a den, if it could even be called that, near the pond and he wasn't going to let two cats get so close to his territory. He'd had dreams of grandeur when he was younger, to live by the pond and find a mate and start a family of his own - but all the loner she-cats in the area that he'd met had wanted security. Now that he had security, a moldy wooden box left out by Twolegs, propped up against the stump of a tree just within the treeline around the pond, he wanted to protect it with all he could.

He could sense it the moment he saw cats nearby - they were going to steal his box, his home, his security and his chance at getting a mate! If he didn't attack them, they were going to ruin his every plan! It was a cat eat cat world out here and he wasn't going to be the one going down.

But.... stars above, if these cats didn't look scary in their own right. And they were young - younger than him anyway. But there wasn't a scar on them, whereas his pelt was littered with the battles he'd survived from the past. These cats were surely full of empty threats and nothing more. He could win against them! He had to win against them!

"Filth!" He spat. "You won't have my life - but you may will have my claws in your eyes!" He roared and jumped at the she-cat who had come to stand condescendingly in front of him. Only, one of his paws didn't make it off the ground in time, twisting with another and he missed entirely, falling short and landing on his face. Ouch.

(The enemy loner misses his attack on Six!
A new round of fighting begins!)
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Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 4 4

(Six misses her attack!)
HP: 10

The loner in front of her was ridiculous, but when he leaped at her, Six moved back quickly, out of his way and stumbled. She tried to lash out as she fell, though that added a lack of grace to her fall - flailing as she went down. As she scrambled to get a view of the loner, to see if he was close to attacking her, she found that she needn't have moved at all. He was pulling his muzzle out of the dirt and looking up at her with a vicious snarl through his teeth. She snorted her amusement, a smirk on her muzzle.

"Watch out, Wind Chaser," She said, amused sarcasm in her voice. "This guy's really scaaaaary." @NatiStorm
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Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 16 16
(Wind Chaser lands and attack for 5 damage! )
HP: 10

His heart sank as Six moved in front of him and closer towards the aggressive cat though he should have known. He wasn't the only one who had survived the wilds alone and it wasn't his place to ask Six not to protect herself. Still, seeing the mad loner jump at her sent a fire ablaze inside him. It didn't matter that their aggressor completely missed and fell in the dirt, they had still made a move to attack and Wind Chaser wasn't having it.

"Enough of this foolishness!" Wind Chaser hissed at his enemy. It was clear he wasn't nearly as amused as Six. To him, fighting was a very serious last resort interaction. He would never underestimate an opponent for one good hit is all it would take to bring plenty of misery to their lives.

"Scurry back to your den and let us pass!" He yowled as he lept forward, claws unsheathed, and slashed at the other loner. His claws raked against the cats forehead and ear.
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Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 13 13
The tomcat yowled when one of the cats attacked him. He felt blood dripping from the remains of a tattered ear and he lurched back, trying to raise a paw to it and recoiling when his paw came away bloody. His vision turned red - was that with anger or the blood spilling into his eyes. Blinking furiously, he looked between the tomcat and the she-cat. He had to get one hit in, to one of them!

Hearing the taunt of the she-cat, his eyes narrowed and he let out a fierce hiss.
"I'm no fool!" He spat at the tomcat. "You wish for me to run to my den, so that you can chase me down and claim it for yourselves!" He tossed up his head, droplets scattering onto his fur and then he did run, towards the she-cat who had made fun of him. If that tomcat wanted him to run, he would! Right at his companion - and then in the opposite direction. Surely they'd be too preoccupied with an injury among them to follow him, right?

As he passed the she-cat, he turned his open, snapping jaws and bit hard into her shoulder. He had to stop running to bite her in a way that would hurt, not just as a passing bite and run. Once he felt the give of flesh rendering away from itself, he released her and made to leave. "You should be scared," He growled to her. "Of cats you underestimate."

HP: 5

(The rogue hits Six for 5 damage!)
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Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 4 4
(Messed up on this post, disregard the dice roll attached!)

Battle Notice!

Your enemy is at half of their HP! You may now choose as a group whether you wish to proceed with this patrol and fight the loner until their demise, in which you run the risk of entering cats into a Death Raffle if their HP hits 0, but have the option of having any survivors be entered for patrol exclusive scars OR to chase off your enemy, which will ensure that no cat runs the risk of dying in this encounter.

Please vote below on whether you would like to continue the encounter at the risk of your cats' lives


you would prefer to chase off your enemy.

If one person chooses to chase off the enemy, that will be the decided option.​
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Stew Aficionado
The Enemy Loner has been chased off!

It has been decided that this loner will live another day. Thus, the combat section of this Encounter comes to an end.

Because the loner has been chased off rather than the patrol having continued to its bloody end, neither Wind Chaser nor Six are eligible for entry into the Scar Raffle.

When you are finished entering RP replies into this thread, please tag your Encounter as [ENCOUNTER-FIN]. Once your encounter has this header tag, you may not post any more in this thread.​


Stew Aficionado
Six had to admit, where she failed to get her claws into the cowardly loner, Wind Chaser surprised her. She blinked at his backside and her nose twitched at the scent of blood on his claws. So, he did have a spine. Maybe she could offer to groom that honey-brown pelt of his after they'd dealt with the loner before them.

Brought out of her revelry and imaginings when the loner started mewling about how he wasn't a fool, she was going to step out of the way when she saw him rushing off - only for the pesky loner to sink his crooked teeth into her shoulder. She jerked away from him, not even registering his words as her vision turned blurry with pain.

"Oh, you're dead! By the time I'm done with you, your corpse won't be fix for crows to eat! You'll rot with the worms, mouse-heart!" She snarled as she whirled around. She tried to put weight on the leg with her injured shoulder and felt it buckle underneath her, but she still had three working legs. Picking up her paw and shaking her head to clear her vision, she began to follow after the loner. "Your blood-scent is in my nose now. I'll follow you - you'll be gutted by evening!" She snarled. "Wind, help me - help me get after him. They cannot know that they had any affect on me, there can be no cat who thinks me weak because - because-" She was panting with effort as she half limped, half stumbled after the blood-marked trail the injured loner had left. It was going to be harder now that she was injured herself. Was she following the loners or her own?

If there are loose hairs, those hairs will turn into a hairball that would come back to choke her later. Any loose hair - any loner who attacked her that was left alive, would come back to finish the job. And now she had Wind with her - that was another vulnerability that she wasn't ready to admit. "Come on, we've got to finish what was started." @NatiStorm


Grizzled Veteran
Wind Chaser tried not to roll his eyes as the crazed loner. He thought they were after his den? What a miserable life this cat must live putting such value in possessions. Wind chaser would have offered up his own temporary den had the loner just been kind enough to converse with them. If only, but this cat had chosen violent. That was the way of things, some cats only spoke the language of the claw.

For a moment, Wind Chaser thought the fight was over, that the loner was finally coming to his senses and retreating. That was until it bit down on Six's shoulder. With a loud yowl he lunged forward. His jaw snapped at the loners tail as it fled. He waited a moment by Six's side watching the other cat race off.

The fight with the loner was over but Wind Chaser could see a different kind of battle ahead of him. His golden eyes locked on Six as she limped after the other loner, going on and on about killing them. How was he going to make her understand that wasn't the answer? There was a heavy feeling in his heart as he approached Six and moved to stand in front of her.

"We have finished, we've chased them off." He said gently though his expression was hard. "We're not killing anyone today, no more violence is needed. They are gone and we need to address your shoulder." As determined as he was to get through to her, Wind Chaser was more determined to keep her safe and her new wound clean.


Stew Aficionado
Six stared at Wind as he stepped in front of her. He was talking to her, trying to get her to stand down? She shook her head.
"He's still a threat! He'll come back, Wind, maybe with more cats and he'll kill us!" She didn't know if she wanted to sigh or to scream. "There are always enemies and if you don't cover your tracks and if you don't see it to the end, then they'll show you to your end. Maybe - maybe it's because you're a tomcat, I don't know." Great sky above, she knew that he was kind and maybe too naive for his own good, but this... "Wind - Wind Chaser, that cat is scared and scared cats don't just run. Especially now that he's seen I'm wounded. If we don't take the time to go after him now, it'll be so much worse. Please, please believe me. The world is full of enemies and they will never suddenly stop coming for me - for you - for us. No one enemy is ever really gone, the battle is never really finished. It's me or them. It's me or them." Six began to sway on her paws so she stepped forward and tried to push Wind Chaser back, but she just ended up leaning on his chest. Her head dropped to lean against his shoulder. Okay, fine, maybe she could take a short rest to see to her wound first. She didn't think she could go after anyone properly with her shoulder aching the way it was.

"It's me or them. It's me or..." Her body shifted and she rolled her legs so that she wouldn't twist anything on the way down, an automatic response honed from moons of falling down and learning to get back up again. "Just, gimme a minute or two. I'll be up in a minute or two." She panted. "Skies above, it stings." @NatiStorm


Grizzled Veteran
Wind Chaser could feel his heart breaking as Six continued to speak. He knew life had been different for her, that she had spent much more time on her own than he had, but to hear panic and desperation to take another's life after they had already fled... For the first time in a long time he felt at a loss for words.

"He's no longer a threat, Six." His voice was soft as he tried to calm and comfort her. "I got a good whiff of him when I scratched him, he did not smell of other cats. No one will be coming after us." It seemed like it was no use, his words weren't reaching her.

"Six," He started as he lowered himself with her fall. "It's not you or them anymore. I am here with you and we can protect each other. That tom is not after us, he's just protecting his home. Do you really think it's right to kill a cat for protecting what they care about when we were the ones intruding?" He paused to let her soak in the question but didn't wait long enough for her to answer. "No, death should be a last resort. We stumbled upon his territory and I drew first blood, an act that led to you getting hurt, and for that I apologize. This sort of miscommunication happens but it does not need to end in needless death. I will find us a place to sleep nearby and then, since it was my fault you were injured, I will help in caring for your wound. Once you feel well enough to travel again, we will leave this territory and that crazed tom behind."

Ever so gently, the golden tom wrapped himself and his tail around Six before inspecting her wound. "I know you've had it rough on your own, but if you'll trust in me, I promise to show you that things can be different." His words were almost a whisper as he began to clean around Six's wound.

Of course he knew the crazed tom would consider them enemies now and there was always a chance of running into him again and having another fight... but Wind Chaser liked to believe that if left alone and unprovoked, the other tom posed no actual threat. Only time would tell if he or Six was right about the actions of a cat they didn't know.


Stew Aficionado
Six wasn't convinced, but she was so rattled in that moment that she wasn't sure what there could have been to make her feel at ease. Her energy flagging now that the threat was far out of sight and that all she could see was Wind Chaser's golden tabby fur around her, she let out a weary sigh.

"I trust you not to hurt me, Wind, but... I wish that you would believe me, when I tell you how dangerous the world we live in is. I wish you could count on my knowledge and not just rely on your own experience to guide you, but..." She shook her head. "I'm too tired to discuss this any further. Let's get my wound clean and then keep moving once it's started to scab over." She sighed and lay her head down at her paws. Skies above, was her energy seeping out of her with her blood? Eugh. @NatiStorm

(with that, this Encounter is wrapped up for posting!)