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Warriors: Cats of the Sun

[ENCOUNTER] Sister Squabbles (Generosity/Kindness)


Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d6 6 6
Number Rolled: #6 Hunting Encounter (roll 1d20 - on a 14 or higher you catch your prey!)


Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 19 19

(Generosity rolled a 19! She catches her prey for this encounter!)

Generosity didn't hate her parents, but at a certain age, they started really getting on her case about needing to 'hunt for herself' and to 'stop eating all of my prey' and 'if you're going to eat twice your weight, you need to catch that much prey' and honestly? She did NOT need that kind of negativity in her life. Sure, she'd grown up in a happy family, but there were so many siblings in her litter that she felt like she had to compete for everything: for attention, for a warm nest, for food, for more food, for even more food... What?! She knew what she liked and besides, no matter how much she ate, very rarely did she ever feel like she was full. She'd been cursed, she was certain, but her parents seemed to think that it was just greed driving her. She saw her mother's exchanged looks with her father. But come on, it wasn't like her parents were perfect either!

Her mom had some obsession about never going up the mountain. Generosity was pretty sure that if she ever went up the mountain that she would be disowned from the family. Ironically, that made her want to go up the mountain all the more. Why her mom was so threatened by the presence of a tall rock was beyond her. Her sisters were bundles of chaos when they were young and now that everyone was grown, she could barely stand to be around them. Generosity had never intended to have a mate herself- because her parents didn't exactly make matehood look appealing, but she did know that if she stuck with her family and with her sisters, she'd have them to compete for any handsome tomcat that walked by.

There was one sister, however, that she could stand to be around. Kindness, her floppy-eared, grumpy lump of a sister, was sarcastic and mean and fun. Gen enjoyed spending time with her when they were younger. While they were almost always at odds, there were a few precious memories that Gen had, where she and Kindness would gang up on their other sisters, making snarky quips at their expenses or rolling their eyes in sync with one another (or so they heard, they were too busy rolling their eyes to see each other doing it.)

So, when Generosity decided to split (no pun intended, geez! get off her case!) from the family, she begrudgingly sucked up her pride and had a moment of vulnerability with her buttface sister, Kindness. Nearly immediately, Gen had regretted extending the offer, but much to her surprise, Kindness had been ready to go the following evening, when Generosity had informed her that she'd be sneaking away from their family, in search of something better. Because honestly? Anything had to be better than what they were currently living with.

And so they were out on the road! On the literal road - because they were walking along the old thunderpath, long since broken up and faded. They'd been traveling for a couple moons by now and 'something better' had yet to show itself. A fat rabbit swung from Generosity's maw as she walked and she growled something fierce any time Kindness looked at it. At last, she sat the rabbit down and then sat right on top of it, smearing her scent on the prey. There - now it was all hers, without a doubt. Looking over to Kindness, the thought of her rabbit momentarily left her.

"Suppose we could go up the mountain and really piss them all off." She suggested. "It can't be that far to travel." @NatiStorm
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Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 13 13

(So close, but Kindness does not catch her prey for this encounter!)

Of course she'd never admit it to anyone, sometimes not even herself, but Kindness had been thrilled when her sister Generosity had suggested they leave their family behind in search of a better life. Anything was better than being surrounded by her family, yet Kindness hated being alone so traveling with just Gen was the perfect idea. In theory at least. She had almost forgotten she was traveling with her greediest sister until this morning when her prey had narrowly escaped her claws. Though Generosity had caught enough for both of them, Kindness knew without a doubt she wouldn't be eating anytime soon.

Kindness didn't even try to hide her eye roll as her sister once again growled at her for merely glancing at the rabbit. It wasn't her fault that the constant movement from the dangling creature caught her eye. Gen was absolutely intolerable when she was guarding her food. It was more tolerable than being around the rest of her sisters and parents but completely intolerable at the same time. Why couldn't Gen just hurry up and eat the stupid thing and stop taunting-- wait, was she marking it?

With a shake of her head Kindness gave another exasperated eye roll before Gen posed her question. A small smile appeared on her maw. This, this was why she liked being around Generosity. She could always trust Gen to start trouble with her. "I knew there was a reason I agreed to come along. What do you think is there that Smoke hates so much?" Kindness had her own suspicions but her mother had never actually told her why to avoid the mountains.
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Stew Aficionado
Generosity's shoulders went up in a shrug.
"I dunno." She mewed out of reflex, but then as she thought about it, she grinned in a conspiratorial way. "Maaaaybe she has a secret lover up on the mountain. A whole hidden family at the very tippy top of the cliffs, a litter or two of kits and a handsome tomcat who's moping around and waiting for her to come back to him. She doesn't want us going up there, because we'd reveal that she was two-timing the mountain cat and Split this whole time." She waited a moment and then burst into a fit of laughter. "I'm joking, obviously. No other tom could possibly stand all of Smoke's nagging demands. I don't know why Split puts up with it either, honestly. You'd think that he's indebted to her, with how he seems to go along with everything she mews." She rolled her eyes.

It was no secret that Split was her favorite parent between the two of them, but her father had quickly established himself to her as somewhat spineless. Which would've been fine, if Generosity was the one who was able to boss him around, but no, Smoke seemed to have that power over him. What a shame.

"What about you, what's your theory?" She asked as she finally began to settle down and pluck the rabbit's fur away from its body. Ugh, there was so much of it! And it always stuck to her claws and teeth. "Blegh, rabbits would be a lot better if they were hairless, pblttthhh!" She said, trying to blow her tongue out and remove the fur that was already starting to clump there.