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Warriors: Cats of the Sun

[ENCOUNTER] (Six/Wind Chaser)


Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d6 1 1
Number Rolled: #1 Battle Encounter (Loose Dog)

Wind Chaser (Loner)
HP: 10
Damage: 5 per hit
To Hit: 12+

Six (Loner)
HP: 10
Damage: 5 per hit
To Hit: 12+


Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 13 13

(Six hits the dog for 5 points of damage!)

Despite her paranoia over the loner tomcat they'd faced in their travels, the tomcat hadn't returned to attack her. She looked over her shoulder many times throughout the first few days, but now, a moon later, she was at last beginning to let her guard down. Which was, of course, when trouble found her again.

The Twoleg Ruins were a good source of shelter from the poor weather and sometimes even, you could find a soft bed in the cushions scooped out of a Twoleg monster, long since dead and abandoned in the ruins they'd left behind. There was one monster she had in mind that was shoved up against a tree, nose first. It's soft cushion guts were comfortable and it had a roof above that was plenty shelter from the rain that came with new-leaf. Unfortunately, it was commonplace to have to scare off enemy loners from her favorite sleeping spots, but she was so determined to show off for Wind Chaser.

She wanted to prove that she was a capable companion. She hated that she'd gotten hurt in the scrap with the loner and she felt the desperate need to show Wind Chaser that she could best any other enemy that come across her. She'd been striding towards the crushed monster, swaying from one side to the other in her confidence. She didn't scent any other cats nearby, but when she arrived at the entrance of the dead monster, she felt a true, living monster snarling at her from inside. There was a dog staring her down and she froze, still as could be. She'd had her muscles bunched, ready to jump into the monster when she thought it was empty, but now...

Oh, he's never going to trust me after this. He'll treat me like a kit for the rest of our travels unless I prove myself now! She thought and she turned her head to Wind Chaser.

"Run!" She yelled at him, before turning away and leaping at the dog's face, claws extended. @NatiStorm
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Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 14 14

(Wind Chaser hits the dog for 5 points of damage!)

Lost in thought, Wind Chaser followed a few steps behind his traveling companion, Six. It had been a full moon cycle since the she-cat had gotten injured during their run in with an aggressive loner and though her wound was looking much better, the whole encounter still weighed heavily on Wind Chaser's mind. The scene played in his mind, over and over again, what he said, what he did, as if on a constant loop in his subconscious.

Questions he had never had to deal with before seemed to pull his thoughts in every direction. The rock hard resolve he once had in his beliefs was weakened and he pondered endlessly over what was right and what was wrong. His mind was becoming so noisy and bothered that he was finding it difficult to enjoy a pretty day. Wind Chaser was grateful that Six had chosen to lead the way to one of her old resting spots as it offered him more time to process his thoughts. Six had mentioned the possibility of chasing off others from the resting spot and Wind Chaser was going over different scenarios in his head when he noticed his traveling companion had stilled.

He paused, opened his mouth to speak, and was hit with the odor of dog. It happened so fast he didn't have time to stop her. True fear rippled through him causing his fur to stand on end. Of course she would leap head first into a monster with a dog in it, it would have been amusing had he not been so scared. With a low growl he cleared his mind for the first time in weeks. Unlike the loner, he had no reservations about killing a dog. Wind Chaser let out a yowl as he jumped into the monster to lash at the dog with Six. "No," He said in reference to running, throwing a glance at Six. "Together."

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Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 4 4
Battle Notice!

One or more of the cats in this patrol is at half their HP or lower! You may now choose as a group whether you wish to proceed with this patrol and fight the dog until its demise, in which you run the risk of entering cats into a Death Raffle if their HP hits 0, but have the option of having any survivors be entered for patrol exclusive scars OR to chase off your enemy, which will ensure that no cat runs the risk of dying in this patrol.

Please vote below on whether you would like to continue the patrol at the risk of your cats


you would prefer to chase off your enemy.

If one person chooses to chase off the enemy, that will be the decided option.​


Stew Aficionado
The Enemy Loose Dog has been chased off!

It has been decided that this dog will live another day and it's suspected that these two cats were better off for this decision. Thus, the combat section of this Encounter comes to an end.

Because the loose dog has left this encounter rather than the patrol having continued to its bloody end, neither Wind Chaser nor Six are eligible for entry into the Scar Raffle.

When you are finished entering RP replies into this thread, please tag your Encounter as [ENCOUNTER-FIN]. Once your encounter has this header tag, you may not post any more in this thread.​